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Everything posted by Zeus

  1. Zeus

    I don't, but I do vaguely remember them releasing cassette demos with this track as a B-side, so it's not out of the question. Also to take this in the other direction there's a release by La:Sadie's, ・・・残サレタ記憶ノ物語・・・ (Nokosareta Kioku no Monogatari), which was commonly believed to be a demo tape with one track of the same name. It's actually just a repressing of ・・・生命ノ罪・・・(Seimei no Tsumi).
  2. Zeus

    A few more to add to the pile: Visual kei band THE EIGHT were fond of making their releases really hard to get, so there are a lot of live-distributed songs that never got circulated (or circulated very well). Some of the songs I'm referring to (which I have in crap quality and have never seen more than one copy of) are: saraba kimi yo hissatsu eight kiri no future of the sorrow <- this one in particular sounds like garbage Zouo (not even sure if this single exists) 倖福だった日々 (live only version released on a single) Then his following band BLACK:LIST had a few songs that never saw proper release. The one I know the most of is "Barkin Darkest Luv".
  3. Zeus

    Long shot actually, but did you ever try putting those CDs through Exact Audio Copy? Sometimes that program can strip names from metadata burnt on the CD but ofc there's no guarantee that there's any metadata there worth grabbing.
  4. Zeus

    Dir en grey has a ballad called "Ai Murasaki Iro" which has never been properly released and hasn't been played live in years. As far as I know, "Ai murasaki iro" was only played on the following live shows: Shibuya Public Hall on 1998.05.05 Nakano Sun Plaza on 1998.08.04 Kumagaya VOGUE on 1998.10.09 Nippon Budokan Hall on 1998.11.02 Here's some sources from the OHP showing this song does exist: http://direngrey.co.jp/special/arche2016/gallery_007.html There is also something called "NS1" not sure what that is. After digging around for a bit I found another Dir en grey song I've never heard of called "Setsuna", which is not the same thing as La:Sadie's "Setsudan". It could also be an early version of "tsumi to batsu" that's been floating around the net for years. 1997.05.31 at 難波ROCKETS 1997.06.27 at 宗右衛門町 COWBOY WORLD 1997.08.07 at 新宿 LOFT 1997.08.08 at 新宿 LOFT 1997.09.15 at 目黒鹿鳴館 1997.10.28 at 渋谷 ON AIR WEST 1998.02.21 at 博多DRUM Be-1
  5. Zeus

    Destiny 2 for PC has me by the balls
  6. Zeus

    That set list is unreal. They could make a BEST-OF out of that and I wouldn't be mad.
  7. Zeus

    There goes one of the only visual kei acts I was following...honestly losing promising groups like this is why I fell out of visual kei.
  8. Zeus

    I'd like to take YOSHIKI's quote and add my own context. This is the key. Visual kei was born out of Japan by those who felt like they didn't fit in anywhere in Japan. YOSHIKI isn't going to say that visual kei can't exist world wide because that's not good for his bottom line, but there's a very good reason why it hasn't taken off outside Japan. It has less to do with looks, singing capability, or chosen musical direction, and more to do with anti-conformity and rebelliousness within and against a homogeneous society. No other country faces the same mix of societal pressures and obligations the way the Japanese do, and as these pressures change over time visual kei changes over time too. This is in contrast to musicians from Western countries who want to emulate the style and look to their favorite and popular artists first. It's the difference between taking a picture, and taking a picture of that picture, and taking a picture of that picture. The farther away one gets away from the source and the conditions that cause that source, the less authentic the final product is. I fully agree with this. So many bands follow trends because it's the thing to do, but at some point a trend started as a unique idea. Much as I expect musicians to look within themselves and put their feelings into music, I expect inspiring Western visual kei musicians to do the same thing with their looks. The looks are supposed to be an expression of how one feels, not a style of the decade to phone in and gain legitimacy. I do think Western visual kei is a thing that can happen but the form it would assume would be so different we wouldn't even recognize it by looks alone. My ideal Western visual kei band would be identifiable with the sound alone. We would hear them and just know where those influences came from instead of the "lol i like visual kei and pocky" archetype that usually translates over first. I'm done ranting.
  9. Zeus

    Just call it quits and release an EP pls
  10. Zeus

    That's true. Somehow I'm still here.
  11. Unbelievable...none of these conditions are common
  12. Zeus

    Has this been successful at all?
  13. Should work with iTunes 12.7 https://getsatisfaction.com/lastfm/topics/itunes-12-7-windows-the-last-fm-scrobbler-plugin
  14. Zeus

    I'm going to buck the trend in this topic and say I do! But not right now. I never thought to ask my girlfriend if she wanted kids, partially because I didn't want them now either and partially because I just expected her to. The latter part sounds messed up, but I can't do it alone. If I could, this would be a totally different conversation. It's always been "we'll cross that bridge when we get to it", but bridges are euphemisms for problems so at some level, I view childbearing as a problem too. So I guess I fit in here enough to ramble for a bit longer. The reasons I have for that aren't unique. I'm depressed and probably have an undiagnosed mental illness I'd pass on to my children. The world sucks. I don't want to wake up one day and hear the news that my child was killed for being black. I like video games too much. I'd have to be responsible with my weed usage. I like having money for things instead of money for diapers and formula. My opinions on most of these things may change with time and that's why I can't say no. @The Bread Wolf, maybe the doctors are approaching your problem the way I approach mine and are just deciding for you that in the future you may change your mind and so they don't want to do an invasive procedure now. That's fucked. But as you said, people have far more invasive surgeries for less developed reasons, so the docs should just respect your wishes. And if passing on your genetics isn't of importance to you, you can always adopt or raise fur babies if you change your mind. I believe one can fulfill the need to be a caretaker without having to have babies. I don't think the concept of not wanting to have kids is unusual. Starting with the toll it takes on the woman's body, coming to the realization that birth is really just the beginning, and then shouldering the responsibility of having to raise another human being is a lot. My friend is having a(n unplanned) child and when he told me, it hit me. I started thinking about all the things I'd have to do and how much my life would change, and it was a daunting realization. I can't imagine the thoughts that go through a woman's head, but one thought that won't leave my head is how lucky I am that I won't ever have to push a cantaloupe out of my pelvis. Maybe the cognitive burden would be less if women didn't feel forced into having a baby (but I'd blame biology before society on that one). If you can come to that realization now, and determine your life is better without a kid than with a kid now and into the immediate future, than more power to you! On a more global note, I think our generation not wanting to procreate en masse isn't a bad thing. We don't have the resources to sustain our current population as is; the last thing we need to do is double it. Honestly, the only argument I have for you having kids is to power the next generation of visual kei fans. Get them while they're young, I always say.
  15. closing the trade-off in a few hours sign up if you're still interested!

  16. Zeus

    Interesting! I wonder why they left. If there's one band I think could really benefit from this change it'd be ALSDEAD. Previews sound aight.
  17. The compositions if anything were a hair down from what I expected. It sounded like the album was made to fulfill quotas and the magic and spark the band was known for wasn't as bright. Not bad albums, but nothing I would consider their best.
  18. Mostly Chimimouryou and Kongo Kyuubi lol! I thought the former was a snooze and the latter good, but could have been much more than it was. Kishibojin was the beginning of a new era for them in my mind since that's when I felt they found inspiration again. They're not going to return to that mystical, eerie sound of the early 2000s that I adore and can't find in any other band, but their new heavy metal tendencies are awesome.
  19. i may have fallen for the gallo <3

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      *yodels about promiscuity*

  20. Zeus

    I can list B-sides all day! B-sides are where most of their magic lies for me tbh. Crucify Sorrow is a classic. Should be a single on it's own quite frankly. Every GazettE fan should hear it just once. I wish the mastering on 紅蓮 single wasn't so bad, because 暪し, 虚無の終わり 箱詰めの黙 is a seriously baller song let down by its shit production. Love it anyway. 千鶴 is most well-known and almost shouldn't even count, but Defective Tragedy is the true winner for that single. For something old, 関東土下座組合!!!! totally love the wacky vibe I get from it. For something new, GODDESS!
  21. Zeus

    It's crazy to think that they've never suspended activities before. Take this break boiz you need it.
  22. Now that's a loaded question! Haha! I'll start by admitting I haven't listened to all of their albums. I don't even have all of their albums, though I am tracking them down slowly but surely. The earliest ones can be the trickiest to get my hands on. Unlike many other bands, I got into them with their 2006 compilation album. I didn't really know what was "new" and what was "old" when I was listening, and the first track I ever heard was "Manji" because I recognized the symbol so I decided to start there. My favorite album by them has to be 2007's "Maoutaiten", although I think that this album surpasses that just slightly. I hear a lot of praise for Garyotensei but that album doesn't do too much for me I think a lot of the hype has to do with the anime tie-in and the 20 minute 3-part epic near the end that they never tried before. With rose-tinted glasses I can confidently say they do the epic saga better in later albums. Some of their albums around the turn of 00's weren't that great either but even at their worst Onmyo is 70%.
  23. I always thought that was Last.fm's job! But in all seriousness, this is something that crosses my mind often. We have difficulty as a scene pinning down our roots because a lot of that information has been lost to time. There are probably all types of cheki, casettes, and photo shoots from the late 80s and early 90s that have never been converted digitally. It's important to catalog our history for the sake of fans yet to be, and my first thought for how this would be done is Last.fm. But from using the internet, I know that nothing is permanent. The biggest websites could be here today, gone tomorrow. I don't use it anymore but I don't know of a better music encyclopedia than Last.fm. I've never been the type to care about visuals alone. It's the melding of visuals and audio that makes visual kei what it is for me. The closest I get to cataloging anything is putting album artwork on things in iTunes and I've fallen off that wagon too. So, I have nothing to contribute to this endeavor. But I like reading so many people are still invested in the scene and their favorite bands, and I can guarantee you one day in the future you will be glad you saved all those pictures. Keep preserving history everyone!
  24. Zeus

    So back to making this topic about me for a second...anyone know the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia?
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