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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    Wow... I... I waited for Itsuki to come back since I loved his pure sounding voice. But this is just ridiculous.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    Hahaa I remember this shit. :'D I think it was amusing. Though I recall one episode especially well. "Herrani, lapset karkaavat!" "Voi ei. (spoken with a monotonic voice)" Don't remember who said that though. XD But he was a kickass villain obviously. Cool like an iceberg. Didn't bother raging too much about the children escaping his grasp but settled to say: "Oh no." That's like cool.
  3. The Bread Wolf

    Like it says in the title, Hina's Schwein's vocalist. :'DD But he used to be an a band called hurts which was signed in Under Code.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    Hina wants to return to Under Code since it's the best place ever.
  5. The Bread Wolf

    It's over now. Finally.
  6. The Bread Wolf

    Um yeah wtfbbq Riku's a confirmed bi (after Kisaki saying it in an interview like years ago) but Kisaki? :'D Talking about tanuki rumors here. Where do they get these? And what the hell J-rocker with STD list?! XD Mind me but I'm cracking here. Oh lol and there's Shun.
  7. The Bread Wolf

    God that Mitsuki's shirt. One must wonder can they dress the guy up in any tighter clothes.
  8. And once you find a potential indies VK-band they decide to do this and eventually disband. This sucks.
  9. This was the best thing! xD I had to go through the replies to realise the real state of this.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    Kind of sad, but expected since I think they broke up with Hasune at that time when the hiatus started. I think they didn't get get their things solved.
  11. The Bread Wolf

    Well who wouldn't. That's just splending.
  12. The Bread Wolf

    This band is like a sinking ship - everyone's leaving and no one wants to get on board.
  13. The Bread Wolf

    Postponed by almost half a year. Wow. Souchou will never die.
  14. The Bread Wolf

    This. Really. The disaster was not that big even though people are really trying to make it sound so. Of course I feel sorry for everyone who died or got seriously injured or lost someone important there, as always with big nature catastrophes, but still.
  15. The Bread Wolf

    ^ Rame being good at singing is completely dependent on the point of view. I think Rame is an amazing and definitely a cute singer, but he actually can't sing higher notes... basicly at all. I have Rametan Matsuri DVD with Kisaki & Kansai Kizoku performing and they're playing a mixture of Heroin and I My Aimai (It has it's own name but I can't remember it) and there's some high notes as you know. He can't sing them. He loses his voice in the middle, since Rame's voice is pretty low to start with. But he's definitely a professional screamer. :'D
  16. The Bread Wolf

    lol xD Btw was it Rame that composed this song? If so, I don't think he'll completely butcher it, since he was the one who made it. Actually I think it was Jui who did it, if I remember correctly. Which makes the situation even funnier. Fucking up with Jui alot here, are we? I can almost hear them shouting at the live: "This is for our little solo artist! Good luck with composing 150 songs in a year. Hit it, boys!" And then they get messy with Tree, I mean really messy.
  17. The Bread Wolf

    It's soothing to finally know what I want to do the rest of my life. What's the kind of profession I can dedicate myself into, what meets my standards and what makes me happy when I do it. For the sake of everything good in this world, let me become a music technician <3
  18. The Bread Wolf

    I really want to hear Rame singing Tree. That song is beautiful and sensitive and I'm sure Rame will ruin the whole atmosphere and make it just plain ridiculous. xD Also, I'm sure Rame's counter partner, Souchou, will do no good to the delicacy of the song either.
  19. The Bread Wolf

    I'm watching videos of mangaminx playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent at YouTube and I'm seriously shitting bricks. For a while when I started watching her videos I thought Amnesia seems like a pretty exciting and not too challenging, a good game I could buy, but fuck I'm scared even for watching someone else play the game so I wouldn't cope with it very well. :'D
  20. The Bread Wolf

    Also, it seems Vidoll will be having yet another new outfits even this close to the last live. Both Jui and Rame have showed some new pieces of clothing, and whereas Jui didn't mention anything about Vidoll, Rame did. http://ameblo.jp/vidoll-rametan/entry-10819237920.html What do you guys think when you see this? I think that's amazing. I mean... Rame looks really good this time, like a mixture of new and old Vidoll. I bet he has new Vidoll-ish outfit, but his make up is definitely something I've gotten used to back when Vidoll was still indies. He was slowly giving up that style of make up and changing it to lighter and less flashy style. And now he seems to be back on track, and I think it's amazing. (Secretly I'm hoping they'd still release one more single or something, I got so emotional for Yamibana being the last song they ever recorded...)
  21. The Bread Wolf

    You think you know everything and every day someone tells you something new. Cool. But I think even the normal fans are a lot more critical than their western soulsisters/brothers. They easily judge the artists because they can assume their idol is perfect and if he's not they can critisize it.
  22. The Bread Wolf

    It seems at the KISAKI's birthday live 「CLUB★Chikasen★Kaiten?????? 11/3 one of the performers will be 妃&関西貴?? (Kisaki & Kansai Kizoku), and as Rame is a part of the original cast it's very likely he'll perform in the band too. This is only speculation, not much of news. What I'm sure of is that at some point KISAKI & Kansai Kizoku will be back. http://ameblo.jp/undercode-kisaki/entry ... 20216.html
  23. The Bread Wolf

    Rame has always been kind of a queer. I bet it was his idea.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    ^ Actually, Japanese fans would mind. Those girls can be pretty vicious when it comes to their favourite band. No one's safe, not even the members. This happened to Vidoll too, since they went on hiatus due to Jui's voice problems and further surgery. Jui got alot of angry messages in his blog blaiming him for the hiatus and telling he should have taken care of himself so that this wouldn't have happened. Living in a western culture makes that seem like over heating, but it's actually pretty common there.
  25. The Bread Wolf

    The name Itsuki always makes me think about Bergerac's Itsuki who seemed to disappear after Bergerac disbanded. Could this be THE Itsuki?
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