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Everything posted by x_dak_x

  1. x_dak_x

    /losing hope in humanity
  2. x_dak_x

    yesterday: exhausted from a double photoshoot: had to leave the house by 5am... bf tells me I can crash at his place. it's nearly 8pm~ I arrive to dinner made and wine T_T ...and the next day I woke up to a classic breakfast in bed T_T mid-day I get my period and pass out napping... I wake up to grilled cheese and tomato soup my favorite T_T <3
  3. x_dak_x

    I read..... if life is boring, may as well absorb myself into an adventure
  4. x_dak_x

    ^ he had a different one up, but then changed it to our old photo...
  5. x_dak_x

    I find it strange how my ex, 10 months later still has our old photo together as his avatar/profile picture still....wtf
  6. x_dak_x

    you don't need to buy me anything. I don't care for expensive gifts. the greatest gift is you accepting me for who I am. for being respectful, kind and caring. being there for me during my struggles. supportive in my career aspirations. and most of all just simply holding me in your arms. what attracted me to you was your big heart. I can see you are genuinely a good person. that's what I fell in love with, your personality.
  7. x_dak_x

    wasn't sure if I should check this one out, but your review has persuaded me not to bother downloading.
  8. x_dak_x

    sorry if this has been answered, but does anyone know what the remaining members of unsraw are all up to?
  9. x_dak_x

    personal preference but I'd say ancafe's vocalist...
  10. x_dak_x

    to one of my ex's crazy friend: never judge a person by their looks. judge them by their heart: how they treat others, their acts of kindness, and good-will nature overall. you are completely clueless to your own actions. that you became so upset at my reaction. you decided to lash out for standing my ground. try looking at things from a different perspective. in another persons shoes.... there is always a reason behind my reactions. were you so in denial at how you came across? did you honestly think your behavior was acceptable? do you even know what 'acceptable' is? considering your maturity.... being so fucking oblivious and offended you could have clarified my point of view before reacting all batshit crazy... then again, oblivious narcistic close-minded ignorant people... there is no point in reasoning with them. the world revolves around them and they think they do no wrong...it's a waste of time, energy, and happiness.
  11. x_dak_x

    an elitist with a cocky attitude, constantly giving back-handed comments and compliments, sarcastically and distastefully. you think you have a big personality...I just think you were a total catty bitch. part of me wanted to stand up to your bullshit and say 'excuse me?' or challenge you. yet being direct would cause problems...I didn't want to cause a scene on-set. HOWEVER FUCK YOU BITCH I did nothing to deserve that treatment. close your shit-filled mouth and just do your fucking job. I don't understand girls who act like a fucking prick for no reason. then again, the last time I stood up for myself against some crazy girl, she totally went batshit on me because she thought I turned the tables and was hurting her feelings for calling her out. fucking stupid.......
  12. x_dak_x

    it's interesting how some drinks are perceived as being more girly or manly based on social norms. it's also funny now some people force themselves to like something based off of a drinks image... like this person I know hates drinking jack daniels and whiskey, yet is obsessed with it's 'image' of being badass looking.... a waste of money imo... buying something you won't drink. /facepalm
  13. x_dak_x

    the receptionist at the dental clinic jokes: why are you married yet =_=....
  14. x_dak_x

    finished making my valentines gift and card
  15. x_dak_x

    "no person is ever worth loosing a friendship over" I disagree. if your circle of friends are a bad influence you should drop them and grow the fuck up.
  16. x_dak_x

    fuck. always ask for the location before confirming. 3 hour transit tomorrow...gotta be out the door by at least 5:30am..fuck.
  17. x_dak_x

    planning things out. working on a movie set soon..
  18. x_dak_x

    facebook says 1 person likes this comment. hover your mouse it now says no one likes this comment facebook needs to fix their blocking feature.... what's the point of having your ex on the blocked list when you see their activity on an aquaintence/friend's page... the only difference is that their name is not featured. 'no one' is my ex.....
  19. x_dak_x

    nightmares....re-occurring, sometimes continuous...metaphorical nightmares
  20. x_dak_x

    no if you could live forever, would you?
  21. x_dak_x

    final fantasy monster hunter super princess peach golden sun doney kong super mario wii d3 minecraft
  22. x_dak_x

    well isn't this dandy? funny how in graphic design class we'd design cd music covers.... with stores like hmv closing and the digital age approaching, what will become of this artform?
  23. x_dak_x

    kagerou unsraw d'espairs ray 9goats black out rentrer en soi
  24. the gazette and miyavi. not my cup of tea
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