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Posts posted by Tokage

  1. Last night there was a rickety, old mansion filled with cobwebs that was built on a tall pillar in a rock quarry. Apparently it was some kind of concert venue. When we left there was an angry mob on the cliffs of the rock quarry and they started catapulting car wrecks at us so we had to dodge the rain of cars. There was a brief suburb separated into small islands and then I got home but there were giant spiders all over the front of my house so I had to enter my house through my neighbour's back yard. Then, once inside, I got attacked by a fat zombie or ghost which I defeated by hitting it with my ID somehow


    I don't remember anything else whoops

  2. I follow The Vault Show. Basically about a fictional TV show where people are locked in rooms and have to solve puzzles. It's low-budget, it's cool.

    Also Retsupurae, if it counts (I don't think it does), they make fun of bad youtube LPs and bad videogames

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