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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. although most of aie's bands end up sounding like deadman without mako anyways.


    but yes deadman (and p much all of aie's other stuff by proxy, too) is/was great

  2. The Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires

    A pretty strange team-up between Hammer and The Shaw Brothers leads to a weird mixture of a vampire movie and a kung-fu movie. Also, Peter Cushing is the only Van Helsing that matters.


    I sort of enjoyed it. It's no cinematic treasure, but it's an enjoyable popcorn flick.

  3. Blue Velvet is nice indeed. Glad you enjoyed it. Flight was a very mediocre drama so it's definitely not just you. It's basically wasted potential with a truckload of cliches.

    yeah, it felt like they were trying REALLY hard to make one of those ~oscar quality~ movies, but it all just felt way too phony for me.

  4. Watched Blue Velvet and Flight recently. Flight wasn't really my thing, too 'normal' for me I guess?

    I really liked Blue Velvet though. I should watch more of David Lynch's stuff, probably (although I didn't really like Eraserhead)

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