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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. Yeah, I think it's a support drummer too. They don't show him much, plus he's not even on the band photo.

    Weird that they didn't announce Minato's leave though...

    Yeah,it was really weird.It was like "Dead end is back! All 4 members!" and then 6 months later Shinya from Luna Sea was their support drummer on a tour.What

  2. INFUSE INTO - Decent opening.Probably nice to start lives. 7/10

    Venomous Spider's Web - I quite like the electronic intro...the rest of the song is just your typical Gazette track though....a 7/10 would fit here.

    Sludgy Cult - One thousand bands already release songs like this,so it's not really an OH MY GOD SO ORIGINAL but it's decent.Probably replaying this some times. 8/10

    Red - Single...I only like the intro.4/10

    The Suicide Circus - It goes like Venomous Spider's Web,with the electronic/gazette/electronic moments. I like the "Gazette" parts of this song way more than those of Venomous Spider's Web though... 8/10

    Shiver - So bland.I just don't really like these single tracks. 3/10

    My Devil on The Bed - The electronic part on the intro is quite nice,but then it just becomes your typical japanese let's cover Marilyn Manson moment.I mean,I'm already satisfied with Gothic Circus from Sads,13-Thirteen- from D'espairsray,and that song from Angelo.Don't need more covers. And girls don't really work well with your songs Gazette. 4/10

    Untitled - I quite like this. This is the first song on the album where I think the electronic and lol Gazette parts blend actually well.Love the melody as well. The ending reminds me of some fine ambient stuff. 8.5/10

    Pledge - I kinda liked this back on the single.Not the type of track I listen to everyday,though. 6.5/10

    Ruthless Deed - Reminds me from Dim. I was expecting more things like this... when Gazette tries to be more hard and it actually is good. The song actually flows well,unlike most of what I've heard by now on this album.The chorus is nice too. 8/10

    Psychopath - I generally hate this kind of track. It's just trying too hard to be agressive.And it doesn't really work well. Gazette,try harder,or just stop making this kind of thing,please. The drums are really annoying for me on this song too,except on one of the parts. 4/10

    Vortex - The single I listened to most. Really unoriginal mashup of Gazette songs,but kinda works well. 6.5/10

    Tomorrow Never Dies - I kinda like the melody on the chorus.The way it kicks in though - just a complete mess. This song sounds like a giant mashup.Each part sounds so random. Also, theres a part of this song that really reminds me of Vortex,lol. 6.5/10

    Omega - It's weird...this sounds more like an intro than an outro. Sounds REALLY out of place here and not a nice way of finishing an album. 5/10 just for it's misplacement.

    Overall: 6/10

    Well...I don't really listen to Gazette that much...the only album from them I actually liked was Dim...the others are exactly like this for me - hit-and-miss fest. Maybe someday they'll get how to do it right.

  3. Is My lips to overlip your lips a new SE?

    Good question (I wanted to ask that too). xD

    There was a Japanese live report about this gig (maybe on Natalie?), and at the time they listed it as an untitled 'new song', so that would be my guess based on that info. Although it does start the concert an' everything, sooo~...not sure.

    I remember reading a long time ago it was a new SE and it also had another name....but I don't know, I can't read japanese lol

  4. I'm listening to this mostly because of 9goats.Now that's going to be good.

    At least Yurameki is the worst Dir en grey song ever(for me lolz) so there's nothing to worry if they ruin it.

    And I srsly hope Megamasso doesn't fuck with the song that made me start listening to music!

    EDIT: Oh wait I didn't notice OZ was covering Shiroi Yami.That's a damn fine song.But I hope OZ does it well!

    Sux 2 be u!

    >Being pretsy

    >saying it sucks to be me

    I seriously hope you guys are not doing this

    Also guys...I know everyone wanted Matina and more underground artists... but this is almost impossible. Many of those bands people on the internetz listen are just really motherfuckin' underground on Japan. An album with Das:Vasser and Madeth Gray'll covers wouldn't sell even 1% an album with hide and TM Revolution covers is going to sell

  5. I'm listening to this mostly because of 9goats.Now that's going to be good.

    At least Yurameki is the worst Dir en grey song ever(for me lolz) so there's nothing to worry if they ruin it.

    And I srsly hope Megamasso doesn't fuck with the song that made me start listening to music!

    EDIT: Oh wait I didn't notice OZ was covering Shiroi Yami.That's a damn fine song.But I hope OZ does it well!

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