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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. RAINDIA new maxi single "トラッシュジュウス(trash juice)" will be released in 2016/11, although details have not yet been announced
  2. ジャックケイパー(jack caper) has joined Riostar Records at 2016/08/01, and their 2 live-limited singles "妄想スパイス(mousou spice)" "you=害虫(you=gaichuu)" will be released at their free one-man live "無料?有料?決めていーりょうっ" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/10/20
  3. 伊織(iori)(ex-美女♂menZ) new solo project "天香久山(amanokaguyama)"will hold their first live at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2016/10/02 http://amanokaguyama.com/information/131/
  4. ソニックデスモンキー(sonic death monkey) new maxi single (title not yet finalized) will be released in 2016/11, although details have not yet been announced
  5. DIAURA new mini album "MY RESISTANCE" will be released at 2016/11/16 (2 TYPE) TYPE A (3,024yen) will include CD+DVD (including "倒錯症レジスタンス(tousakushou resistance)" PV & making), and TYPE B (3,024yen) will include CD+photobook [CD track list] 01.MY RESISTANCE(SE) 02.白と蒼の境界(shiro to ao no kyoukai) 03.The abyss 04.倒錯症レジスタンス(tousakushou resistance) 05.Linkage 06.Mr.Isolation 07.CRIMINAL BEAST (included in TYPE A) 07.Daybreaker (included in TYPE B ) btw they will hold yo-ka birthday one-man live "Evil's Night Party 2016~ハロウィンを破壊せよ~" at Shimokitazawa GARDEN at 2016/10/31 and their one-man live "Dictatorial Metamorphose~独裁的仮装祭~" at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2016/11/01 they will hold their one-man live tour "deadly "13" circuit" since HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2016/12/03 and up to tour final at Shibuya WWW X at 2017/01/22 and their one-man live "Dictatorial Garden ×××-beyond the resistance-" at 2017/02/18
  6. Trombe

  7. chariots new mini album "深紅に揺らめく、儚き鶺鴒(shinku ni yurameku hakanaki sekirei)" will be released in 2016/11, although details have not yet been announced their live-distributed single (title not yet finalized) will be released at their one-man live "for the crimson thug life" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2016/12/09
  8. Trombe

  9. Trombe

    AvelCain 2 LIVE DVDs "2016年6月23日 AKASAKA BLITZ 2ヶ月連続発売記念単独公演『はじまり』映像集" "2016年07月27日 NAGOYA DIAMOND HALL 最終単独公演 『輪廻転生』映像集" will be released at 2016/10/26 (7,344yen, limited 500 each) LIVE DVD "2016年07月20日 SHINJUKU BLAZE" & box containing 2 DVDs will be enclosed if pre-ordering their 2 LIVE DVDs together through fiveStars web-shop since 2016/08/13 and up to 2016/09/30 LIVE DVD "2016年07月22~24日 NAGOYA MUSIC FARM" & box containing 2 DVDs will be enclosed if pre-ordering their 2 LIVE DVDs together through their official web-shop since 2016/08/13 and up to 2016/09/30 SET-LIST at 2016/06/23: 01.蘇-よみがえり- 02.手首の切り方 03.操り人形 04.月蝕 05.裁 06.蛇と姑獲鳥 07.ID 08.病 09.PSYCHO-サイコ- 10.片想い 11.午前二時 12.月-MOON- 13.夜光虫 14.BELIEVE 15.花一匁 秒-byou- time 禅-zen- time 16.いろはにほへと 17.手毬唄 18.狐狗狸 19.懺悔、寡黙ナル君ニ…。 SET-LIST at 2016/07/27: 01.輪廻転生 02.蘇-よみがえり- 03.自責 04.手首の切り方 05.PSYCHO-サイコ- 06.月蝕 07.裁 08.「存在理由」 09.ID 10.病 11.蛾 12.片想い 13.午前二時 14.月-MOON- 15.彼岸花 16.千羽鶴 17.花一匁 秒-byou- time 禅-zen- time 18.いろはにほへと 19.手鞠唄 20.狐狗狸 21.懺悔、寡黙ナル君ニ…。 22.死化粧
  10. Trombe

    already posted over a month ago: https://www.monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/42849-emmuree-live-limited-single-red-release-ex-amber-gris-members-session-will-perform/
  11. their new album "アトム 未来派 No.9" will be released at 2016/09/28 (3 TYPE - SHM-CD+Blu-ray 6,458yen / SHM-CD+DVD 5,918yen / CD 3,240yen)
  12. Trombe has disbanded at 2016/07/18 due to losing confidence to M-H after being prohibited to log-on in M-H for 6 days by n' mod since the same date, and his alter-ego band "Tromb" has been eliminated by that mod at the same date he has revived for one-hour under "Tromb" at 2016/07/22, while Tromb has been prohibited to log-on again he will still search for visual-kei news in the future but will not post anywhere including M-H in the near future, while he might occasionally update his existing posts and might inform 5-6 members about news not yet been posted through PM PS1: Alkaloid, Yukami, Shaolan974 etc. are talented enough to find news, and thus M-H no longer needs him anymore PS2: that mod, Uglymouth, yakihiko etc. should be happy for this news PS3: hope that this thread will not be deleted or edited by that mod, who is not willing to delete other threads upon his request
  13. YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016" will be held at Makuhari MESSE at 2016/10/14-10/16 [live participating artists] X JAPAN LUNA SEA GLAY etc. http://visual-japan.com/
  14. Trombe

    their new maxi single "解離性同一人物(kairisei douitsujinbutsu)" will be released at 2016/09/21 (1,404yen) [track list] 01.解離性同一人物(kairisei douitsujinbutsu) lyrics: シャラク(sharaku) / music: リウ(riu) 02.○△□☓ lyrics & music: フクスケ(fukusuke) 03.メタリア~ノ?ピコリア~ノ!(metalia no? piccolia no!) lyrics & music: シャラク(sharaku)
  15. 風弥~Kazami~ 2 piano selection albums "DaizyStripper Piano Selection I" "DaizyStripper Piano Selection II" will be released at 2016/10/05 (2 TYPE, 8 songs) TYPE A (3,400yen) will include CD+DVD, and TYPE B (2,900yen) will include CD only
  16. 仙台貨物(sendai kamotsu) new maxi single "仕事をサボリTIGHT" (2 TYPE, 2,160yen each), best album "スケベスト3" (2,800yen) & LIVE DVD "仙台貨物 トゥアー2015「妖怪大仙奏」@豊洲PIT" (5,184yen) will be released at 2016/08/24
  17. Trombe

    new band "Schwartz:Mist" will hold their first live at Nagoya MUSIC FARM at 2016/08/28 "Schwartz:Mist" members: Vo.心(shin) (ex-LucieN) Gt.?? Ba.?? Dr.mAsakI (ex-LucieN) support Gt.厳真(genma) (ex-LucieN)
  18. V.A. abum "SHOCK WAVE CD Edition.7" has been available for ordering through SHOXX official web-shop since 2016/07/21 (2,500yen+500yen delivery), which will include CD (5 new/unreleased songs, 2,500yen+500yen delivery) and will be delivered in late 2016/10 [participating artists] 逆襲の自作自演屋。(gyakushuu no jisakujienya) GLAM GRAMM@R Smileberry ソニックデスモンキー(sonic death monkey) FEST VAINQUEUR
  19. Jupiter digital single "Scenario-LIVE from BLESSING OF THE FUTURE-" will be available for download through iTunes since 2016/07/24, and their memorial photobook+CD "Scenario" has been available for ordering through their official web-shop since 2016/07/24 (4,000yen)
  20. 摩天楼オペラ(matenrou opera) best album, new mini album & LIVE Blu-ray/DVD release
  21. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2016/07/16: 01.fanfale 02.ニードル(needle) 03.Water lilies 04.SWANS 05.パレード(parade) 06.Ella 07.太陽より暑い夏(taiyou yori atsui natsu) 08.ラプンツェル(rapunzel) 09.deep sleep 10.禍人(magabito) 11.LEM 12.告白(kokuhaku) 13.発火(hakka) 14.腐肉と果実(funiku to kajitsu) 15.クラッカー(cracker) 16.Siren EN1 01.May your life be always fulfilled with love 02.SWANS 03.ニードル(needle)
  22. mod are useless...I've requested various mods to delete my reply post and nobody help

    1. freesia


      Trombe is a mod-like existence on MH so to speak with.

    2. Elazmus


      @Shir0you have to step up your game :)

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