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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. I hope you enjoy it! That went a lot quicker than I thought it would, but I suppose it's not too surprising given how unfortunately hard it is to find any DVDs from them(at least DVDs under like 8000 yen)
  2. Biopanda

    Hmm.. not bad at all. I'll have to keep my eye on them
  3. Just think of it as.... an investment for your future
  4. ^ Better get 'em while they're still there As far as I know, they were only available for mail-order for a whole week and that's it, so the chances of them showing up anywhere again is slim-to-none.
  5. Go check out the latest rarezhut.net update, there were a ton of rare DVDs added this week!

    1. Champ213


      You will take me to the poorhouse...

    2. Biopanda


      At least you'll go to the poorhouse with rarez by your side. That's what matters in life anyway, right?

    3. Champ213
  6. This week's update is live! There were 36 DVDs added this week and you can check out the list right here (or via the new "Newly added items" page!)
  7. Well it's not like you had much "OBJECTION!" to that :V ok I'm done now
  8. Just watched my first episode of moomins. Are they supposed to be hippos?

    1. The Bread Wolf

      The Bread Wolf

      They are supposed to be moomins. :'D

    2. allisapp


      Panda's parents are supposed to be moomins?!?

    3. Biopanda



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  9. Just a quick update~ I've added a few new features to rarezhut today to hopefully make everything easier and smoother for everyone. First off, I've added a Newly Added Items section so that you can easily access all of the products from the weekly updates. Secondly, I changed the way the store displays products, so now it will no longer show items which are out of stock. There are still going to be band pages(from the #-M, etc. lists) which have no items, as the band link pages are created and updated by hand rather than being automated, but I will eventually go through and delete out some of the bands which I have nothing from anymore to help clear things up. New features aside, this week's update will be a DVD update. I noticed that I haven't posted any in a long while, so I'll go ahead and fix that I can't exactly guarantee when the update will be ready, but I'm shooting for Sunday/Monday.
  10. Biopanda

    How did we get this far without a single Psycho le Cemu PV not posted? Those guys were the kings of story PVs As for the PVs already posted, I'd at least have to say that the Calmando Qual one doesn't belong in this thread XD Terrible production quality and it's pretty much just "band standing around playing in an empty room". Certainly not a story PV, at least XD
  11. Biopanda

    Wait wait wait stop the train. Is this an option? How much do I need to donate to hear CAT read me obscure VK news?
  12. Biopanda

    Doubt it'd work. Most topics are multi-purpose anyways. You can pick any random topic from Trombe and find a new member announcement, a CD announcement and a live announcement all posted in the same thread at different times. If anything, this would just clutter the forum more by forcing people to only make a news topic about a single item. Plus it'd be pretty stupid to see a topic like "[New Member] New member joins MEJIBRAY" or whatever. It's already in the topic, so it doesn't need to be stated twice, yet removing it from the title wouldn't make any sense(where as download topics didn't NEED to say what kind they were, but it was nice).
  13. Check out the latest rarezhut.net update! We just added 130 items and a new discount($2-4) section!

    1. Biopanda


      If you go to the thread in the selling section, I link to the latest newsletter which lists all of the new items. I'm working on adding a page to the store as well.

    2. fitear1590


      Love the idea of the discount section! Will there be more updates for that as well, or is that all for now?

    3. Biopanda


      There will be a ton added to that section, though I'll probably do maybe 20 a week or so.

    4. Show next comments  210 more
  14. Now that I'm back from my winter vacation and all settled in, I had time to put together a nice, big update (a whopping 130 items)! For those of you not subscribed to the newsletter, you can read it along with the list of added items right here~ As detailed in the newsletter, we just opened up a new "Bargain bin" section for discounted items. These items are sold "bare", meaning they only come with the CD and/or DVD and nothing else(booklet, OBI strip, etc.). So if you're looking to pick up some VK CDs for $2-3, then go check that section out!
  15. I don't have anything by them, sorry.
  16. Biopanda

    Just be glad that he didn't decide to show you his prince albert in the middle of the restaurant :v
  17. Biopanda

    I've had three girlfriends, yet I think I've only gone on one date ever. I think that means I'm broken XD To me though, "going on a date" seems like what you'd do to get to know someone, yet with all of my girlfriends I had already known them well beforehand. I guess the idea of a date doesn't really mean much to me either. If I want to go out to the movies or a restaurant with my girlfriend or a potential girlfriend, I don't really think I'd make a big ordeal out of it. I vastly prefer just hanging out with someone at home, since I think that if anything, you'd get to know them better that way then during some movie or when you're both stuffin' food into your faces. I guess I'm lucky that my girlfriend is boring like me and prefers to just stay in instead of going out and doing things together XD
  18. Biopanda

    I was going to say that's a pretty short set, but then I saw that they did a 40+ minute encore XD
  19. Biopanda

    To be fair, they did start off as a joke band XD I think that peaked right around NANDAKANDA, then when they got the new members they just decided they'd be Psycho le Cemu, which is totally cool with me
  20. Perfect strategy. Wait for a band from the same city as you to disband, then take their name. BAM instant fans. Maybe they can trick people in by announcing one of their lives as a "secret one day revival" and see how many UCP fans show up.
  21. Biopanda

    Very barely. I think soft visual is pretty much what morphed into oshare bands. if you follow it from late-90s proto-oshare bands like l'luvia and MELODY to mid 2000s oshare, it's easier to see the connection than straight to what is around today. I suppose there are a few bands that I think might take some influences from soft visual, but the only one I can really think of at the moment is Euphoria. I suppose there are other bands that are stuck in the 90s as well such as Kreuz Kafka, but I'm pretty sure they were just pulled out of a time capsule XD
  22. Biopanda

    White-kei bands will always, ALWAYS be forgotten about. It totally messes up people's arguments about how 90s VK was all dark goff, when a majority of the bands that were actually popular were playing floofy pop-rock XD
  23. Biopanda

    Not bad at all. Whenever I see news regarding Daishi though, I always cross my fingers hoping he gets back into VK and get disappointed every time :'D
  24. Biopanda

    Oh wow... well this is certainly confusing since their 2011 mini album was also titled DEEP RAVE XD
  25. There's nothing more awwwwwww than the gift of diabetes <3 Edit: nevermind, I just saw that they were sugar-free. Then uh... there's nothing more awwwwww than the gift of hours of stomach pain and getting to live in the bathroom? :'D
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