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Everything posted by Asakusa

  1. Asakusa

    Symphonic versions!? omg omg omg omg omg!
  2. is this project based on the manga of the same name?
  3. Asakusa

    giving some help like champ already did Tokage, I was in search of bands of that style not so long ago since I fell in love with tsumi to kisei and warsaw no gensou (deg ver.) I introduce you one of my favorites: DARK CASTLE lB-_gASCQco rZXYsNMqsrU& another band I'd like to recommend you is Mastodon they're not that "tsumi to kisei-ish" style but it has a DUM SPIRO SPERO feel in the music. W3HVLyI-t3E& I hope you enjoy these awesome bands as much as I do, bro.
  4. Asakusa

    mister svperstar cos he got the celebritarians by his side (plus he is the antichrist )
  5. Asakusa

    148,000,000 results 29,200,000 pics
  6. Asakusa

    girugamesh XD
  7. Asakusa

    what was on those pics? D:
  8. Asakusa

    why I cannot see them D:
  9. Asakusa

    as you said. we don't want to start throwing "shit" IN the shitstorm because it'd get out of hand MAYBE. God, yesterday I posted the first two red color posts ever and everyone is complaining. please. I gave him this "careful." BEFORE the shitstorm starts. Now that you understand why I did it, thank you.
  10. you are just like everyone else and you do the same as them? oh yes, you are so important in my life. I'm a a stalker who watch every post you do and I dream about you. pff, please.
  11. I'm not playing your little game, kid. Just don't be bitching about almost everything or posting stuff that's irelevant. You know there's people (new to the scene or new users) that takes stuff like something personal and then the shitstorm begins. You are smart enough to understand that, don't you? Yeah, internet is a place of "freedom" and you can do whatever you want but this is a forum and there are rules. So mind your doing or the next time I'm not gonna be the one giving you a warning.
  12. sug on this topic. pretty clever.
  13. Asakusa

    omg happy birthday D.L.S
  14. yeah, keep it on topic like that, go on.
  15. Asakusa

    woah! this one is actually good.
  16. Asakusa

    this! fucking this!!
  17. Asakusa

    omg this is awesome!!
  18. Asakusa

    that's something I can't understand... people hate the way girugamesh and mucc are taking (pop-ish) and people hate the way dir en grey is taking (harder stuff) what do you people actually like!? I don't understand...
  19. Asakusa

    kanbi na shigai is simply beautiful in every aspect.
  20. Asakusa

    LOL Awoi's under a skin = Dir en grey's Reiketsu Nariseba lololololol
  21. Asakusa

    me, currently:
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