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Everything posted by x_dak_x

  1. x_dak_x

    work in the morning. work at night. no fucking sleep. high on coffee. too many projects... need to prioritize.
  2. x_dak_x

  3. x_dak_x

    what the eff?... my ex inviting me to 'like' his magician fan page on facebook?!?!?! .. if it ended smoothly I prob wouldn't mind.. but you were a total fucking train wreck >:[ ....jerk I feel sorry for any girl that dates you/becomes your girlfriend... you old fashioned rude obnoxious sexist, discriminatory, racist.. yes I found this all out while being his girlfriend at the time...
  4. x_dak_x

    been pretty stressed out lately... working 9 hour shifts like 4 days straight... got really sick in the process.....darn fever....working on this art thing after I get home around 12am from work.......2 lattes + 2 extra large black coffees per day.... then suddenly stopping....biggest. coffee. crash. ever.....it feels like a truck ran through my head....aka I feel like total shit....and threw up earlier......so...yea I made myself a cup of coffee.....and we're out of coffee now...ugh why did I pick up my coffee habit again? ...gotta save money....hmm and my monthly is totally out of wack...should've came like a week ago....ugh too stressed out......
  5. x_dak_x

  6. x_dak_x

    light-headed and nauseous... I already threw up.....I still feel like puking... and I have work tomorrow/the day after that as well............and I need to finish this art thing tonight so I'll be pulling an all-nighter.......omg ><"
  7. x_dak_x

    slightly offended..... ok...you ask me to help out with line art...ok fine, that's cool....................tracing in illustrator....fun wooooo wtf no not really...but you make me sit through watching that you basically took the illustrator/graphic arts position..........that's actually what my degree is in...............................and you gave another artist to do the digital coloring.................and actually I'm a graphic artist/artist/illustrator/designer................ugh fuck I need to put my website together.............then again I am very busy ><".....but still I was kinda offended............><"........way too stingy with perfection.......need more of an open-mind in flexibility and chill outtttttttt wow.... >< ugh semi-annoyed............I hate working with artists who are perfectionists................><""""""""""" but she's a really nice person in general...just I don't think we mesh well in an art collaboration.............since everything has to be done her way..............
  8. x_dak_x

    wooooow religious bitch......you were my friend in school...I helped you with so much shit....im guessing until you added me on facebook and realized omfg she likes jrock (cross-dressers omg..she must be gay)... omfg she likes metal/rock (she must be satanic)......blah blah....you asswipe didn't invite me to your going away party!!!!! narrow-minded christian fuck you...(no I am not assuming...she sent me some religious jesus loves you song...what the fuck man) *for the record I am agnostic........bitch
  9. x_dak_x

    wow..............I nearly shit myself.....last time I checked my bank balance it was 6k......wtf I thought I had student loans haulted since I applied to another school WHAT THE FUCK my balance is $150 now HOLY SHIT IM SO FUCKING SCREWED oh fuck me...and I still need to pay for contact lenses $30...an online order which is $100+...anime convention $30....food I'll say $10 per day?......phone bill....OMFG I'm doomed T-T
  10. x_dak_x

    40 days
  11. x_dak_x

    yeah the edit/delete button
  12. x_dak_x

    fuck you dad. when mom was diagnosed with diabetes you didn't give a damn; continued cooking unhealthy shit and buying junk food 24/7 making fun of her and eating sweets in front of her face. now you finally get checked up facing your fear of the doctor and also have diabetes diagnosed... level 7 is considered normal.. yet you are at level 14?! and only NOW are you putting effort into healthy cooking?! selfish bastard! it pisses me off that you didn't bother getting checked up because you thought you were invincible. you put the entire fucking family at risk! if you die we're all fucking screwed... you're the only one who makes enough to support the family....mom never ever worked lazy bum...I can give you some but I have a shit load of loans.......
  13. x_dak_x

    darn id checks.... oh well, more sake for me.. bottle to myself ^________^ + a cup a wine.. life is good
  14. x_dak_x

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^_________________^
  15. x_dak_x

    first reaction: OH MY FUCKING GOD NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?! second reaction: T^T ...omg seriously what the fuck.....I fucking love kagerou..... *is still in shock
  16. x_dak_x

    I left my bottle of sake at my friends house -_______- and... DAMN YOU BUG BITES >< ...so itchy....must not itch....
  17. x_dak_x

  18. x_dak_x

  19. x_dak_x

  20. x_dak_x

    damn germany played so boring today D: they looked so exhausted the players............ if only they took more possession of the ball they wouldn't have to play chase ><
  21. x_dak_x

    ....cut my leg bad from shaving...ok I know...I suck >
  22. x_dak_x

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