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Status Updates posted by Biopanda

  1. Don't forget about the ~*~15% off~*~ sale going on right now on RarezHut!

  2. guize Guize GUIZE WE'RE RUNNING A RANDOM SALE ON RAREZHUT! 15% OFF ~*~EVERYTHING~*~ Check the thread for deets <3

  3. Hey guys! Check out my latest PV guest appearance:

  4. http://www.the90sbutton.com/ all day every day. We need to do a retro plug some times for maximum cheese.
    1. Biopanda


      I've come to the conclusion that 90s dance music was the best music and propose that MH becomes a 90s dance music forum.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      ommggg Fanatic Crisis used almost the same chord progression in one of their remix songs ahahaa the 90s
    3. doombox


      Why have I never had the 90s button my life before.

      We need to do a retro plug some times for maximum cheese.[2]

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  5. Just got back from court and the decision didn't go in our favor. Bureaucracy wins again :<

  6. Who was I holding Cordyceps sinesis for again? I forgot :( Hit me up, brah

  7. Just threw out a Nocturnal Bloodlust CD #fuckthepolice

    1. shiroihana


      Panda you're crazy :P

    2. paradoxal


      nooooooo was it libra or strike in fact? D;

    3. Biopanda


      It was libra :(

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  8. FINALLY! Just heard back from the insurance company that pays for my job and my original hours are finally getting reinstated. It'll be nice to get paid again after like 2 months of nothing :'D

    1. paradoxal


      congrats bro <3

  9. Was just watching rummy's last PV and damn... it really bums me out that the band barely lasted that long at all. They could have fit in pretty well with the rest of the "art-kei" crowd had they not disbanded so quickly :(

    1. Senedjem


      They looked pretty

    2. Slsr


      those dolls were so creepy tho :|.

  10. Just realized after like 4 years that some rarez V.A. I downloaded had fake songs. *shakesfist* traders!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      played you like magic cards

    2. Gaz


      omg you actually have that Maffina VA? D;

    3. Tokage


      my ruse... was a success!!!!

  11. eeeeeeeeee he he

  12. Is MH becoming tumblr now? help

    1. Gaz


      wasn't mh a tumblr for about a year already?

    2. paradoxal



    3. beni


      If it is, I hadn't even noticed. And Tumblr used to be the site I'd check 24/7. I don't know why either.

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  13. Cookin' up somethin' special for RarezHut atm :3 Maybe some people will get ~lucky~.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is it going to be all super rare things, but when you actually ship it you're only sending people The Candy Spooky Theater CDs?

    2. Gaz


      knowing panda i wont be surprised if that actually happens ;v

    3. Biopanda


      Not spoopy enough. Everyone gets The Pumpkin Head CDs!

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  14. Diggin' deep into VK is really weird sometimes. Spent a long time trying to find info for an old(late 90s) demo I have and found the twitter of the old vocalist who is apparently wandering around Osaka dressed like the phantom of the opera ?_?

    1. kyoselflove


      Pssh, make a thread and own that bitch. I care, I love learning about obscure things I have never heard of xD

    2. Biopanda


      Maybe I should XD Most of it is just random little facts or band biographies about bands that nobody knows/cares about. I was talking with a friend about making a place for stuff like that, but fansites are so 2004.

    3. kyoselflove


      Ohhhhh man fansites. I have plenty of those floating around on the webs. That's what MH is for XD Do it! <3

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  15. For once, I'd like to find out what it's like to not totally fail at life :'3

    1. Biopanda


      Look at those pandas in China... they don't even know how to make babbies! Some survival instinct ;/

    2. kyoselflove


      Cause they are all gay. Must be that damn visual kei...

    3. Gaz


      but you totally failed to ship my stuff, brah ;__;

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  16. Anyone interested in buying a copy of THE BLACK SWAN's I SOLATION? Hit me up~

  17. RIP bank account, we hardly knew ye

  18. Watching nazi porn with MH members. #yolo

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. Biopanda


      Do they show nazisploitation movies there?

  19. Looking for someone who can design a new logo for RarezHut. If you think you're up to it, just shoot me a PM! Compensation can be arranged~

    1. Senedjem


      what if its a corgi in a panda costume

    2. CAT5
    3. Biopanda


      what if its a corgi in a panda costume [2]

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  20. Biting my tongue so hard right now ;/

    1. togz
    2. Biopanda


      Ye, just jokingly told someone that if some really rare thing went up for sale, I'd throw all my money at it. Now it has and I don't even have the crazy amount they're asking for XD

    3. Tetora


      Ah, I wanna buy that pair of Mao's underwear from 2003 as well...

  21. http://i.imgur.com/Q06DnyS.jpg Tani with cleavage?? What is life.
    1. Valicious
    2. Senedjem


      grand empress of not vk tani delivers the hot anime tiddy 10/10

    3. Biopanda


      10/10 would motorboat

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  22. Is this racist? I don't even know anymore. What the fuck VK bands.
    1. Senedjem


      jesus fucking christ

    2. Biopanda


      someone call the SJW squad on tumblr

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
  23. Just booked my flights for Chicago and Helsinki this December. Woop woop.

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