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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. Just got my Like An Edison VA CDs in and I'm surprised over half are full songs :o

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Biopanda


      I'm just super glad that the song I mainly bought it for (the song from DANGER GANG's new live-limited single) is the full version. #blessed

  2. Just shipped 242 kg of VK to the RarezHut HQ #RIPanda



      keep fighting, panda!

    2. Tokage


      wow cant believe ur gonna be selling Yoshiki's ego online

  3. Just spent $650 on shipping from Japan. KILL ME、カミサマ

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Is it that expensive to fly from the US to Japan?
      I payed 610$ for a roundtrip to Tokyo (from Sweden) in December just two weeks ago :o 

    2. Biopanda


      Unfortunately, yeah :( When I flew to Japan from Albuquerque back in Dec 2012, roundtrip tickets cost me about $1300.

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      Damn, that's expensive af :/ 

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  4. Just went live with the RarezHut stream over at http://rarezhut.net/stream ! We're pre-gaming today with some rare old live vids <3

    1. Jun_



    2. Valicious


      We're doing it next weekend too

  5. Less than 24 hours until RarezHut goes on hiatus! Make sure to get in your 50% off orders while you still can~

  6. Like The GALLO? We'll have 2 of their super rare live DVDs on our auction next weekend! https://www.facebook.com/events/356160634744067/

  7. Listening to ABC's Recreation 4. I wonder how all this dust got in the air here...

  8. Listening to some super obscure Maria Cross-tier shit VA from 2007. Most of these bands have 0 info on the web. Feels so good.

  9. Locked doors hold many secrets 536c62a2dcc2de39534361eec4006765e863e3aa

  10. Make sure to RSVP to this weekend's $1 VK auction! We got tons of gazette FC and live goodies~ https://www.facebook.com/events/1619622844719746/

    1. Gaz



    2. Valicious


      We updated the item list to include new items and...holy crap.  Sign over your paychecks now.  I'm posting item photos to our facebook and twitter every hour

    3. Show next comments  39 more
  11. Manbang: North Korea Launches Video Streaming Gay Porn Service, State Media Reports

    1. robkun


      Worst... video streaming service name... ever.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      2/10 not enough dicks

  12. MH truly is the forum that keeps on giving.

  13. Most terrifying discovery of the day? Syu~furuma~jyu had another demotape called おれんじはぁ~と♥PINKのぷりん.

    1. Senedjem


      Find it hoyl fucg

    2. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      Finding and then selling that tape is your destiny.

  14. New SugarTrip, Charlotte, Λucifer, MERRY, INO HEAD PARK, and more on RarezHut https://goo.gl/zB1Tge

  15. New York :< Buncha dumb butts

  16. Nothin' like dreaming about your ex to get you ready to take on the day. Yaaay.

    1. Valicious


      I've been there a lot

  17. Oh gosh tonight is VK night... never gonna sleep. Two streaming lives on nico: DaizyStripper / FEST VAINQUEUR / グラムヘイズ / ASTARIA / PHOENIX ASH and Arlequin x Pentagon twoman *dies*

  18. Oh nice! Some rando upped 白日ノ夢's minialbum on youtube. I didn't think I'd ever get to hear it, but it's awesome!

  19. Our $1 auction starts in about 3 hours, 2 hours for pre-show! http://www.rarezhut.net/stream

  20. People who bid in the last minute constantly at Y!A to extend the auction over an hour are literally hitler

    1. Komorebi


      They should't allow for extension u.u

    2. Tokage
    3. Biopanda
  21. Picked up a demotape on a whim and ended with 60+ minutes of 2001-era super obscure nagoya-kei goodness. That #value

    1. returnal





      or in nagoya-kei's case, dreary hell

    2. hyura


      Do go on. 

    3. Komorebi


      Wow, that had to be unexpectedly pleasant.

    4. Show next comments  39 more
  22. Playing catch-up on a month's worth of homework in the last week of class. #yolo

  23. Pray for us, kami-sama.

  24. RarezHut $1 auction is live! Pregaming with a DecoPin live <3 http://www.rarezhut.net/stream

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