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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. Some people are saying it's too early... lol no.

    Hageshisa was released 1 year and a month after Uroboros. If they announced a single next week, it's release would probably be around October. And October is... a year and two months after Dum Spiro Spero.

    And most people here listen to bands that release singles 2 months after an album... so...

  2. That doesn't look like hacking. It would be damn pointless to hack and put other artists advertising on the page. That was probably the people who manage Kamijo's website, they probably manage other artists websites and messed things up. This kind of thing happens, y'know.

  3. Too soon. Way too soon.

    Don't think so... before Zecchou Bang, the last time they released something was GO back on 2012. Most visual kei bands shit singles 4 or 5 months after the last album. And they have been playing some 4 or 5 new songs already this past year. One was Zecchou bang, and I bet this single is going to have just one track once again so...

  4. GDxL7yGTKz0

    For anyone who hasn't listened to it yet...
    Interesting to note that the harder section of the song is something we haven't seen these guys doing since music... maybe there was a song or 2 like that on now too.

  5. He's also boogieman's bassist but we may count that as disbanded already, right?

    Hope he's okay. Might it be he's hiding of the other baroque members? he wanted to leave the band in 2004 and that's why they dissolved, right?

    That'd be REALLY weird from his part. If you want to leave a band, you can just say it, you don't need to worry all your friends and relatives.

  6. I thought the trailer was absolutely corny but that's how Versailles always rolled so I wasn't expecting it to be different

    The song is ok, gotta wait for the single though. But I'm hoping the b-side sounds like Illusion, I just need more songs like that. I NEED AAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHH

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