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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Woah.... how the heck did you get that MEGA CD? I hope you weren't the totally uncool person who outbid me on the ~$100 auction for it XD
  2. Thanks again to all my li'l cuties for showing up to this weekend's RarezHut stream! We couldn't possibly do the stuff we love without y'all <333

  3. Gearing up for the 4th day of RarezHut's live-streaming auctions! Come join us again today and watch Leaf fight for more rarez! www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut

  4. Thanks again for another successful RarezHut stream! I love every one of you with your beautiful eyes and hair and hope to see you all tomorrow <3

  5. Only a little over 2 hours until we start today's RarezHut live streaming auction! Come hang out and maybe snag some of the awesome goodies we've got planned for today! www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut

  6. RIP RarezHut u wil be 4ever in are harts

  7. Only one hour to go until the 2nd day of the RarezHut stream! We had some amazing deals yesterday and aren't about to stop quite yet :P www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut

  8. Val is a dork and posted the wrong link... it's hitbox.tv, not hitbox.com. We'll be live again Sunday morning though.
  9. Thanks for keeping the list! Val and I are actually going to get some sleep tonight, so hopefully we won't be zombies during the stream tomorrow
  10. RarezHut streaming auction starting in 1 hour(4 PM GMT)! Come join us and score some cool stuff~ www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut

  11. RarezHut streaming auction starting in 1.5 hours(4 PM GMT)! Come join us and score some cool stuff~ www.hitbox.com/rarezhut

    1. Des


      www.hitbox.tv/rarezhut DOT TV! Not dot com!

    2. eiheartx


      For the first time, I will try to participate :')

    3. Biopanda


      derp, I just copied from Val's facebook post

  12. Finally finished the band list! That should be most of the bands, though I didn't go through bands on V.A. things. As you can see, there should be plenty for everyone here XD As for the VHS tapes, those will sorta be played by ear. I'll put as many as I've got up on the stream, otherwise they'll probably go on the demotape stream and I'll just turn it into an "oldschool" stream. Also: not all things end up making it to the stream anyways. It was only the first stream where I did an actual unboxing and showed off EVERYTHING. All of the streams since then, I've gone through the packages beforehand and removed things that I didn't think were worth showing, so they are cut down considerably sometimes. On the store side, it's kind of hard to say. For the first year and a half of RarezHut's existence, everything rare went on the store(obviously, cus there was no stream XD). However... each stream has brought in more money by themselves than the store has brought in during the whole time it has existed. I don't want to abandon the store or anything since it certainly has it's place, but the streams have already proven themselves to be a much more profitable(and WAYYYYY more enjoyable than the listing process for the store). We'll certainly be shifting a decent amount of our focus to the streams in the future, but we're currently looking at better ways to integrate the store and the streams.
  13. Problem is that each streaming event takes 2-3 weeks just to prepare for, so I'd never have any time for other things XD The box that came in today was pretty small(maybe 40 items or so), so it'll realistically only take me just a few hours to get that stuff ready. Some stuff is being pushed to next weekend due to time constraints... mostly VHS tapes because I haven't had time to rip and encode all of them. I think that in the future(depending on our money situation), we'll probably be aiming for every 2-3 months or so other than for special streams like the upcoming demotape-only stream. The next major stream will probably be the last weekend of October to celebrate RarezHut's 2-year anniversary, so hopefully we'll be able to put together something super awesome for that
  14. I'll be getting the band list posted today, but I'm still not even done getting everything listed and ready for the stream yet. In fact: we just got another box in from FromJapan just this morning, so I'm trying to plow through those as quick as I possibly can.
  15. Biopanda

    Literally the best news.
  16. I was able to nab a few of the sets, yeah It's been a looooooong time since I've really seen any sets on Y!A, so I had to get them when I could. Most of the time nowadays it's only single tapes that show up on auctions and for like $20 each XD Can't quite afford that when I'd probably end up selling them for $5 XD
  17. Just a quick update since I know people will be asking: We WILL have demotapes during the stream, but I'm not quite sure when yet. I've got 90 tapes coming in from Japan, but they won't be here in time for the first weekend. I'm hoping they'll be here for the second weekend, otherwise I'll probably have some ~super special~ tape-only day on the third weekend. I'm still finishing up listing and preparing things for the stream, but I should hopefully be able to get a list of the bands some time during the next few days.
  18. Biopanda

    Maria Cross
  19. Totally down with this! Been waiting for Cra to reappear again.
  20. Biopanda

    It was me. I stole the SuGmobile.
  21. I only listen to VK from the 1920s, so I voted for that
  22. Biopanda

    I just throw everything into one big folder, strip all of the tags and rename them after my favorite food products
  23. Yisssssssssss! Been waiting for Amonn to come back full-time <3
  24. We're aiming for the weekend of the 1st or the 8th at the latest
  25. Biopanda

    Don't worry, there's still FULL EFFECT'. Art-kei lives.
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