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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    Stage Fright is definitely great! Love that owl mask the killer wears. (on that note, wasn't there some sort of recent ''artsy'' horror with an owl-headed creature in it as well? i forgot the name of that flick.) Company of Wolves is interesting as well, I saw it some years ago, I don't remember much of it, other than that I liked it. I still need to check out the Phantasm series..
  2. why did i never listen to towa tei before???

    1. YuyoDrift


      cuz you wasn't coolz before yo.

      Mind Wall is one of my faves. :)

  3. ppl are cryin about this when u got bands like fucking munimuni or sth postponing their new studio release for like what, three or four fucking years now? lmao, a month is nothing y'all Guess i got that new Schaft album and this new Dezert album to look forward to on the same day though whooooo
  4. Tokage

    I liked Schwein, but i've never listened to SCHAFT before.. guess i gotta change that now ;U also Ueda? Seriously? ayyyy
  5. Tokage

    There's snow................................................. (s)no................................................
  6. i've had enough of cake for the coming months.........

    1. Cupcakes


      o/ what did you expect?

    2. digi


      but do u got enough cake in the back nomesayin

    3. Tokage


      100% cake 2 da maxx

    4. Show next comments  363 more
  7. Tokage

    monochrome heaven is the greatest country in the world
  8. Tokage

    im goin 2 sue u all 4 slander & twisting the Good Holy Words spoken by my virtual mouth
  9. wwhen will the mods finally add likes 2 status updates that would be ''the'' bomb

  10. Tokage

    i want to fuck up a christmas tree
  11. Tokage

    So, I finally got around to watching Deathgasm. Take the basic premise of The Evil Dead, blend it with a strong dose of metal and you'll end up with this fun little horror comedy right here. The basic plot of the movie can be summed up as follows; teenage metalhead accidentally unleashes a demon invasion upon his small, sleepy New Zealand town by playing an ancient doom metal song. Hilarity ensues. What follows is a wild ride with lots and lots of blood and gore. Thankfully, the film mostly features practical effects, with only the occasional use of CGI here and there. Awesome. Also, I laughed way harder than I should have at the mental image of the movie's token Dungeons & Dragons nerd deciding to face the ongoing demon apocalypse with Hulk gloves Of course the movie has its downsides as well, the female lead (while being quite hot) comes off a bit stiff at times acting-wise and the whole subplot of the evil cult sort of felt dumb to me, but other than that.. Yeah, fun popcorn flick. Go see it/download it if you can.
  12. calling the album DIAVOLO and then not calling the associated live-dist single DOPPIO? fucking bullshit imo
  13. Tokage

    Some people I've unironically seen/heard going like ''there is LITERALLY no reason to label this a ''tragedy'', people kill WAY more animals in a year...'' for example
  14. wwhy is Full sharing videos on youtube about the Paris attacks and the Sandy Hook shooting being a conspiracy..... is my fav problematic...................

    1. lichtlune


      It's possible I guess. ^^

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Inspiration for a new single called "Thoughts like an onion"

  15. Tokage

    tbh although the whole paris attacks (and all the other horrible stuff that went down and goes down in the world on a daily business) are terrible, this whole ''click HERE to SHOW YOUR COMPASSION ON FACEBOOK'' stuff is really p. disgusting and phony on FB's end in my opinion, just about on the same level as all those edgelords crawling out of the woodwork to show just how ''extreeeeme'' and contrarian they are :/// idk, maybe the intentions behind it are good, but it feels so... ''corporate'' (like with the whole gay flags thing before)
  16. Tokage

    I decided to DL Amer, The Editor, Torso and The Strange Colour of Your Body's Tears (since those were the only ones I could find torrents w/ seeders for whoops), thanks for the recs
  17. Tokage

    i fucking LOVE foggy weather
  18. Tokage

    The only giallo-esque film I've seen so far is Tenebrae, what are some other good ones in the genre? Also, something completely different, but I'm just curious; what's everyones favorite type of horror movie antagonist?
  19. Tokage

    They're probably more mad that the guys in front pissed kyo off/tortured his poor soul with their respectless behavior
  20. inb4 ''hahaha hey guys oops we accidentally lost those recordings hahaha oh how clumsy of us''
  22. Skipped the singles too, so this album's gonna be a nice surprise for me
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