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The Bread Wolf

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Everything posted by The Bread Wolf

  1. The Bread Wolf

    Ignoring dannemannen I'd say... hmm... this is difficult... based on personal attractions I'd say not. Sorry, guys, no-shirt version not available. Sadly.
  2. The Bread Wolf

    Well, I can really fall in love with a person who doesn't fulfil my requirements, but... well... if we're talking about an IDEAL partner without any kind of boundaries of realism, then I would say he/she would be: [*:1atbpmiv] Attractive in a way that's not characteristic to his/her sex (A beautiful man or a boyish girl) [*:1atbpmiv] Funny, occasionally a complete idiot and capable to laugh to him/herself at least as much as to others [*:1atbpmiv] ^ In other words: Capable to making me laugh, rather a lot (I tend to like the most people who can really make me crack) [*:1atbpmiv] Not very romantic, since I start to feel anxious if I get flowers every now and then [*:1atbpmiv] A musician [*:1atbpmiv] A complete liberalist, who accepts all people and judges no one [*:1atbpmiv] Mean with his sense of humour. I love sarcasm and such [*:1atbpmiv] A boy/girl with a pleasant voice. I can't live with a person who has an annoying voice [*:1atbpmiv] Capable to both leave me alone or stroke my back whenever I want [*:1atbpmiv] On the other hand, also eager to fight with me if he doesn't agree what I say or do. I hate people who are just like "What ever you want, honey" or "Let's do what you say, dear". [*:1atbpmiv] Trustworthy [*:1atbpmiv] Stubborn, mostly because it's really hard to gain my trust, so he/she really must pay some effort [*:1atbpmiv] More in his senses than I am Hmm, can't think anything else right now... the list is kinda... opposite of brief.
  3. The Bread Wolf

    If they're in the same project it's going to be like Kisaki & Kansai Kizoku = RAME SINGS. And a dog barks. Probably that too. XD Yeah, I was referring to chariots, not Hiskarea. I hope I didn't insult you in any way. Not at all, I just wanted to make sure you don't include poor HISKAREA as well~ More like I think back in Hiskarea Riku wasn't Kisaki's bitch yet (I may have to think my words again later). It happened in Phantasmagoria.
  4. The Bread Wolf

    If they're in the same project it's going to be like Kisaki & Kansai Kizoku = RAME SINGS. Yeah, I was referring to chariots, not Hiskarea. I hope I didn't insult you in any way.
  5. The Bread Wolf

    "When the world is kicking you to the head ice-cream tastes good." -Me (Yuugi)
  6. The Bread Wolf

    Drugs. ...the letters are just in a different order...
  7. The Bread Wolf

    Disturbing image, so I'd say yes, you just might be. : D I rather end up flying out of a course after repetitive absences in the morning class than leave my home without hair and make up done perfectly.
  8. The Bread Wolf

  9. The Bread Wolf

    You all look cute or beautiful or cool or something like that. I had to think twice before posting my own picture since I've always been kind of uncertain about my looks. But I pretend I look nice in this. After all it's currently the best picture of me, and I didn't even have to photoshop it much. To be honest, I really, really did nothing to my skin. Nor to the lightning. I just added a hint of contrast to make the difference between my skincolour and black shirt. Also, another, older picture of me from those times I still thought it pays the effort to wake up dead early in the morning to put on extensions. In the end it didn't Please, I'm still in the delicate phase of age so be gentle with me and my piggy face.
  10. The Bread Wolf

    I'm still wondering what happened to past Bergerac members. I mean I know their drummer, Iru, is doing sessions, but what about the others.
  11. The Bread Wolf

    I won't buy it either. I just think it will not offer me anything since I never thought about Jui as much a special singer, at least not lately because of his throat problems. Rame, Giru and Shun had the skills to compose music in which even Jui's current voice sounded good, but if I think about Jui's own songs like Puzzle Ring, Focus, EVE... Crescent gazer... it's nothing to be amazed of. I may sound really harsh, but I think Vidoll brought the best sides out of all the members including Jui. Without Vidoll he's as good as nothing.
  12. The Bread Wolf

    I'm confident he thinks Vidoll is the right place for him, and he's really serious about that. Based on everything oh so beautiful he has written in his blog about Vidoll it is, and will be, the most important thing in his whole life, something he wants to protect, something he wants to do the rest of his life. Also, the members of Vidoll... I think, even though it might seem like the relationships between the members have gotten colder during this whole disbanding, they all still feel like a family. Shun does... and probably Rame does too. It's the kind of family they don't want and can't change. I don't want Rame to quit completely either, but I just don't see a new band as a possibility in this case. Sorry. It's just the way how I feel about Rame and the way how I have interpret the thoughts he has written. I might be wrong but until he tells us otherwise I keep thinking this way. No hard feelings, our opinions just differ. ^-^
  13. The Bread Wolf

    is going to get slapped by that "small, awesome and pretty" person for telling such lies when they next time meet apparently likes every piece of music I don't, including new Dali and Jui's solo work (I really tried not to tell your secrets)
  14. The Bread Wolf

    wants Vidoll's Rame to continue musical activities with old Vidoll members like Hide and Ayano
  15. The Bread Wolf

    Satoshi used to give me peta in ameblo. I listened to LEON†HEART once and thought world was going to end in that place. It was horrible. I hope this'll be better. XD
  16. The Bread Wolf

    My favourite case is definitely KO-JI of Arc. Back in the early days of Arc their music was just awful and KO-JI couldn't stay in the tune for a moment. Oh wait... he still can't. So much for the progress. Just generally I wouldn't say any of my singers have gotten better, but well, Rame is one thing. He was a good bassist in the beginning of Vidoll, but in the end he was just genius. Though many people including myself critisized Vidoll for changing too much when they went major I noticed back then that Rame had actually gotten better. It made the change feel even worse when I knew that in the old Vidoll one of the key incredients used to be Rame's clear, strong and edgy bass lines and the band used to be really recognisable because of them. And then, when the guy got better, they just decided to make him a regular stand-there-and-smile-like-you-don't-get-it type of bassist, whose complex riffs got drowned by guitars. That's sad.
  17. The Bread Wolf

    Well I must say that I disagree with you. I hope it's alright (you should see livejournal. I got banned from the community for expressing my opinion too strickly and in a funny way. They said my comments were inflameable. Just because they were slightly humorous and sarcastic). I admit to be such a new Vidoll fan, that I've grown to love Giru and Shun more than Hide, Yukine or Ayano. Not that I don't like them. Though, I shouldn't say I actually like Ayano... in early, I mean really early, Vidoll they weren't such a good musicians after all and Ayano's face irritates me... Back to the topic! Because I think Shun and Giru are loyal to Vidoll they are the guitarists Rame should be with. I would be just weird to see them separate. Because for real, these two are definitely under Rame's protective wing. Especially Shun, who I think expresses more feelings with Rame than a regular Japanese person usually does. The fact that Shun has actually yelled at Rame when he has been angry reveals just how much he trusts his bandleader. You don't usually go shout at your boss or colleague after a harsh day. :'D
  18. The Bread Wolf

    I have a feeling he won't have a new band, nor he'll leave the scene. I think, for what I know him, he'll just do like Shun: perform in sessions as long as it needs to get Vidoll back. After all, Vidoll was everything to him. He loved Vidoll more than anything else and he's still confident they'll be back. And I think Vidoll is the right place for Rame to be in. He would feel so unnatural in any band else. Btw, I had a dream of Rame just half an hour ago. Rame was I guess 7 years old child and I rescued him from a flood some authorities were causing to drown all but the high elitists in Brittain. Wonder what we were doing there... But he didn't drown, because I saved him.
  19. The Bread Wolf

    Somehow all these responses to the PV made me laugh my ass off. You made my day, guys. Now maybe that guy finally realises he's completely helpless without Vidoll, much like Riku is a complete failure as a musician if he's not in the same band with Kisaki.
  20. The Bread Wolf

    I died. I guess my funeral will be all-stand in case of Kiwamu showing up.
  21. The Bread Wolf

    To me it sucks more that the Best of album is full of semi-good or weak ballads of Jui including one oh-my-fucking-god-ingenius track from Shun, which indicated just how good Vidoll can be at it's best. Oh well, since after all it was always Rame, Giru or now Shun who made the most unforgetable songs I can atleast amuse myself by assuring Jui can never do better in solo than he did in Vidoll. So maybe he realises at some point doing solo with tracks that just disappear into everything else sounding all the same is no fun at all and he crawls back under Rame's skirt begging to be accepted as Vidoll's vocalist again. Hopefully. And then Vidoll will have three jazz composers which will only bring me multiple musical orgasms. Vidoll can never succeed at making bad jazz. Summing it all up: It's not fair to hope someone would fail with his career... but I'm an unfair and malicious person who's still bitter for Jui deciding to go on alone, so I really hope his solo will break apart and he'll return to Vidoll and Vidoll will come back just like Rame and Shun promised.
  22. The Bread Wolf

    Also, something that might also be possible: New Kalvary, whos name hasn't yet been revealed, but basicly all the past Kalvary members with previous session drummer made an official member. I think Ko-ich used to be a Kisaki-fanboy, so it's not impossible they'd join Under Code.
  23. The Bread Wolf

    Kiwamu doesn't want to deal with people who are prettier than him. ...that leaves Kiwamu very few friends.
  24. The Bread Wolf

    Vidoll/Arc anyone? Arc disbanding in april and Vidoll in may. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! Well, um, no. After all, no. Not Vidoll. But Arc will definitely be in this band in some form or another, that's for sure. At least one member of past Arc will be there. I bet ten bucks for this one.
  25. The Bread Wolf

    Umm... sure, I guess. :'D Wow... it's that huge of a problem huh? Well, in my opinion yes it is. I have the idea that Vidoll wasn't supposed to inform about the disbandment this soon though it was decided a long time ago. It could be a possibility, that the announcement that Jui made in Niconico wasn't originally even about the disbandment, but just about his solo works. But then it leaked and Jui was called to clear things up. Because for real: All the members seem kind of clueless when facing this. Giru and Rame are both extremely angry, and for a reason: This whole thing caused a lot of trouble among the fans and thus to the artists. Basicly Jui got blamed about it when it was not his fault... at least not completely. I bet his goals are the same as before: He'll bring Vidoll back in some form. Everyone feels sad because Rame made another promise to bring them back. Why I'm not? Mostly, because I've always have faith in Rame, and as much as I know him I'm sure he's stubborn enough to do whatever he wants if he really puts his mind into it. He might just be optimistic, but if all the other members had rebuffed the idea even he couldn't be so confident about it. I believe in him, optimistic or not. Thought it might just take a couple of years more, but I have a hunch this whole thing exists somekind of a strategy of withdrawing them from Crown and returning to indies when most of the not so loyal fans have gotten bored of waiting. Please don't return me to the reality.
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