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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Zeus

    It's usually something I either talk myself out of or just ride out until I feel better which could be anywhere between a few minutes or days
  2. Zeus

  3. Zeus

    Yes I would like to know which position to assume
  4. Zeus

    bioplar depression which is it?
  5. Zeus

    So what is it called when your mood goes from happy to legit pissed in 0.5 seconds for no reason?
  6. Zeus

    I still bang these guys pretty frequently. It's hard to think that they're gone. TBH their disbandment hit me almost as hard as ReS looking back at it.
  7. Zeus

    Yeah like many others have said I don't expect much from what remains of Jupiter. One band is stressful enough but two that do the same style of music is overkill. If Jupiter was a different genre I could see the need for hizaki to juggle 2 projects to fill his creative needs. But they aren't, so I'm happy to see Jupiter either fade out or find their own niche. Feel bad for ZIN though. I hope he knows 90% of our ragging on him is jokes and that he was put into a position that he could never measure up to. I'd like to see him in a band that can cover his flaws and boost his strengths.
  8. three new banners y'all can you spot em?

    1. Alkaloid


      I saw Plastic Tree!!!

    2. Chi


      ok i just saw despa lol

    3. Zeus


      you found them all!

    4. Show next comments  63 more
  9. You never really will you just learn to live with it
  10. Zeus

    It's because it doesn't affect them and they don't have the brain capacity to take two seconds out of their day and put themselves in someone else's shoes. Call them a bunch of slags or whores and watch how fast they "get it".
  11. Zeus

    Just as a reminder to all, link monetizers are not allowed on MH. Feel free to use them outside of here if it helps you avoid issues.
  12. Here's the original text in case ryuusei ever gets wet feet and deletes the blog entry
  13. "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down" I believe this is the perfect application of that observation to a real situation, both in how everything built up into this shit storm and how poorly the band members are handing this. From my comfortable armchair, it looks like this miscommunication between Ryuusei and the rest of Kyogetsu is an ongoing thing, probably because Ryuusei gives no fucks anymore and the rest of the band doesn't want to be black balled by next week for speaking their minds. It should not be a shock to anyone that yen lubes the scene. deadman, one of the most revered bands by """NET0GYA""" the world over, called it quits because they didn't have enough money to continue. Plenty of other bands threaten disbandment like a manipulative, suicidal lover. Unverified sources have churned out lazy, drama generating articles about how exploitative the scene is for years. But this, this is gold, because it comes from the mouth of a visual kei band man. We should do our part to save the post about just how expensive it is for a visual kei band to make it these days. At least, it gives me an appreciation for those vk bands that give it their all no matter the outcome, because I can quantify monetary costs instead of effort or dedication, both invisible things that can't be measured well. This also is an interesting insight into the psychology of the Japanese. In America, if an article like this was sensationalized, we'd run with it demanding changes to some or all of the injustices faced by the band. Ryuusei would be a notable figure for stopping the visual kei exploitation. In Japan, he's a nuisance that removed a lot of the sparkle and splendor from a mysterious scene and thus needs to learn a lesson. Shit's cray yo.
  14. I ran through it very quickly and the first half is him talking about how the finances typically break down for a visual kei band and why Kyogetsu can't continue on like this after three years. Will read the rest later.
  15. just changed around the featured clubs list. go join some clubs peeps :)

  16. This jumped into my head the other day as I was walking home and it was so perfect I had to throw in on for old times sake. As an album I don't think 13s reborn's production aged well but this song is still bad ass as fuck . If they ever did a proper re-recording album this should be on it.
  17. Zeus

    Is your name D'espairsRay influenced?
  18. Tracklist: 1. Massive Passive 2. 色彩 (Album Ver.) 3. ハレルヤ 4. End of Refrain 5. Loop 6.たりない 7. さよならワルツ 8. Q and A (Album Ver.) 9. 失う 10. Ego-izm 11. Reset 12. Self | Ambivalence in its purest form siraph may have the soul, but la la larks has the voice, and as long as Yumi Uchimura can sing I feel obligated to sample whatever project she is in. Culture Vulture is the debut album half a decade in the making - la la larks emerged from the ashes of school food punishment in 2012 - and this is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, I've matured enough to appreciate la la larks for what it is instead of what it is not. On the other hand, if an album takes five years to make, I expect a damn good album. la la larks isn't the only band on the block anymore, and competition breeds incentive, so the only expectation I had was that they would give it their all. Listening to Culture Vulture is ambivalence in its purest form. I want to rip la la larks for releasing such little music for the last five years, but I also want to dig into them for having released half of Culture Vulture already. It's two shakes away from falling into the Chinese Democracy category, lacking the feeling of having been toyed with for too long, but already I feel like I've heard this years ago. It is a great album, engineered to perfection, and the experience only intensifies with great audio equipment, but the recipe may as well be printed on the back. I raved about "ego-izm" when it was released as a single, but every other track in that vein feels like an alternate, less effective take. Things get good when la la larks unshackle themselves from their oppressive, self-imposed pop constraints for the tracks such as "loop" or the jazzy ballad "たりない", which have grown to be two of my favorites. It's the biggest indication that there's more to this band than pop songs that would double as juicy anime cash-ins, but they hardly ever show it. Perhaps I haven't changed after all and just want Yumi to throw me a bone. Her voice over dissonant noise and reverb is addictive, and we get close with the deceptive opening of the last track "Self", but close is not enough. Culture Vulture could have taken more risks and been more unpredictable. I'm looking for a figurative wink and nod towards the darker, more contemplative moments similar to sfp's "loop, share", "deviswitch", or even la la larks' "earworm"! It would have done wonders to invigorate my interest. I like it, but I wonder how much of that was engineered and how much of it is my honest opinion. In chasing the goal of creating their perfect pop album, la la larks gives us no indication of how close they are to the apex of their sound. I can clearly hear the talent in every member, but no one does anything that wows me musically. The album never reaches critical mass or picks up a pace faster than a jog, and that turns the tail end of this journey into a slog. When their direct competition made it a point to make a statement with their first release, I'm left disappointed that it took so long to create an album that left such an underwhelming impact. But what did you really expect when you crystallize school food punishment's two eras into two bands and pit them against each other? Support the band! CDJapan | iTunes
  19. Zeus

    At least YOSHIKI has an amazing sense of humor, I'll give him that. That video was hilarious and they could barely keep their composure. 10/10 maybe YOSHIKI should think about being a comedian if music isn't working out for him.
  20. Zeus

    I hope that girl had her receipts so she can get her money back. That's just sad. Someone needs to audit their systems code to look for bugs because stuff like that is not normal.
  21. Zeus

    Is there anybody alive for Cersei to do that thing with?
  22. Zeus

    I half want to blame George RR Martin for this, and I half want to blame D&D for this. We know Martin is a slow writer but D&D have known how the story was going to end for some time now and they could have polished up some rough parts of the scripts. I would have done it for free! I mind the plot and the story line less than how fast everything moves. Of course time passage is implied but what Game of Thrones did so well in the past seasons was to fill the time going from point A to point B with banter and witty dialog and exposition that brought the characters to life. I don't think this season was disappointing. Far from it, even though I was able to predict everything that's gone down. If anyone read the books, devoured theories, and paid close attention to the show they could have done it too. I think predictability is a good thing this late in the show - trying to surprise me with late-game twists and turns ends up with the show losing sight of the end game because they're trying to hide it from the viewers too. Real talk, if the show wasn't predictable we'd have a problem because that means I can't envision how it's going to get to the end...and that's the problem Martin is facing writing the books now. He expanded the books so far even in book five that to contract the story, tie up all loose ends, and come to a satisfying conclusion he's going to need three books...sorta how like we unanimously feel like we could have used more this season or more seasons in general. Just some thoughts I had bouncing around in my head here I totes agree with you. That's because there was less maneuvering characters from place to place and more actually getting on with the fucking plot. Everything we have been waiting for all season happened in this episode and it unfolded so naturally because I feel these were most of the big points Martin told D&D to hit and so it feels more like him and less like them trying to fill gaps. That's that lack of direwolf budget for ya.
  23. Zeus

    Yes. Bias is in full force for me and I'm too tired to try to explain why.
  24. Zeus

    I will allow this
  25. Zeus

    I love having internet friends but I dread the inevitable day when they pass. I dread the other inevitable day when I find out. There are a lot of people who I have only met through the Internet that have shaped my life and they could pass on and I may never know. I just might see their tag and an indication that they haven't logged on in a long time...
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