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Everything posted by Asakusa

  1. Asakusa

    here's mine http://twitter.com/#!/Adel_Skies I'm not very active since I'm still learning how to use it
  2. Asakusa

    BRO! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! the best wishes for you, chianti
  3. Asakusa

    this is awesome news!
  4. omg guys, thank you! really, thank you! @chianti: wow bro, seriously, thanks a lot! that was an awesome recommendation list with so many details. I'm forever grateful for that, you helped me a lot! from that list I've already watched The Exorcist, The hills have eyes, A tale of two sisters and the eye (never wanted to watch the american ver. actually since almost all the remakes of asian movies are utterly bad). I have Ruma Dara in my laptop since like ages but I still don't watch it The Forbidden Door got my attention big time, thanks pal @Jigsaw9: already watched those except for Martyrs... I heard about it in a party I went too, the dude was like "no words" about it but I didn't take it seriously (maybe because the alcohol? lol) thanks dude, Martyrs got my attention too. @Jordan: is it really THAT good? every friend of mine was like "omg this movie! omg!" but some reviews/critics I read said that it wasn't that awesome... well, it's all about tastes I think. Gonna give it a chance, thanks furik.
  5. omg Zess I love you for this! I'm a hardcore fan/lover of everything related to zombies. on topic: suicide won't be an option for me. my backpack with provisions and medical kits. some pretty badass irons from my courtyard. making my way through the center of my city. find the armery. 2 revolvers, 1 shotgun, their respective bullets. and survive killing these fuckers. now trying to contact my MH fellows. really, if the world comes to an end... the Zombie Apocalypse, please!
  6. Ok, guys I seriously need your help here, I'll explain: Me and some very good friends are planning an awesome horror movie marathon, and my pals are... how to put it? like a lot more normal than me? that means they started to talk about THE RING or SAW, and those movies aren't that scary for me anymore. So, the thing is everyone of us has to arrive with the most awesome horror movie you've seen. Ok, I want to show them something amazingly scary like omgican'tsleepanymore/idon'tfeelpeaceinmylife (ok, that's too much but you get the idea). One of the first ones that came to my mind was SHUTTER but I believe there's a lot more scary ones out there. Please guys, some help, suggestions, recommendations? thanks in advance!
  7. Asakusa

    I'm already pumped!
  8. Asakusa

    That would just be BAD. terribly bad.
  9. Asakusa

  10. Asakusa

    played each time only over PA and stuff.. but still. not the Instrumental-We'reLeavingTheStage-Vanitas. I mean the actual song.
  11. Asakusa

    you know, I think VANITAS could be a perfect ending for their shows.
  12. Asakusa

    oh, I see now bro
  13. Asakusa

    don't want to be an asshole or anything but didn't LUNA SEA already did that thing with their first album? I mean... it was freaking awesome so how this could be sad?
  14. Asakusa

    finally someone that understand my feelings about this single. I know the bands aren't related at all but after listening to TOXIC (like a lot) Reverse was like... wtf? the bonus track for TOXIC? (don't try to argue about that, it's stupid and it's just me.) and about the vocals... Asagi like? idk
  15. Asakusa

    stupidest post of the year no. your posts quoting another posts that you find stupid are the ones that are really stupid.
  16. Asakusa

    OMG OMG OMG!!!
  17. Asakusa

    ... everyone is free and have the right to do whatever they want but... fuck I feel dissapointed with this why, GD?
  18. Asakusa

    here you go Fail Emotions cdxrD23z8UY Abandon All Ships CDgbYF48UPw Attack Attack! OG-RNq7oRUM Woe, Is Me UhQUyeQf01Q The Browning Y1zw2MLFGIM&feature=relmfu
  19. Asakusa

    First band that came to my mind when I read the title: DELUHI
  20. oh shit! No! I mean, get better soon cos your band is awesome D:
  21. Asakusa

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