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The Bread Wolf

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Posts posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. I got a 5. Wowzers. Does this mean I have a low self-esteem or what? I might, though.


    My biggest high point was "exhibitionism", and no, that does not mean I like to show myself naked in public. Apparently it just means I like to be the centre of attention. :D Which is true. I'm even scared of being not the centre of attention. Even from my significant other (I'm looking at you, Pandapups) I require a lot of attention, and I often require ALL OF IT. I'm a needy bitch.


    I also had a point in authority and superiority. One point each. Huh.

  2. I agree with @Senedjem. There are indeed some important questions to be answered. Otherwise this will just be humankind playing god. And that ain't right.


    First off, can it finally recharge my phone? I've heard I could recharge my phone if I put it in a microwave for 30 seconds but apparently my phone's battery just blew up. So can I recharge it with this new microwave? Also, will it fix my phone from what the previous microwave caused? That's important. I need to know this.

  3. Hey, hold on now. Calm yer tits, everyone. 



    In terms of animation, good point in that no harm done on a child. Obviously you can't stop anybody's thoughts but still, I don't how fucking/sexualizing a child is ok for people at all.

    Okay now, I don't understand people with scat fetish or sweat fetish or even fucking foot fetish, or even a fetish for god damn my little ponies. But it's not my place to say what is an alright form of sexuality and what is fucked up. Generally, any fetish is fucked up, really. You shouldn't have any. But who of us doesn't? My opinion is that ANYTHING is fine as long as it's fiction.


    Are you moralizing furry fetishist as well? Because god damn I'd find it sick to fuck a dog. Yet there's furry porn and I don't think it's wrong at all. I don't think it "sexualizes" animals. I don't think it increases the amount of zoophiles out there. If someone can suppress their sexual frustration towards little girls by reading lolicon, hell, let him keep it! I'd rather have creepy guys read fictional child porn than search for more "alive" material, like other people's kids on a beach photos, or worse, start acting upon their urges. That's what I imagine would happen in Japan if lolicon was banned. People wouldn't be just like "Oh well now I realize what I was doing wrong all along. I now lack a fetish for little girls. Praise Jesus." Do you see that happen? Really? Do you?


    Yes, I think child molesters and confined paedophile should be fucking castrated, but unless they've done something to a child, or at least seriously considered doing something to a child, I've nothing against them and neither should you. Different people like different things and have different urges. A good person is determined by knowing which of them is okay to act upon. 

  4. And what is the hype for Kiryu? A lot of their music sounds the same to me and their singers voice is kind of annoying at times.


    I second this. I've never gotten the hype over Kiryu. Can someone explain this? I was so surprised to see a preview of a live DVD of theirs and to see so many fans in the audience. 


    Okay, okay, I've got this covered as a pretty-long-time-fan of Kiryu. Like ever since 2009. Not meaning to sound like an elitist or anything, but I'm a fucking god in these circles (he he, hopefully someone get's my self-irony here and doesn't come bashing me for being egoistic :P)


    To serious business then. Or as serious as I can be. Which isn't very serious. Read on with caution and sense of humour, babes.


    First of all, I haven't seen too much of actual Kiryu hype. I've seen pretty embarrassing Hiyori (their fucking useless tranny bassist, if you didn't know already) hype though. Most of Kiryu fans tend to just... sleep under a rock while wearing headphones blasting their music. So there's that. That's my impression of the Western Kiryu fans including myself.


    But they're filling a niche for marketing here. The fact is, there just aren't many neo-japanesque bands out there. From my head I can name three. Kagrra,; OROCHI and Kiryu. Kaggra, is fucking dead. OROCHI hasn't hit it big for some reason. Kiryu, on the other hand, releases stuff frequently, actually more frequently than most bands these days. They have a steady quality to their works which keeps old fans interested. They'll probably never be the next Kaggra,; just because their material is very, very solid. In the first quote @jduv86 said that their music sounds the same. That's true. That's what I refer to when I say "solid material". They don't "experiment". That's meant for MYDORA.


    Regarding Mahiro's voice... what can I say? Some like it, some don't. That's all. To others he sounds annoying, to me he sounds impressively emotional. 


    Also, jumping from point to another here but whatever, Kiryu is one of the very few bands in the history of VK or Japanese music at all that uses horror as an element to their music and videos. And not you know, halloween kinda horror which bands like Candy Spooky Theatre did/does. So fuck off if you're gonna mention that. Traditional Japanese horror. People, who like Japanese horror movies are bound to be interested in Kiryu's music videos as well, because they're majorly influential. I love Japanese horror, and Asian horror all together, and Kiryu, with their obscure sounds and sometimes intimidating tunes hits that soft spot for me. I'm sure it does it for others as well.


    So that's my 2 cents of the topic. Now I'm waiting for someone to ask about Kameleo. Then it'll be a fucking rape of a text from this gal.

  5. ^ My answer would be that those people who are in a serious need of friends don't really know how to make them. I've had that problem, and I guess I still do, somewhat. I tend to be a bit paranoid when it comes to people and myself. I've been told that I say things in a funny way or talk about stuff that is weird, things you wouldn't say to a casual acquaintance and such. And I never realise when I do this. To me those things are normal. But later on I remember I have a tendency to do that and start getting paranoid about people disliking me because of that. And then I never get in touch with them again. 

  6. On sort of similar topic, I've had a friend who lives over there right now tell me they were harassed on a train by some old guy who ended up following them for a little while.  Thankfully, the guy backed off.  But I've heard it's common to be creeped on by older'ish men?  Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't ever been there and this is all by hear-say.

    Like the person above said it's more or less common. You can pretty much get harassed by anyone, anywhere in the world. Not exclusive to Japan alone. Like, I've been asked by a hobo if they can jerk off to my shoes for 20€. :'D But the problem in Japan is that you can't call them out for that. Pretty much anywhere else in the world you'll be allowed to stand up for yourself and kick the guy's ass or at least scream in panic. But in Japan such behaviour is seen as embarrassing the harasser, and YOU'll be blamed for that. So all you can do is pretty much just hope that either someone else notices is and interferes (which will, like, never happen, because others don't wanna shame a fellow Japanese perv either) or that the guy decides to back off for some reason, like happened to your friend, gladly. You can also decide to hop off the train on the next stop, but if you're on your way to school or work, you might be late then.

  7. Not a fan of Japan's work culture. When you work overtime, it is expected of you and from what I've heard you usually don't get paid for that overtime. No wonder why many Japanese men and women die of being overworked. If you work overtime in my country, by law you have to be paid double for every hour you work over 40 hours or something like that. It's illegal to not be paid overtime. And that should be the same in Japan.

    I've heard they work overtime because they don't get shit done in time. :'D Like seriously, they like, nap and have breaks every hour and talk with their co-workers more than actually do work, so to do a task meant for that day takes 12 hours rather than normal 8. So... kinda their own fault to be overworked.


    Can this also be a "what is weird about Japan" thread? Because, you know, a specific fetish for striped panties only exists in Japan. No kidding here. I've got nothing against that, but... just... it's so... it's such a detailed thing. 

  8. I remember watching an hour long documentary on Sagawa Issei and what I found interesting was that sorta the whole starting point of his fancy of eating female body parts started from his mother pretty much telling him that masturbation and all sorts is dirty and awful and whatnot, so Sagawa never got to experience normal, healthy sexuality. 



  9. One thing that seems to affect the high suicide rates in Japan is, what I've heard, that mental illnesses are a taboo. Seems like whenever you're depressed or schizophrenic or whatever your mindbug is, in Japan you'll end up having no one to talk to and along with the illness itself, you bear a shame of having the illness at all. Heck, I'd kill myself if that was the case.


    But then again, I live in a country where doctors easily prescribe meds and actually having a professional to talk to is so expensive that most people will just take the pills to tolerate the everyday life.

  10. Japanese are in general extremely polite, and meticulous, which means Japanese are extremely strict. Very hard to live in Japan as Japanese. Social pressure is just ridiculously strong. No joke.

    But then again, if politeness and strictness are against each other, Japanese people will choose strictness. Like, for them things have to be a certain way, and if someone opposes these norms, they think they have a right to say it straight to their face.


    These have not happened to myself, but are second-hand information. Yet, I do not suspect their accuracy.


    1st occasion: A Western person moves to Japan. She's not the thinnest or smallest of girls. Honestly sayin', she is a pretty big gal. But no one in the Western part of the world, except maybe 15-year-old punks who think they're cool when they insult others, would tell her that she's fat to her face. That would be impolite, because it's none of their business what other people do with their bodies. But in Japan, this girl has faced situations, where adult people, especially elders, feel the right to tell her that she's fat and should lose weight. She didn't even know them, they were just some passer-bys in the street. 


    2nd occasion: A Western transfer student in Japan. She had a bad day and it was showing. Something bad had happened and obviously she was feeling down. Her classmates, instead of trying to cheer her up like most people in the west would do, or at least leave her alone with it, decided it was alright to tell her to "stop moping around", as she was ruining the other people's mood as well with her behaviour.


    Like honestly, I can't understand how this kind of behaviour is acceptable in any part of the world. These people seem to lack empathy all together. 


    I certainly would not like to live in Japan. Like @Nyasagi, I'll gladly be fat, and bitchy, and have no one interfere with it, thank you very much. :D

  11. Florida, USA. We got Disney World and Harry Potter Land (Aka Universal Studios) so it's not too bad.

    I would totally just move to Universal Studios if I lived in Florida. I'd just... park my ass over there and refuse to move. Hang onto some valuable objects guards would not be ready to sacrifice to get me out.

  12. I don't think moshpits are stupid, but let's say they ain't for me. 


    I've reluctantly attended one back in 2007 (?) when D'espairsRay played in Finland, in Tuska metal festival. Back then I was such a hardcore fan. I went with my ex who told me we should already get in the audience of the band that was playing before Despa, so that we could assure ourselves good spots in the front row once the "true metalheads" left.


    And well, a moshipit broke out. I've always been kinda scared of huge masses of people, and having huge masses of people jump around me and bump into me was super distressing. Glad my ex noticed it and also glad she knew some guys behind us and we were only in the second row at that point. So basically she asked the bigger metalheads to protect me from the moshpitting people and also guided me to take a hold of the fence in front of the first row so that I wouldn't collapse from the stress and the people bumping into me. She also held me against her pretty tight and a few times she had to yell the guys in the moshpit to be a bit more careful, when they didn't notice I was severely afraid. :P Maybe it was my fault, but around the halfway of Despa's gig I was pretty glad to be in the first row and not scared of my life anymore. 


    So if you're comfortable with being tossed around and toss around other people, go ahead and join in the moshpit. You'll make great friends. Nothing bonds people better than having a little skin-on-skin contact. :P But if you're scared of people, like me, don't go there. No. Stay away from them. You'll have a panic attack at worst case and then you'll be one of the sorry ones being kept away from the gig by the medics. 

  13. Inspired by all the neglected single "nice guys" out there, I decided to make a topic for this very controversial phenomena that surrounds the modern dating culture, mainly in west but probably in eastern countries too. 


    So whatddya think about this so called Friendzone? Does it only involve guys, or can girls be friendzoned too? And if so, WHY DO GUYS MAKE SUCH A HUGE DEAL ABOUT IT?


    Have you ever been friendzoned? Have you friendzoned anyone? Please, share your thoughts. How and why did this happen.

  14. Def going with Kiryu with this one. I tried listening to Royz for a while, but even if Subaru's vocals kinda hit my soft spot for high-pitched vocals, their general style failed to impress me. Overall they're but decent. Not bad but not miraculously oh-my-god-I'm-gonna-jizz-my-pants good either. Mediocre, at most.
    Whereas Kiryu definitely divides people to those who hate them (mostly because of Mahiro's voice) and those who absolutely adore them to death. I'm part of the latter.


    @Mi'ihen pointed out that Mahiro always sounds like he's in pain or dying. For some, like your's truly, that's the appeal of his voice. Since Kiryu isn't supposed to be an upbeat pop-rock band, but rather horror-esque, Mahiro's dying animal sounds fit in perfectly. I'd probably hate him if I heard him in a band that tries to do happy music (Maidora doesn't count), but since the whole point of Kiryu is kinda to be weird and scary and off-putting, I think Mahiro was the best choice for them. :3 But this is just my opinion.

  15. lol then just let pewdie scream the scream that nobody else would. Let him scream for you or in my case scream together.

    Well I only explained why I don't prefer Pewdiepie. You can like him, that's fine. I just don't. :3

  16. This is just another case where "conventional" people can blame video games for violence  and murders. And that's how you get games like Slenderman banned, because two fucking nitwits decided to "summon" the slenderman by killing another child. (That doesn't even make any sense. Have these kids even played slenderman?)


    I sure hope slendieguy is happy with his puppies now.

  17. You couldn't scream because you were hiding on the other side of the room with a pillow to your face saying "nope nope nope nope nope" XD

    That is besides the point, good sir. :P I just said I never screamed. I muffled my manly groans into a pillow.

  18. Which game are you referring to? I haven't watched anything from him in a while. My last one was the baby game.


    From the one's I watched, I was just as scared as he was. So I commend him for playing the games I wouldn't play at all.

    I think it was one of his Amnesia custom stories? I mean, Amnesia is scary but... not that scary, honestly. I've had my heart racing and a pillow pressed against my face, and I've been whimpering like a little bitch while playing it and I quit in the middle, but I have never ever screamed like a girl in a bad slasher horror film. That's overacting.

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