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Everything posted by x_dak_x

  1. x_dak_x

    overwhelmed...........fml.............*hits pause*
  2. x_dak_x

    ....received 6 calls/texts of "I can't sleep" at 5:30am... thanks for waking me up sis......><""""""""""""" FUCK YOU. I WENT TO BED AT 5AM, AND MY ALARM IS AT 6AM YOU FUCKING MORON
  3. x_dak_x

  4. x_dak_x

    chocolate...truffles... xD ..
  5. x_dak_x

    mens spider/knuckle magazine haha
  6. x_dak_x

  7. x_dak_x

    friend canceled plans on me..........I feel like complete shit.......huge things to do list.........fuck can't get out of bed.......need to refill cellphone................need to switch shitty talk/text plan......need to go to bank.........need to get doctors note...........need to call back 4 people........ugh fuck I don't wanna get up..........just wanna sleep...........
  8. x_dak_x

    massive headache......hangover
  9. x_dak_x

    fuck can't sleep... ate too much chocolate... body feels antsy......can't sleeppppppp D:
  10. x_dak_x

    best holiday week ever
  11. x_dak_x

    so so so so so fucking annoyed. 1. you cleaned my room and moved my hair curler 2. you refuse to let me know where it is 3. you forgot where you put it 4. you yell at me to find it myself 5. I ask to borrow a curler because I'm short of time 6. you ignore/talk over me saying I hurt your feelings 7. you tell me to wait until you finish taking a bath..... wtf just give me the fucking curler == 8. after your bath I go upstairs and you tell me that you got out of the bath and took the curler out and put it out for me to use and that now that you're finished your bath, that my time of using it is up 9. WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF BITCH
  12. x_dak_x

    chili with a ton of hot sauce and cheese...
  13. x_dak_x

    8/10x I get nightmares.... otherwise insomnia kills my sleep
  14. x_dak_x

    gift for boyfriends family.....
  15. x_dak_x

    started christmas shopping today........and finished......the 23rd of dec LMAO.......
  16. x_dak_x

    I just realized how often I use the face in texts...........................
  17. x_dak_x

    so fucking stupid. I'd rather spend $2.50 on bus fare than have to phone you 10+ times to tell you where to pick me up since you said you wanted to since you were going to be in the area. dumbass!!!!!!! $16 balance on my cell down to $6 holy fuck..... and you don't even understand how to pick up your fucking cell... and don't know how to reply to texts... nor do you know how to call me back.... ughiafka djsfjwjs dxfadskjbajdv;cgdkajx fklasvjkadfsfa ... too broke to even refill my cell... but I need it for the holidays ugh so fucking stupid
  18. x_dak_x

    food.. coffee.. friends.. events.. hair salon appointments.. fuck im poor now...
  19. x_dak_x

    FU STOMACH.. canceled date today.... thewup last night @@... runny/stuffy nose/sore throat I can deal with....puking on a date is a nono fuck..........on the first day of holidays too ....hopefully the feeling goes away...I still wanna go out.....evening/night maybe?...
  20. x_dak_x

  21. x_dak_x

    F M L !!!!!!!! I'ma hermit all day today D:
  22. x_dak_x

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