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The Bread Wolf

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Posts posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. Agreeing with everyone when it comes to Black Gene. 


    I, if anyone, should like them. I used to be such a HC Rame fan than even his shit seemed to be better than average shit. Literally, if possible. Not that I ever came in contact with his leavings, but if I had, that's pretty much what I would've thought about it.


    DOOM was a pretty good release, as well as those live limited releases, -1 and Shinjitsu no Tsubasa. But Namida -kHz- was a such a fucking disappointment that was only highlighted by the fact that they choose to release it in 5 types. In addition, Rame, who's the only meaningful member in the whole band, no matter what you say (Aisu slash Eros? Pfffff easily be replaced with anyone), became a total asshat, not giving a fuck about international fans. Maybe it's because when he was in VIDOLL he got used to the fact that hey, people are actually coming all over the world to see him and his band. So it became obvious to him. Sure everyone's gonna do the same with BFN as well. To me it seems like he thinks he's right at the top of everything even if he changed bands. He became famous in VIDOLL, surely that hasn't gone away. 


    Okay, personal ranting. I'm just so disappointed with the whole band. :'D


    And I'm waiting for Kameleo to become a flop. Not that they have yet, but they're just way too good to be good forever.


    // Okay, I wanna add one point to the rant above. There has been discussion about whether Japanese bands SHOULD care about international fans that much because we are a minority of their whole fanbase. Yeah, sure they don't NEED to. But if they don't need to acknowledge my existence, I don't need to care about them either. :'D Works both ways.

  2. Does anybody think Visual Kei could die out if it continues the way it goes today?

    Visual kei as it is now will die out some day, just like it has with every generation. Then someone 10 years later decides to bring up this crazy host-boy-dressed-up-in-glitter-only VK that is now in.


    But saying VK will die completely just because it is the way it is now? That's bullshit. Nothing is referring to that. And I think that's what Kyouki actually tried to say in that interview rather than pointing out that current VK is horrible and will kill the whole genre. Every era of VK will die. New waves come and go and nothing can stop that. 

  3. Mites meillä Talven Ihmemaalaisilla nyt, kun lumet on sulanu ja pitäs vielä kestää kaikki ne kerrat ku selkä ja naama palaa auringossa?


    Kauhee ku tää koko osasto on ihan turha, ku suomalaiset käyttäytyy just niinku suomalaiset käyttäytyy, eli istuu hiljaa nurkissa ja huutaa toisilleen: "ÄLÄ PERKELE TUU MUN HENKILÖKOHTAISEEN KUPLAAN."

  4. There's an old lady with a walker walking next to me, and once I notice the car coming I jump behind her, thus the car crashes on her and the walker gets jammed in the front wheels of the car, making it stop before it hits me. DEAD END AVOIDED.


    The next person is walking home but comes across a horde of rabid zombie bunnies who're extremely hungry for human meat. DEAD END.

  5. Thanks you two~ *blush* I had to think about it and um... I'm a bit self conscious about my legs, but I guess it's okay. All you get is a crappy ipod photo though, because I was too lazy to use my phone or camera XD


    B-be gentle~





    I have a vague memory of those shorts. I wonder where I have seen them before...


    No really, bro, lookin' good~ Gotta love those arms of yours. Would call them sexy if it wasn't inappropriate.

  6. I believe this is rather a battle between the two vocalists than the bands themselves. A lot of people are put off by Mahiro's voice and thus dislike Kiryu, whereas Isshi's voice is more... traditional and easy to listen - and for me, predictable and boring.


    I have a weakness for weird-sounding vocalists and Mahiro definitely is one of them. If one listens well enough, it can definitely be heard that Mahiro's voice range is incredibly versatile, which makes him in my books a better singer than Isshi, despite him sounding really off.


    Also, well, I gotta admit I like Kiryu's style. They are one of the few bands that successfully add horror to their music without sounding like a some fucking retarded halloween band. Kiryu has had the ability to make me feel, if not scared, then at least distressed and anxious with just the structure of a song (I'm talking about Ameyori ni waraeba). That's actually an even rarer skill than to feel just generally "emotionally touched". I appreciate that skill. That's one of my favorite songs by them just because the emotion it stirs is so unique.


    As for all Kiryu songs sounding the same - that's a matter of opinion, of course. To me their songs don't sound any more same than all Gazette songs sound to someone who likes them.


    Plus I really fucking love Junji, he's a pretty skilled drummer and I think in Kiryu he can really show off his skills.


    So my vote goes for.... Kagrra, kidding, Kiryu.

  7. What exactly constitutes "old" and "new"? Those terms alone are pretty vague. When you say "old" you could be referring to bands from the early 00s, the early 90's, or last year even. If you defined "old" and "new" VK more precisely, then perhaps I'd be able to offer you a proper reply.

    Answer based on what YOU think is old and what is new. I'm not in a position to tell anyone that. :'D

  8. cmon it's just a one time session thing what is wrong with that

    People don't like the idea. What's wrong with that?


    We're just expressing that in our opinion, Kisaki's making a mistake by letting Sui sing in Kisaki project. We haven't even started flaming yet. :'D

  9. Since this topic has spawned in various and various other topics and every time it's off the original subject I decided to make a topic for it. From this on, no new VK vs. old VK conversation (slash debate, slash fight) will be offtopic. Especially since there are people who constantly like to bring this juxtaposition up. *cough*


    So where do you people stand? Is old VK really better than new one? Why? Why not? What makes it better? What makes it worse? Or are they just different? Do they both suck? Whatever is your view on this, please do express it.

  10. - KISAKI PROJECT feat. Sui





    KISAKI PROJECT feat. Sui!? omg! *-* interesting!




    Says it all.

  11. Watching a personal stream of the first Silent Hill played by a Scot. 5+ hours. And coming up with our first insider jokes. 


    Harry Mason aka useless Harry aka clueless Harry.


    Can write "café" on the map that clearly says "café" ("He can't read anything but his own handwriting") but can't find the energy to scribble down any riddles that might actually come in handy later in the game.



    "Where's Cheryl?"

    "Saw her heading towards the lake."

    "Okay well, fuck her. I found a hole in the wall and I'm gonna examine it."

    "Harry, you're tired."

    "SEE YA."


    Useless bastard. 

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