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Posts posted by Wonrei

  1. I don't know,but Dada actually designed T-shirts for Dir en grey back in 2004.He also did many drawings for Kyo's poem book.So I actually believe he is related to t-shirts,but let's wait to see...

  2. This was written while listening to the album.

    Kyoukotsu no Nari - DAT PIANO. It just gave the idea how the whole album would sound.Made me shit my pants.The despair here is incredible. piano/10

    The Blossoming Beelzebub - DAT PIANO[2].This is amazing,holy shit.First favorite.Really proggy.This is dense,holy fuck.Fuck Vinushka,this is where the gold lies. piano/10

    Different Sense - drum and bass. worst single/10 also known as 6/10

    Amon - fuck yeah,atmospheric,nice. fits/10

    Yokusou ni Dreambox shit long title - what the fuck is this seriously my body likes this vocal melody.alot.HOLY FUCK THE AGRESSIVE PART,FUCK YOU DIR EN GREY THIS IS GOOD. bricksshat/10

    Juuyoku- One of my favorite samples,fuck yeah this is good.Really well done. demon summoning/10

    Shirutaru Monrou - Nice,atmospheric,felt like Amon to me. fits/10

    Lotus - hey lotus I liked you single I like you here with bass.Felt like I was in hell and suddenly there's this light clearing the area.Vocals also sound more echoey?dunno how to say. single/10

    Diabolos - Hey that echo.Hey whats wrong.HEY IS THAT MERZBOW.Sample comes.Oh hey.oh wait wtf can't describe actually

    This is deep.2deep4u The whole way this shit works.Vinushka. X tending to infinity/10

    Akatsuki - another favorite sample.sounds like you're lost in some forest and demons are coming to attack ya.Me likey

    God this is good.DAT FUNKY SONG DAT RAP Funk/10

    Decayed Crow - not really that original,but I like it's atmosphere and guitars.Who is that dawg distorting his guitar so much it sounds like aids? aids/10

    Hageshisa - hageshisa/10

    Vanitas - so here is ballad.at first felt pretty bland,but then the guitars came.Oh hey guitars.Now it's beautiful and kind of reminds me of old vk shit in the melody. sadballad/10

    Ruten no Tou - It started like it was going to finish the album.Like dem guitars.Really nice,the sample was the shittiest part of the song.Really strong song overall.Could've been a single.Hope they make a pv or something for this. perfectcloser/10

    Rasetsukoku - MOSHKICKASSHEADS/10

    Amon(Symphonic shit) - harp.You dir en grey dudes probably knew harp is my favorite instrument ever did you? They should do an album with an orchestra now. Dir en Symphonic/10.

    I loved Uroboros and got shocked by it at first.But this,my boys,this is another level.My favorite Dir en grey album

  3. I dunno what to say...the whole pv preview looks like an entire different band,and that's awesome.Also different from the last singles,this one sounds more "polished"...if that's the right word.I like it,even if it's not original,it's better then Pledge,Red and Shiver.

    maybe this is their DIFFERENT SENSE


    looooooooooooooool Different Sense jokes.





    lol gazette

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