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The Bread Wolf

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Posts posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. Vidoll.


    I mean, a lot of my favorite bands have disbanded, like Kalvary and Arc... but seriously, why would I miss them when the new bands they have contain exactly the same members?


    And Dali, well, whereas I'm kinda sad to see them go, they kinda called for it. Their music and the way of releasing it was going downhill way before they disbanded.


    But Vidoll is a sad case. It's way better than the new bands any of the members have, and one of the members even refuses to join another band again. 


    02 vote | kiryu | Netherlands, Utrecht



    02 vote | kiryu | Germany, Köln


    02 vote | kiryu | Germany, Hamburg


    02 vote | kiryu | Germany, Bochum


    02 vote | kiryu | Germany, Aachen




    01 vote | kiryu | Belgium, Hasselt



    03 vote | Kameleo | Spain, Barcelona

    02 vote | Kiryu | Spain, Barcelona


    02 vote | Kiryu | Spain, Madrid



    Here's mine + a friend's list. I know she, like myself, would go anywhere in Europe to see Kiryu and Kameleo. Especially Kameleo. With Kameleo I also added another friend's vote, since I know she too is a Kameleo fan.


    I wish I could add my multiple personalities as votes for Kameleo.

  3. I know I already posted about my older dog, Sir Evan, who's the most gentle-hearted lad in the whole world.

    But now I can tell you about my new pet, which I got about a month ago.

    My lady bassist:


    No, really, her name is Basisti (a Finnish word for a bassist). She's a pure breed Welsh corgi pembroke with the breeder name Zilber Wasserfal "Afina". And yes, she's got a tail, even though some of you (*cough cough*) think that corgis only have little stubbs naturally, or no tail at all. Actually, her tail is really bushy and kinda fox-like, with a little white end in it like if it had been dipped to a can of white paint.

    So yes, I got this little beauty a month ago. I've been quite depressed lately, and really antisocial, and I thought having a dog of my own would help. I mean, I do have my older lad, but he's mostly my dad's dog, being that he follows him everywhere. I wanted a dog who thinks I'm above everything else. But since I've got a job and sometimes 8 or 9 hour work days, I couldn't get a small puppy, since they need to be fed 3 or 4 times a day. And I precisely wanted a corgi. I was prepared to wait for an eternity while scrobling through a "pets sold/given to good homes" adds.

    Then this one add got my attention. It was for a 6-months-old, sable corgi girl. For a day I consulted my best friend whether I should call the owner and ask about the dog. I mean... she was perfect for me! A red and white corgi and not too old but old enough to be alone for few hours. After my friend said "go for it" the next day, I called the owner. I managed to get a meeting with him for the next day.

    The pup was quite expensive, 1000€ ($1300) and I had planned to reserve her for a cost of 300€, since the owner said there were other people coming to see her. So I went there, panicking a lot, and once I arrived and stepped out of the car, I was immediately greeted by a fuzzy ball of joy. I couldn't keep my hands away from her! Even when I was inside and talking with the owner and drinking tea, I constantly interrupted him and myself by playing with the pup and praising her.

    At the end of the meeting I said to the dog: "I wish I could take you with me right now". The owner responded by saying that I should. I didn't have the full price of the dog with me there and I stuttered to tell him that. He said it isn't a problem since there was a cash withdrawal machine a couple of miles away and I could easily drive there. So I did, and withdrew enough money to take her with me. When I asked the owner about the other people coming to see the dog, he just said he was gonna cancel their arrival and tell them the dog is gone, since to him I seemed like a perfect owner for the dog. He even told me about a couple who had come to see her but didn't pay any attention to her, which affected greatly on his choice of not giving the pup to them.

    And ever since I've had the most amazing dog in the world.

    And this is a true story.

    Anyways, about Basisti. She's brilliant. I mean really. She's a really fast learner and it usually takes about fifteen minutes to teach her anything. Any trick there is. After a month she knows how to sit, lie down, give a paw, go to sleep, wait for her food, leave something alone and, of course, the most important thing: her new name. She was previously called Dennis, but I always wanted a dog to call a bassist, so... yeah.

    She's a tough little gal. Likes to play with dogs twice her size and she probably thinks she's bigger than she actually is. But she totally wrestles with them and isn't a wuzz at all. She also barks a lot. At everything. People, animals, shadows, crows, sticks, noises... I'm alright with that. I don't mind my dog barking. I feel secure when I know there's someone informing me about weird dudes entering my house. But, I want my dog to know when to stop, so I'm on my way to teach her the command "silence". When I say it, she must stop barking.

    She's kinda sound-allert and a bit of a scaredy cat. Like... sudden noises make her jumpy. The other day I accidentally threw one of her toys at a paper bag and the sound coming out of that made her fear paper bags. I had to make her eat on a paper bag to assure her paper bags won't harm her. :'D Now I think she's afraid of the shower because I forced her in there. But hey, she needs to be washed from time to time!

    Even though she's a bit of a difficult case, I wouldn't trade her for anything. She's the apple of my eye and the love of my life <3

    I mean seriously, look at that adorable little face <3


  4. Well it's 3:45pm in Finland already and no sign of the apocalypse yet. I hope it'll come before I buy a new traveling box for my corgi pup, or else I die $90 poorer. :(

    My supervisor told me the apocalypse doesn't come during the work shift. It always comes on your free time. SO EVERYONE GET TO WORK AND WE CAN AVOID THE DESTRUCTION.

  5. I can only recall one actually bad vocalist. There are probably others as well, mostly from really really small bands, but somehow they've not stuck in my mind.

    Anyways, Mashiro from Paradeis. He's actually just horrible. :'D He couldn't stay on tune even if his life depended on it. Also, his singing is quite emotionless and he sounds like he's incredibly bored and singing just to pass time. To be honest, he sounds like a 3-year-old with no musical talent whatsoever. Or well, he might have musical talent as much as a 3-year-old should have.

    Other one is probably ex-Arc's, now FUTURISM BOYZ CO-. I mean... I love him. I love him to death, but I can see why most people don't agree with me. :'D Especially earlier Arc stuff was rather hilarious than musically genius. He sang so passionately, yet failed completely to hit the right notes. He was always kinda singing somewhere close the real melody, but there was something off about it. When I first listened to Arc's Rakugaki Kyoukasho I didn't exactly know whether I was supposed to laugh or cry. I almost started hating him. :'D

    Like, really, give it a go:


  6. I don't support the legalization of any drug. To be honest, I think we should ban all the now legal drugs as well. This is because I'm boring.

    No, seriously. My argument is that people are already misusing the existing legal drugs, meaning mostly alcohol. So why give them more drugs they can misuse? It's like giving more toys to a child that keeps breaking them for fun.

  7. ^ That's the point. LSD is not addictive at all. So that can't be used as an argument against the legalization of LSD. But it's potential to trigger a psychological disorder can.

  8. Can you tell me a good reason why LSD or MDMA is illegal?

    LSD can cause trips so severely bad that it triggers a psychological disorder like schizophrenia. And this isn't the same thing as with weed, because that as well can trigger psychological disorders but only if they're dormant. I think a drug's potentiality to cause psychological issues is a pretty good reason to not legalize it, don't you think?

    Not all reasons are always related to it's addictiveness.

  9. Yes I know Egoist disbanded. But when you said "breaking up" I thought Rui and Hatsune had a fight or something.

    I've seen many pics of the two together, like they were very close friends.

    If by "very close friends" you mean dating, because apparently they were XD

    Yeah, Panda kinda said it. They were dating. Unless you mean you've seen recent pictures of them together like they're really close friends?

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