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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    Welcome home, Master.
  2. I keep forgetting that this band is around... they really need to be less quiet! I was a huge Black Klaxon fan, so it's really nice to see them keeping the same vibe.
  3. Spending the night ripping Gackt VHS tapes. Nostalgia explosion all over my face.

    1. robkun


      Gackt is god, Gackt is... Gackt.



      And naked Gackt is Gackt's holy spirit

  4. New York :< Buncha dumb butts

  5. I mostly jokingly added the bands in the OP XD 16,Piano is still one of my favorite bands(along with the other two in that post) I own the VHS that the youtube video is from and they were soooo great live!
  6. Biopanda

    I'd try ask @robkun since that band seems like they'd be right up his alley. If anyone knew anything about them, it'd be him XD
  7. Biopanda

    I get around this by only posting bullshit posts.
  8. There was a "visual kei dictionary" site, although it seems to be dead now. Luckily you can still access an archived older version of it which still has plenty of content over at https://web.archive.org/web/20090224181743/http://visujisho.chikasen.net/ Not completely related, but they also have a nice guide for going to VK lives in japan https://web.archive.org/web/20080613183900/http://www.rushedblue.com/live101.html
  9. Biopanda

    Life is pain.
  10. All of these posts and not a single mention of this: Besides being one of the most important VK releases of all time, it was also the best thing HaL has ever done. Best 1000 yen ever spent <3
  11. Biopanda

    Saviors of VK. I absolutely love every little thing this band puts out <3 Pls sign them AINS, we need more Malice Mizer/M10M worship in the scene~
  12. Biopanda

    Trying to outdo Tokage with literal shitposting.
  13. Do you ever fantasize about being the white girl in a VK PV?

    1. paradoxal


      yes, every single day

    2. gekiai


      No because I'm not white :'D

    3. Tokage


      YOU FOUND ME...

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  14. Biopanda

    Looks like someone didn't see the Smileberry vid CC upped smh
  15. Biopanda

    All of it. I hate all music.
  16. Maria Cross. If they can't appreciate the Queen, then they're dead to me.
  17. Biopanda

    I thought Juliette was an alright band.
  18. Biopanda

    I approve of this band.
  19. Biopanda

    Like-an-edison can be a pretty good place to score older (new) CDs since they don't seem to ever take things off their shelves. When I went there, I was able to snag a sealed copy of a super rare CD from the early 2000s that was just sitting on the shelf.
  20. Honestly I'm not really complaining :'D The box set is kinda super redundant, since both of the original DVDs have the same exact setlists. Kinda weird, but I'm totally cool with the JDA DVD XD
  21. RIP sexy saxophone-kei :'(
  22. Biopanda

    L e g i t
  23. Just got one of the rarest cali≠gari-related things in existence. Feels good to be a gangsta.

    1. Aferni


      pretty much

    2. Biopanda


      I hope so.

    3. emmny


      is this what their russian fanbase was fighting about [2] can someone join this fandom and peep the drama

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  24. I always thought that Hurly Burly was VK? At least I remember them playing at VK events back in the day...
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