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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. Is the last song performed by Clémentine?

    I think it's this Clémentine (she's associated with Sony Music Japan too, so might be her).

    But yeah, really WTF/horrible tracklisting (except for SID and POLYSICS being there)... I guess they just hired some random foreigners for lots of $$$ to show how "influential" and "respected" Laruku is internationally (lol right). :lol:

    Yeah, lots of $$$ on the trash can, because this tracklist is mostly composed of one hit wonders and people who were once famous... no one cares about these artists today though.

    Siam shade did the same thing on their tribute album...

  2. Oh lulz. The main tracklist for the cover tribute is just retarded. The only artists that remotely make sense are the bonus ones.

    I really doubt Boyz II men ever heard of L'arc en ciel before this. Actually I didnt even know they still existed, lol. And they are ruining one of my L'arc favorites (awwww :()

    At least there's Polysics giving me some lulz. Though Eric Martin's cover may actually be good.

  3. ‎"Recording has ended! however there are still 7 songs ( he used the kanji that means lyrics )... It seems that this trip will continue."

    RUKI via Twitter

    That doesn't make a lot of sense.

    He probably meant they haven't recorded vocals yet.

    Or maybe Gazette is releasing an instrumental album with sing-along lyrics.

  4. ... These are full songs and not just clips right? Different Sense x3 seems to hint towards clips

    Yeaaa...I'm inclined to agree.

    I just noticed 5 of those songs are from the -zombie- thing. DO NOT WANT


    Actually there's more on the third dvd too.

    That's the live where they played while using the shitty make up from the DS PV.

  5. ・犬神サーカス団 - 「Rusty Nail」(original by X JAPAN)

    ・Kaya - 「揺れながら…」(original by Laputa)

    ・凛 -the end of corruption world-「Insomnia」(original by ROUAGE)

    The only ones I am caring about so far

    WTF Kaya... I just can't imagine that song with HIS voice D:

    P.s. Kinda wondering why there weren't any Kuroyume covers though, I suppose Kiyoharu's diva ego and "upper hand" has something to do with this cover deal...

    Could also be a label thing. Notice how some of the bands doing covers on these albums are showing up lots of times... I mean, normally a band like Mucc would join this in a heartbeat(before their recent label changes they used to be in almost every cover album out there)

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