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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. i can already feel this album is gonna be better than 脈 - Myaku [8½ Convert] [PV] [HD]!!!!!
  2. Tokage

    i mean most of the girls who are into that kinda music are probably into being choked so it's just a case of knowing your audience
  3. im still not sure how to feel about that fucking rap section in values of madness but i absolutely love the intro to that song
  4. Based on the samples, it feels like Aka's gonna be my favorite on this one
  5. Tokage

    Also, recent viewings: Eye in the Labyrinth: Pretty alright giallo film made during the 'golden age' of the genre. The opening sequence in particular is extremely stylish and well done, but unfortunately the movie kinda ends up just going all over the place soon after in terms of plot, in almost typical giallo fare. Lots of gorgeous girls, and the usual sleaze one can expect from the genre. Not too heavy on the gore or on the kills in general, but the cast of characters is quirky enough to keep you watching. That one actor they cast as the 'kid' looked a bit too old to convincingly sell that role tho lol. Hell Night: Relatively early slasher, pretty much as by the numbers as things get. Coeds have to spend the night in a spoooooky old place with a dark past as part of their frat's hazing ritual, and of course it turns out the urban legends attached to the building were correct and people start to gradually get slashed. Not as heavy on the gore as some of the later slashers, but it's still entertaining. That one dude who just went and nicked a shotgun from the police station is absolutely based, and the actress playing the British chick is qt as hell Too Beautiful To Die: Another giallo, this time a relatively unknown late-'80s entry to the genre. Originally marketed as a supposed sequel to a movie it has literally nothing to do with to my knowledge, this one's high up there on the list for the title of 'Most '80s movie ever made'. Apparently the director mainly worked on commercials and music videos before this, and you can absolutely tell. Glossy aesthetics out the ass, extremely new wavey soundtrack that'll make any fan of that kinda stuff wet... Pretty nice. Once again, this one isn't as high on gore as some of its brethren within the genre, but it's definitely got a couple of pretty neat stalking scenes. The main murder weapon, while probably pretty damn badass back in the day, nowadays kinda looks like it came straight from some mallgoth's bedroom, but that's okay.
  6. thanks to @Kelrya for enlightening me abt the fact mewithoutyou are dropping a new album, between that, the new Diru and the upcoming Clarence Clarity material the next couple of months are gonna be nnnnnnice af

  7. Tokage

    man i'm not even a trump supporter and nothing about that the purge movie looks appealing to me at all, seems like they're trying way too hard to be topical and """woke""" or whatever, gonna end up being as dated as the Scary Movie films in like a decade or two
  8. soooo... 軽蔑と始まり = the super heavy song, Values of Madness = the poppy song, Devote My life = punk's not dead song? am i right?
  9. it's gotta be the poppy one in that case, those other titles don't sound like they'd fit the song at all haha
  10. please god let there be no fucking useless s.e. tracks on this album
  11. Tokage

    That weird symphonic phase was indeed just blah and I'm kind of happy they seem to have dropped it. I actually kind of like Arche's weird reverb thing, dunno, it kinda gives me some shoegaze-without-being-shoegaze vibes
  12. Tokage

    Top 10 cursed sentences posted on monochrome heaven dot com, anyway try The Wailing if you haven't yet, probably one of the best Asian horrors to come out in recent years Recent viewings: The Saddest Music in the World: Cool and quirky film by Guy Maddin. He somehow always manages to make his movies feel as if they're like lost films from the '20s/'30s that were buried underground for several decades before being discovered or something. Really cool aesthetic style that might take some time to get accustomed to, but I dig it. Features a woman without legs receiving a pair of artificial glass legs (filled with beer) and an international competition to find the saddest song in the world among other things. Mr. Vampire: Hong Kong comedy/horror (altho it's really leaning much further in the direction of comedy than horror imo) that's extremely amusing. Very fast-paced, never gets boring. There's always some goofy shit going down. Features those Chinese hopping vampires, magic, horny ghost girls, and a lot of slapstick action and impressive stunts. I can see how this ended up being such a popular and genre-defining movie. Good 'just turn your brain off and watch' material. The Devil's Doorway: Found footage horror movie that's still relatively new (came out this year I think). Has the novelty of being set in the '60s, so it's shot in this kind of grainy old school style. I reckon people who enjoyed that other found footage horror The Borderlands might enjoy this one as well, since this one is also about investigators from the church being sent off to investigate reported miracles and discovering something much darker. Instead of an old church, this one's set in an Irish home for 'fallen women'. It's kind of on the short side, but at least that also means it doesn't overstay its welcome. Mulholland Drive: Absolutely based, probably in my personal top 3 by David Lynch. Just go and watch it if you haven't seen it yet cuz that shit's GOOD. It's in many people's top lists for a reason.
  13. Anyone here ever got a headache / hurt their ears listening to VK? Not talking 'lol bad music hurrrr' here, I'm talking like 'music causing actual physical discomfort'. For me one band that seems to cause it is 12012 with their earliest material. Something about the production on their older releases just makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe it's that weird tin can-like filter over the vocals.

    1. IGM_Oficial


      If it's about loud masterings, all B. P. records catalogue from 2015 onwards. Kiryu's "Irodori" makes me regret liking them (not actually, maybe?). But I was about to make a joke about bad music ;-;

    2. Himeaimichu


      Ironically for me, a lot of early Kiryu stuff rather than later Kiryu stuff. Mostly because their early stuff (especially on Shuugetsu Heika) were engineered with too much treble, and ripped in low quality. 

    3. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      DEG's Schwein no Isu, like all the Rammstein songs, bring more pain to my ears than whatever in my life... nothing has beaten that at all...

    4. Show next comments  117 more
  14. Tokage

    TMOAB sounds like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Has two of the band's best ballads on it too. The low points (The Deeper Vileness, Lie Buried With A Vengeance, Rotting Root) are all pretty dire , though i've warmed up to Lie over the years regardless
  15. They've been playing at least 2 or 3 new, as of yet unreleased songs as well though, maybe we can at least expect a mini-album or an e.p. or something in the gap between the new Dir album and the tour
  16. iirc they've changed/lost some members over the last couple of years, not sure which ones exactly, but that might have had some influence on it? i think they at least lost their main 'actor guy' at some point anyway, pv looks awesome as usual, the song itself is nice instrumentally as well, but something about the vocals feels off
  17. Didn't someone quote some interview earlier stating they hadn't even finalized the track list until like June orJuly? Maybe they just legit didn't have time to put more teasers or samples together...
  18. Tokage

    rare solo image of kyo leaked
  19. Tokage

    it's probably quite literally the only japanese musician to drop by those ex-USSR countries besides maybe Sana or HITT so i'm pretty sure every single remaining weeb there will collect their pocket money to attend
  20. Tokage

    this post has aged extremely well
  21. Tokage

    there's literally a thread about the events i described in this very news forum, i'm not just making this stuff up just for fun, but if you want to excuse shitty label behavior then uhh enjoy i guess?
  22. Tokage

    flop label [2] weren't they the ones threatening to drop one of their bands from their label if they didn't manage to get a certain number of attendees? edit: yes indeed they were, the band in question didn't end up getting dropped because they were only 4 people short of the required amount, but it's still a massive fucking dick move and i hope they won't pull that shit on the gallo
  23. Tokage

    Expected it not to come out until 2019, so this is nice. Hope it'll actually have 14 tracks and no interludes tho
  24. Still not sure what exactly is supposed to be the censored material in the PV though, I guess some stuff on the television screens and the inflated bride exploding at the end?
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