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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. PV looks absolutely amazing, probably their best one in ages. Like someone else already jokingly pointed out, it looks like Kyo's slowly transforming into Sopor Aeternus' Anna-Varney though also it DEF feels as if some parts of the songs have been cut out
  2. what the fuck is it with vk musicians and rare illnesses? anyway, hopefully the dude will make it through, but if the survival rate is so low, will there even be a chance of recovering enough to resume band activities? it must be something serious
  3. Tokage

    people are willing to stoop to surprising levels of selective obliviousness when it comes to defending their kawaii jrockers
  4. Tokage

    this is actually true, feel like it would actually be harder to compile a list of bandmen that are actually solid people than to make a list of the shitty ones
  5. Tokage

    think about this: if this al turns out to be legit, there -must- be some artists or people who have worked closely with Kisaki in some form who actually knew about this shit to some extent, i don't feel like it's the kind of thing that would just be easy to hide
  6. whenever japanese bands are describing the sound of their upcoming release they always talk about vague shit like 'taking the listener into their world' and all that anyway, if more samples of some kind (or at least a full version of ranunculus) don't show up by the middle of next week imma riot
  7. Tokage

    he's absolutely fucked can't believe kisaki will FINALLY be forced to retire for real
  8. Tokage

    At this point, considering all the various scandals and allegations towards him over the years, Kisaki just seems like such a fucking shitty person it almost feels like a caricature... like the kind of person who, if he'd been a character in some tv series or a movie, would have people going all 'yeah, alright, we get it, he's the villain'
  9. What's the best Shellmy release? Kinda interested in checking them out but idk where to start

    1. emmny


      yeah not much has been upp'd so dl whatever, tbh everything they've done is pretty much solid

    2. plastic_rainbow


      i haven't heard much from them but i thought 少女地獄 was pretty good

    3. Tokage


      alright i'm gonna just wing it and try out some random stuff, thx yall

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  10. Okay so the first half of that mess of a title is probably a reference to that 'dude, we're time travelers from the future coming back to the '90s to boost our record sales' gimmick they had going on early in their career, what's the deal with the -7 = 20 part tho?
  11. ok so i said the ranunculus sample isn't really anything special at first but now i've had it stuck in my head for like the past day, sooo.... ?????
  12. I feel like this is already like the third or fourth thread you've made that follows pretty much the exact same premise, are you sure you've checked out absolutely every band people have listed the past couple of times we covered this topic?
  13. Tokage

    After devouring pretty much the entirety of Laird Barron's bibliography over the summer (and loving it, once again, HIGHLY recommended to anyone who likes weird fiction and cosmic horror stuff) I've now moved on to reading Ryu Murakami's From The Fatherland With Love.. So far all i can say about it is 'yep, feels like a Ryu Murakami novel alright,' but it's a good thing in my book
  14. Tokage

    Maybe they'll pull a DIMLIM and suddenly become good, or at least slightly more progressive than the standard deathcore template, wouldn't that be something?
  15. The aesthetic of that PV is really fucking nice, doesn't seem to fit the song at ALL though. Honestly actually kind of wondering what could warrant the need for a censored version, hope it's not just another edgy 'dude child abuse or creepy children/teens lol' plot honestly, they have too many of those already Song itself seems to just be so-so based on the one minute here. The full song is supposed to change its tempo at certain parts, right?
  16. Tokage

    he'd have way more of a chance if he didn't constantly pull goofy shit like this in all honesty
  17. hoping so fucking badly there will be at least 1 kind of out of the left field song like Uroko or Phenomenon on this thing
  18. Tokage

    the mistake was that he accidentally took a 128kbps rip of one of their older best-ofs from some random blogspot site
  19. Single's out, Japanese iTunes exclusive for now to my knowledge. Price is 260 yen
  20. coaltar of the deepers are back, im shitting

    1. BrenGun


      Do you follow them lately


      did you saw?



    2. Tokage


      did not know about that! only knew about the one single & EP that came out earlier (either this year or last year? i forgot when)

    3. BrenGun


      also good news for you I guess



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  21. Resident shoegazers rejoice! Coaltar of the Deepers are finally back, proving once again that miracles do happen. They will be dropping their new single SUMMER GAZER '92 exclusively on iTunes on August 31st, and will have also announced that their long-awaited RABBIT E.P. will be released in November 2018. Source & official artwork for the new single:
  22. De films van Alex van Warmerdam die ik tot nu toe heb gezien, Ober en Borgman, waren allebei goed. Zeker aan te raden als je geen problemen hebt met vreemde soort van surrealistische shit. Z'n andere films moeten voor het grootste gedeelte ook goed zijn, maar die heb ik nog niet gezien
  23. lack.co's cover of mannequin is not good :( the other 2 cali gari covers are nice tho

    1. Elazmus


      I agree, idk if mannequin was a good choice 😕

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II



      It kind of replaced all the WeIrD aNd ZaNy parts and made them edgy. They did a good job at adapting it to have two guitar parts, but this isn't my favorite version of the song.

    3. Tokage


      honestly, the main problem with the Mannequin cover is just simply the fact that it's not weird and noisy enough compared to the original, something feels off about the energy

  24. Tokage

    Yeah, seems like an awfully difficult thing to enforce unless you're a band with like 10 - 20 fans showing up in the first place. Are they planning on hanging up some kind of wanted posters all over the livehouse or dragging along some burly yakuza dude to act like a bouncer wherever they'll go and play?
  25. Tokage

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