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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. I swear to god, kids, papa is turning this car around RIGHT NOW

  2. Biopanda

    The biggest WTF moment in VK was when Rob sent me this pic from a magazine
  3. Biopanda

  4. Biopanda

    Woah... so much drama that I'd never even heard of until now. Also why would anyone be mean to any of the HenzeL boys they're such sweet childs
  5. People who bid in the last minute constantly at Y!A to extend the auction over an hour are literally hitler

    1. Komorebi


      They should't allow for extension u.u

    2. Tokage
    3. Biopanda
  6. Biopanda

    Alright with this.
  7. Biopanda

    I have a job that lets me chill and play video games, just don't tell @Valicious
  8. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream Make sure to show up early for today's auction! We'll be doing a giveaway at the start~

  9. Biopanda

    I don't think you "get" Metronome. That is literally their thing. If anything, I just see a stronger influence from FLOPPY in their sound now, which isn't surprising at all. Anyways, I totally love it and can't wait for the rest of the album <3
  10. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream Hope y'all are ready for today's stream! Pre-game concert starts in 45 min, $1 auction in 1 hr 45 min~

    1. Biopanda


      I'm not ready cus I'm sick! I'll push through it for you lovelies, though <3

  11. Make sure to RSVP to this weekend's $1 VK auction! We got tons of gazette FC and live goodies~ https://www.facebook.com/events/1619622844719746/

    1. Gaz



    2. Valicious


      We updated the item list to include new items and...holy crap.  Sign over your paychecks now.  I'm posting item photos to our facebook and twitter every hour

    3. Show next comments  33 more
  12. Biopanda

    Whoops, guess I spoke too soon She just sold them to some other people a couple of days ago.
  13. Biopanda

    It's literally the worst :<
  14. Biopanda

    2017 just keeps getting better.
  15. Biopanda

    One of my friends has 2 extra tickets that they're selling, so lemme know if you're interested and I'll connect ya.
  16. Everything so far points to the latter.
  17. Apparently so. People ordering AVEX CDs are getting their orders cancelled.
  18. RIP Acid Black Cherry, GOATBED and Wagakki Band fans :<
  19. Biopanda

    There was a VK band that did crowdfunding once before... Lacroix Despheres. That project was a TOTAL flop though. It was a split campaign between some Japanese crowdfunding site and Indiegogo for the rest of the world. The Indiegogo campaign flopped hard with a whopping 33 donors (I was one ) while the Japanese one hit their funding goal. This was supposed to go towards the recording of their third full album with a scheduled release date of June 2015 which came and went with nary a word from the band. I've pretty much given up on it ever coming out since the band won't even do much more than an update once a year like "hey guys album hit some difficulties maybe it'll be done some day!".
  20. Biopanda

    Honestly this would be the one situation that I'd be alright with.
  21. Biopanda

    Ouch Rest in peace, babbies. They had a pretty decent run at least... 6 years or so?
  22. Biopanda

    They reformed back in 2014 after adamas went on hiatus.
  23. Thanks everyone for showing up to this weekends RH auction! Y'all my lil babbies n i luv u all. <3 papa

  24. http://www.rarezhut.net/stream RarezHut $1 auction stream is live! Streaming more Visual Japan Summit until it starts

  25. Thanks again everyone for showing up to today's auction! Make sure to show up again tomorrow for more cheap goodies and free prizes <3

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Loved the stream, everything went super smooth and I loved that you played a song out of each release!

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