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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. I only have one thing to say about this since I said all there is to say about stuff like this during the shootings in that movie theater: AMERICA FIX YER GUNLAWS PLS.

    Also I hate how they're starting the whole video game stuff again. I play Assassin's Creed, therefore I must have the urge to kill people with a hidden blade! Who gives a shit what the guy listened to/played/watched, it cannot be the reason for what happened there.

    "Hey, people get bullied, maybe that might be the problem we have to tack-"


  2. another reason is that both are quite terrible 80% of the time

    although by that reasoning you could lump in every single other genre in here as well because the largest part of most genres is bad

  3. My Bloody Valentine (1981 version) - Yep, good slasher movie. The killer is one of my all-time favorite slasher villains looks-wise and the mine setting sets it apart from other holiday-themed slashers

    Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood - Ah, good old TftC. A story about a brothel run by vampires. Nice. Also features the usual hurricane of terrible puns by the Cryptkeeper

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