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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Biopanda

    We're still trying to hunt that down! The post was able to find the other package that was lost, so there's still hope for yours as well.
  2. We are pregaming with a concert from Visual Kei Summit, the  auction starts in 45 minutes! http://www.rarezhut.net/stream

    1. Kaleidoscope


      Heey, do you get a notification if you submitted a ghost bid or will it just be noted down?

    2. Biopanda


      We'll contact you after the auctions to let you know what happened with your ghost bids.

  3. Just got my Like An Edison VA CDs in and I'm surprised over half are full songs :o

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Biopanda


      I'm just super glad that the song I mainly bought it for (the song from DANGER GANG's new live-limited single) is the full version. #blessed

  4. Biopanda

    Was ripping demotapes and I think I stumbled on the VK Steel Panther. Help.
  5. Biopanda

    Got a smaller package in with a bunch of goodies~
  6. Biopanda

    Time to pack it up and leave MH. Reddit is the future, I guess.
  7. I generally try and put up items that I know people are specifically waiting for when they're there, so I'll certainly try! If there's enough interest and we're able to source enough, then we would love to do special mini-streams for stuff like that. Last time when we got a giant set of 100+ demotapes and did a demo-only mini-auction, that went over really well. Unfortunately big sets of demos/VHS/DVDs rarely come up anymore nowadays, so we usually don't have enough to do a whole day's worth.
  8. This is something that Val and I have talked about quite a bit and is actually the reason that we have the "ghost bid" system currently. It's a bit of a tough subject since both ways have very valid reasoning behind them. As it is right now, I tend to play off of the audience when I'm choosing the items to put up. If I know that I've got some people in the stream who are big into tapes, then I'll toss a couple of those up. This also lets me be a lot more flexible since I can go with the flow of the stream... so if the people that are currently there aren't feeling VHS or w/e at the time, then I can switch it up with something else and not be "locked" into doing a bunch of tapes/VHS with little or no interest.
  9. What's the story with the CD cover? Is HE Ms.Girlfriend? This asks a lot more questions than it answers.
  10. Biopanda

    Nah, it's the good Vivid.
  11. Biopanda

    Diggin' it. Keep serving me up these spookycute-kei bands.
  12. Biopanda

    That lineup is just so perfect ;;
  13. Biopanda

    How come YOU'RE not kawaii? ;/
  14. Biopanda

    9GOATS fans on twitter thirsty af
  15. Biopanda

    As far as I know, SHOXX is back for good now. I remember the name was bought by the store Little HEARTS., so I guess they're running it now or something?
  16. Biopanda

    Please yesssss
  17. "Western style"? Have they actually seen any western bands? lol Anyways, hype.
  18. Like The GALLO? We'll have 2 of their super rare live DVDs on our auction next weekend! https://www.facebook.com/events/356160634744067/

  19. Or maybe, just maybe, they just happen to prefer how it sounds? Of course I'm only speaking for myself here, but I'm really big on vocals... not only in the quality/talent but the general "sound". If you gave me the same song with an English-speaking native singing in English and a Japanese-speaking native singing in Japanese, I'd almost always choose the latter. I find that Japanese just sounds more pleasing and flows better to me (likely due to the consonant-to-vowel ratio) than the harsher sounds of a Germanic language, for example. Cheers m8
  20. glorious nihonjin make ongaku better than white devils cheers.
  21. Biopanda

    lol sic 'em bois
  22. Biopanda

    Can't wait! DASEIN (an Ricky in general) have never disappointed~
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