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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Demonic Toys - Horror movies w/ living toys spook me but this was an entertainingly bad romp with some interesting ideas.

    Short! Short! Short! - Korean short film anthology, a story about ghosts eating their own memories, one warped thing inspired by Theseus vs the Minotaur and a thriller based around people making 'artsy' movies getting murdered. I liked it! I really liked it, actually!

  2. Skyfall: Pretty amusing. It was the first bond movie I'd ever seen. Had some amazing shots in it. Didn't care for the villain at all, though.

    Parents: Strange, sort of obscure horror movie about either a child slowly going insane or cannibalistic parents from the late '80s. Had a rather surreal vibe. I found it rather unsettling for some reason I can't quite discern, but it was def. good.

    The Blob (1988): DEM SPECIAL EFFECTS, seriously. Quality horror-cheese that isn't afraid to go against some of the cliches of the genre (fake main character that gets killed off a quarter through the movie!)

  3. Recently watched/rewatched:

    - Mutant Girls Squad (japanese splatter group-project by the dudes who made Tokyo Gore Police, Versus and The Machine Girl)

    - Body Bags (anthology horror flick by Tobe Hooper and John Carpenter)

    - Rubber (somewhat pretentious meta flick about a rubber tire that kills things)

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