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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. lol they really gonna ship the drum set to those who won it?

    it will be really expensive at tax :oshi:

    But since the drawing seems to be only for people who purchase them at store and not online (?)

    the chances are small for over seas fan to have it.

    Lol its just the drum head, not the whole drum set.

    it's written drums set there.

  2. well if thats the case, dir en grey disbanded after releasing 'the final'. so sad. :( i miss them.



    back on topic,I dont really know what to expect from this,I didn't really enjoy their last singles that much,they felt really bland to me...maybe I'm just not much into that style anymore

  3. yeah tsumi to kisei was probably just named like that because of the censoring....so the real name is still tsumi to batsu.

    Yes, you got it right!

    Quite annoying to release the song twice. Personally I think they could have released the new version of "RASETSUKOKU" onto the "DIFFERENT SENSE" single and just released the new version of Tsumi to batsu (Uncensored) on iTunes Store only...

    yeah it is annoying

    I wonder what's in the complete lyrics though."Tsumi To Kisei" already had some of the creepiest lyrics about rape ever.

  4. I dont think the title track resemblems Misery and Aron...those 2 do sound alike though.

    This is my favorite a-side from Kuroyume's comeback.

    I'll wait for the rest to do a full review though.

  5. ^ lol DIFFERENT SENSE didn't change at all, just the intro at the end of THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB.

    Exactly, they said they would only re-record the early singles (with mixing issues, DS had okay mixing)*

    *Hageshisa is not counted here - it was butchered completely, thanks to the courtesy of Jensen

    Well in their homepage it says that Different Sense was going to be a bit different,but nothing more than that lol

    And it also says that Lotus was remastered and Hageshisa re-recorded with their 7 strings.Just getting this shit clear because people still seem to be discussing this.

  6. ^ Not sure if I remember this correctly but they did inform in OHP (???) that there would be another tour after this worldwide PARADOX OF RETALIATION -tour

    + (!!!)

    Example: they started to play all the Uroboros tracks ONLY in the second wordlwide tour back in 2009, same goes for this album

    All you can do is just to wait for the year 2012, and you will get a chance to hear your Juuyoku Beelzebub-tunes whatever.

    And Kaoru said in Haiiro no Ginka that Dum spiro spero would being with PARADOX OF RETALIATION.

    And Age quod agis is kind of worldwide too.Paradox of Retaliation is only europe

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