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Posts posted by Replicant

  1. As with the La:Sadie's lyrics I posted a while back, I found the Kanji already typed out. This is just a 'As printed in the booklet' version (which means what ASAKI sings may be different).


    There still may be some errors since I did this kinda quickly, I will double check in the next few days.


    Snow White (music/words ASAKI)

    White snow weeps in the sky…

    雪の降る夜 あなたを見送った僕を見て

    どんなに爱しても あなたの瞳に僕は居ない
    傍にいても… 抱きしめても…1人で居るような気がしていたよ

    溶けていく どこまでも…

    「こんなに爱してる あなたは知らないでしょうけれど…」

    はかなくて その情景にあなたは

    僕の吐息で辉く キレイに
    肩には雪が… 悲しみの白い雪が
    …White snow weeps in the sky…


    Thanatos (music RYO/words ASAKI)

    —Dear my master —



    長い夜がね… 愛鬱だから、
    眠らないように… 目を闭じないように…
    予感をひめた あなたへの手纸

    顏のしみが広がって いつのまにか



    さようなら 心の岸辺で


    Note: The 'Dear my master' section is surrounded by a box in the booklet, which is what the en dashs represent.


    雫 (music/words ASAKI)

    (NOTE: If you happen to have a rip of this and it's tagged 'Song for you', change it; this is the correct title.)


    絃み合う陽炎 つかみかけて消える

    彼方へと消える お星様にさようなら

    まるで無邪気な子供 何も知らずにそっと…
    枯れた花の庭… 意味のない歳月を…
    キレイだねぇ キラキラは星の雫

    Can you listen to my song for you?
    あなたには聞こえますか 僕の歌声が…?
    どんなに声を枯らしても こぼれるのは雫

    できるなら もう少しだけいさせて…

    願いが时を越えれば あんなにきれいだった
    sun set colors

    …last song for you
    I sing with tears in my eyes…

  2. WpHOQFOl.jpg?1

    (I'll dig out my actual camera later to take nicer images - cameraphone ftw.)


    My order came in really quickly (ordered on Friday [11th], sent out on Monday [14th], recieved today). CDs were wrapped really well in bubble wrap. Bonus flyers were cool (PLUNKLOCK and 燭台(怪). Not familiar with 燭台(怪), but that dog is adorable). CDs were in really nice condition and ripped perfectly. Prices were fantastic as well, espically after some comparison. (I'm in the US, so shipping prices will differ internationally...)


    Will order again as soon as I can. (I have my eye on the しゅ~ふるまぁ~じゅ tape... >_>)

  3. So I have some songs from Hisui but the tags are all in Romaji, or possibly translated. If anyone could help that'd be excellent.

    I have looked through the band's website archives, and they don't even list these releases, thus the issues I'm having. (It's making me wonder if these are even real/belong to 翡翠.)


    Album: I

    Title: Seijaku no Hana
    Title: Kodoku no Hitomi


    Album: [1997] Demeanor de Curtain Raiser
    Title: Opening
    Title: Orpheus
    Title: Desolation and Flower
    Title: Sand and Moon
    Title: From Beyond

  4. Time to revive an old thread!


    Looking for information on TaKt -- what he's up to, if he's still in the music scene, etc. Literally found on total accident, but the song I did find really interested me and I wondered if he released anything else or went on to be in another band.


    What I know so far: He has a YouTube account and a preview video for his only song, Raydy, which can be found quite easily on Amazon/CDBaby, with a sample on Soundcloud too. Had a Myspace and OHP, but they're both dead (his song is on another MySpace artist's page, though... same name, but url is wrong). Twitters (info and personal) and ameblo have been dead since 2011/2012. There's some other things I'm not sure about (If I'm reading right, he was a guest on a show with SARINO as an MC?), but he kinda dropped off the face of the earth after that point it seems.


    Edit: 2014.12.17 - I found more info on last.fm (and this page - deleted by him in 2013... I think maybe he dropped out of the scene altogether).

    TaKt : Vocal.Guitar.Piano


    I found what I think is an English transcription of the Japanese as well. There's photos there too.


    Full Song (Myspace)

    PV Demo (Not quite sure how I stumbled across this...)



  5. Please note the lyrics are all gathered up from various places. I simply fixed a lot of the errors I found (there was a fair bit!), writing it up as printed on the lyrics sheets (thanks to this post and Naaaaani for taking photos of the lyrics!) This means that the lyrics may be sung a different way, but written as seen here, because as I found out while doing this, a lot of the lyrics floating around seem to be written by ear...


    If there are still any errors, please let me know.

    I spent far too much time on this because I was bored... I figured I'd share for anyone else who was interested.

    Notes: I'm not posting lyrics from Lu:Ciel or objexxx because I don't have an image of the print lyrics to go off of to make sure they're correct. There's a transcription of 呪ワレタ楽園ノ影 I found, because on the tape for it, there's no posted lyrics; not posting that becasue I'm not sure if it's correct either. (I will post them if asked, however.)



    還ラザル記憶… (Kaerazaru kioku...)






    Fun Fact! On the 呪ワレタ楽園ノ影… tape, these lyrics are credited as the lyrics to 切断, and vice versa.

    腐乱ユエニ… (Furan yue ni...)






    生命ノ罪…(Seimei no tsumi...)

    ・ ・ ・Moon & Sky・ ・ ・

    生命ノ罪…(Kuroi namida)



    I don't deeply love with you forever···





    架空ト現実…(Kakuu to genjitsu)

    Cry …To Die… 潰レタ瞳ガ「・・・・・」
    Cry …To Die… 画面二映ス「・・・・・」
    Cry …To Die… 月ガ満チテ「・・・・・」
    Cry …To Die… 完成サレタ「・・・・・」

    Cry …To Die… 潰レタ瞳ガ「赤ク染マル」
    Cry …To Die… 画面二映ス「赤イ月夜…」
    Cry …To Die… 月ガ満チテ「赤イ街ヲ…」
    Cry …To Die… 完成サレタ「E.N.D」

    染マリ狂エ 消エユク 組ミ合ワセタ世界ヲ…

    「Cross」「You」 光ヲ与エタ薔薇ハ崩レル。
    「Cross」「You」 時間ハ再現出来ヌ。

    ・ ・ ・Lost Time・ ・ ・

    [1] 追求スルコノ架空ノ世界ハ 現実トカケ離レ、夢ノ中デ永遠二彷徨ワレル。
    ・ ・ ・白昼夢デ見タ 幻想郷ヘ・ ・ ・

    [1] This spoken piece is correct for 生命ノ罪… release of this song, not in the 架空ト現実… DT. For the 架空ト現実… DT, this line is different, but it's not on the lyric sheet, either.

    切断 (Setsudan)

    I dive into light
    I dive into light
    I dive into light
    I dive into light

    廻ル、廻ル、廻ル 失ワレタ身体ヨ···
    廻ル、廻ル、廻ル 氷ノ中デ生キ続ケタ···

    貴方ヲ苦シマセタ アノ忌マワシキ過去ヨ···
    二度トハ取リ戻セナイ 私ノ手デ切断ヲ···

    廻ル、廻ル、廻ル 心ヲ亡クシタ貴女ヨ···
    廻ル、廻ル、廻ル 失ウ物ハ私ノ手デ···

    私ヲ傷ツケテイタ 貴女カラ受ケ取ッタ物···
    心ハ歪ンデイタ アノ月ニ照ラサレテ···
    花束ヲ見ツメテイタ アノ頃ニ咲ク花ヨ···

    心ハ腐ッテイタ 醜イ悲劇ノ中デ···
    償イハ花ニ込メタ マリアニ捧ゲタ事実···

    Note: There is a spoken part in the beginning of the song, but it's not written on the lyric sheet. From what I've seen posted, it goes something like:


    舞夢 (Maimu)




    不透明ナ恋ハ、 夢一時···

    満タサレナイ欲望、 現実二還レバ···
    縛ラレタ私ガ、 ソコニイタ···

    私ノ中デ、 アノ夢ガ叶ウ瞬間

  6. Red string connecting two for us, who had a fateful encounter
    Open the diary[1]
    I write in today, tomorrow and always

    A gentle smile to the gathering
    That's what I can't hate you
    Because you are popular
    I'm willing to overlook

    [*]Alone in my room
    two lined photographs
    I can see you three days later
    longing and
    I can't sleep today again

    [**]Telephone number on the letter
    I believe you will call me
    Because you are so shy
    Maybe you are too scared
    Don't stare at me so much
    We'll be noticed around
    Our Relationship is secret

    I'm the jealous type, please forgive me
    I will pick through your garbage
    You have another girlfriend
    I want you to pay[2] attention only to me

    No cheating
    you promised me
    I will keep you up all night again
    silent phone calls
    repeatedly until morning




    Your voice, your body, your finger
    Your Hair, your sleeping face
    even your heart
    I love everything about you are mine
    People might make a fool of me, saying that is just a delusion

    You don't even know my face...



    Notes - This is a cover of SID's 妄想日記, but in English. There's a touch of Engrish, but it makes sense in comparison with a translation of an original. (Personally, this one sounds more like an obsessed girl versus an obsessed fan.)


    Lyrics are from this video. I don't know if the typos are in the booklet lyrics.


    [1] Originally spelled 'dairy' (typo?)

    [2] Originally spelled 'play' (typo?)

  7. A list of bands signed to each label would be helpful. I honestly had not heard of Danger Crue before reading this.


    I haven't really listened to anything from DC aside from like 2 tracks on some random Alsdead CD (who were probably signed to Ains at the time), so I can't attest to how much I like / dislike their groups. As for PC, their only good band was Due'le Quartz, which are one of my all-time faves. Everything else they've signed is awful.


    • The Gazette
    • Alice Nine
    • Kra
    • ViVid
    • D-out
    • ScReW
    • BORN
    • Miyavi (label switch)
    • bis (label switch)
    • Due le quartz (disband)
    • Hanamuke (disband)

    Danger Crue:

    • 44Magnum
    • Acid android
    • Alsdead
    • Blaze
    • Bug
    • Creature Creature
    • D.I.D.
    • D'erlanger (label change)
    • Dead End
    • Der Zibet
    • Die in Cries
    • DIV
    • Earthshaker
    • Girugamesh
    • Grand Slam
    • Heaven's
    • Kameleo
    • Ken
    • L'Arc-en-Ciel (label change)
    • Lions Heads
    • MUCC (on a seperate sublabel, label change)
    • Naniwa Exp
    • Optic Nerve
    • Ra:IN
    • Reaction
    • Roach
    • SID (label change)
    • Solid
    • Sons of All Pussys
    • UNiTE
    • Velvet Spider
    • Zoro (label change)

    For Danger Crue, there's a lot of artists, so I don't know who is still around, switched labels later or whatnot -- the label has been out a LOT longer than PSC (1981 vs 1999?), thus the more extensive list. I put the ones that were mentioned in the post I found, and I have no idea if this is even a full list of all bands signed to each label...


    As for label vs label, I don't totally pay attention to that type of stuff. But the list of artists currently or that were on the two labels mentioned should help out a bit if making a decision. =)

  8. ryo (ex-9GOATS BLACK OUT, HOLLOWGRAM) has started a "collaboration unit" called TAG with 横山和俊 (Kazutoshi Yokoyama), a music producer/maker that has worked with BUCK-TICK, aki, and Angelo.



    ryo: vocal, lyric

    Kazutoshi Yokoyama: composer, sound make, mixing


    They have also released a single, montage, via iTunes JP.



    Title: Montage
    Price : 600 yen / 4.60€ / 6.177 USD

    1. Salient soul
    2. 失楽(shitsuraku)
    3. Rendezvous


    Source: ryo's Twitter


    extra note: ryo has also changed his twitter to ryo_dalli from 9GOATS_ryo.

  9. The D cover reminds me of a Dynasty Warriors character select screen. For some reason, Tsunehito reminds me a little of Lu Bu? I think it's the hair and 'weapon'. (I don't know wtf he's holding.) And that Dear L'Novel cover is a part of 'themes I see in visual kei covers that are cliche and overdone'.



    When I think of tacky, these two pop out (at least after glancing through my collection.) Violet-Narcissus's other album cover that I've seen is also tacky, but in another way. But this is also older style, so it hasn't aged well, I think.


    In terms of semi-current stuff: most of BLOOD's album covers (that I've seen) feel tacky to me; there's only one that doesn't, and that's Bathory. All of Zodia's covers feel tacky as well, as does XodiacK (they're missing some stuff on that page, but I'm also including those releases - namely Black Sun and owari no hajimari). And many of Penicillin's album covers (a prime example already shown previously -- Limelight) make me cringe.


    There are a lot of 'themes' in visual kei covers that I consider tacky and super cliche, but that's a whole other topic.

  10. These are the lyrics for the album www.xastelloy.com. I can try and take pictures of the lyrics for rebirth (since my scanner is dead) for someone to transcribe (if it's asked for).


    Music:U  Lyrics:S/i  Arranged:XASTELLOY

    I am watching the view in my mind.
    The view is different from you and me.
    But it is beautiful.
    The tears are flowing between
    finger and finger when I try to get it.
    The tears escape like water.
    It was late when I found it.
    Can not do anything...

    It scatters angry things and sad things to everywhere.
    I wanna be back to that moment once again.
    How do I do ?
    How do I get it ?
    I always can not get it.
    I don't wanna feel sad thing anymore.

    I know you understand about me.
    But you make me confusing.
    I want you to understand about me.
    But it is so hard

    I don't wanna feel sad thing anymore.
    Tell me.
    Please tell me...

    Music:Taka&U  Lyrics:S/i  Arranged:XASTELLOY

    Brother said "If you don't do it.Who's gonna do it?"
    Dad said "If you have spare time to stay here.Just walk."

    I don't mind.
    If I will be homelessguy.
    I Just go with my confidence.

    I can do everything.
    If I think I can.

    Sister said "Why do you feel down?"
    "That's for myself."
    Mom said "It is up to you.If you wanna do that."

    A lot of hard thing is waiting for me.
    But my dream is pushing me up.
    So I... I just go.

    I can do everything.
    If I think I can do.
    I can do everything.
    I believe myself.

    Music:U  Lyrics:S/i&Hisashi  Arranged:XASTELLOY

    I think you lost yourself.
    Who are you depending on roaming around?
    Don't you even understand that?
    Don you even know how to progress it?

    Fear's parasitic to my mind.
    My heart's sick and disjointed.
    I have nothing to lose.
    I have nothing to feel.

    Surrounded by the wall which is not real.
    It's just fake.
    Other people could never see.
    You made it.
    Progressing is not only a method.
    I think you can understand.
    Simple way of smashing is hidden inside ourselves.

    This is our fight.
    We get freedom.
    It fly us to where you wanna go.
    There is no time for question.
    We can't stop still more.
    Until the sound surrounds.

    Time is running parallel to our lives.
    No one can't be put under the control of time.
    Where are you gazing at?
    What are you seeking for.

    It's hard to back out by no means.
    Yourself to fall back on
    Try to spread out your wings.
    Try to spread out your vision.

    Everyday everynight
    History flows rapidly.
    I'll paint it on the walls...


    6.What I wanna be
    Music:U  Lyrics:S/i&U  Arranged:XASTELLOY

    I wanna be like you.
    Respect you.
    Feel inside of me what I wanna be.
    What you wanted to be.
    I'm gonna be close to you.
    I know it's gonna be hard way.
    Your everything give me energy.
    Never give up until I'm gonna be like you.

    It will be so fine.
    But I don't wanna be your copy.
    Just wait for me.
    I'm gonna be your place.
    I know here I am right now.
    Nobody knows what I'm gonna be.
    I trust myself.
    Just trust myself.
    I trust yourself.

    Just see my eyes.Just feel my mind
    Listen to my sound.
    See me.
    Just see me.

    Music:U  Lyrics:S/i  Arranged:XASTELLOY

    What can I see over the sky?
    Is that castle on the cloud what I see a dream.
    I wanna fly away so far.
    When have I always looked it up from?
    I wanna fly to get higher more and more.
    If I throw my something away.
    I feel nothing getting to a higher place

    I never feel enough that I can do it for my life.
    I'm gonna get higher.
    I wanna fly to get higher.

    I'm gonna be rising up from the higher place.
    It's gonna be a part of my life.
    I wanna go to the over sky.
    If it's gonna be step by step
    I wanna fly to get higher more.
    I wanna find something over the sky even if it's a small thing.

    I never feel enough that I can do it for my life.
    I'm gonna get higher.
    I wanna fly to get higher.

    I wanna fly to get higher...

  11. Had to return a pair of shoes (I thought they fit nice, but after less than five minutes of wearing [not walking] my feet went numb), but with that money plus a bit more I got:

    Another pair of shoes that fit properly, two sets of curtains + a new purse for my mom, some shorts, a toothbrush holder, and two bags of edamame snacks.


    Thank you, outlet stores. lol

  12. @Ikna (since quotes are being weird for me...) : I got curious (read: bored) and looked - they kinda disappeared around 2011-2012 (lots of line-up changes up until their last release). Also from what I read, it was only the vocalist that did the visual thing at first. The other band members got into it when they saw how much attention he was getting in comparison to the other members. I thought that was kinda funny.

  13. I think another contributing factor is you either need to go all out if you're going to do an alternative VK/goth style. If you half ass it, you'll always look like bad. Though this coming from someone that doesn't dress up or do fashion but that's one of the reasons I don't dress up and be fashionable haha. I just don't have the energy or interests to really go all out with a fun and funky fashion and will half ass it and will then of course look really bad LOL.

    That's how I am. If I could, I would, but I'm lazy... and to even SEE anything like that in this place would cause a huge uproar, no joke. I rarely dress up or anything, usually only putting on any sort of makeup for special occassions/whenever I feel like it (which isn't often). The exception is jewelry, cause I make different sorts as a hobby/modify existing pieces to make it my own.


    And AKADO is a great example of visual kei influences, but not to a point where it looks just awkward. It mixes other styles with it to get a fusion that works really well. And I like industrial goth stuff, so I like the music pretty well. (I wonder if they'll ever release more? Looks like they're kinda on a hiatus... or dropped off the radar.)

  14. Rule number one: Do not sing in Japanese.


    Rule number two: Do not try and be ~Visual Kei~


    I think the biggest thing that leads to failure with all these bands is trying to be ~Visual Kei~ instead of just being a band.


    There's nothing wrong with taking inspiration from VK bands but trying to be one just doesn't work. Also jesus learn how to dress too! Know you're body type and know what will work with that body type. If you're a chubby dark skinned man then the VK style isn't going to work for you, it's for skinny little Asian boys. You're better off putting together an outfit that compliments your body type, you can take inspiration from VK bands. There's plenty of cool ideas that you can put together but wearing little booty shorts with your thunder thighs is going to make people puke. 


    Also make ROMANTICA Japanese and kote kei VKKK stans would love them.

    This. Use styles that compliment your body. Not just for people trying to be a VK band, either, but as a basic rule of thumb when making an outfit for yourself. I like certain fashions but there's no way in hell I'd wear them due to my current body type.

    Side note: There are some bands that are influenced by it and do it well. (I guess an example I would give is PSYGAI. They've mentioned influences from it, that link in specific. Yet people seem to spout that they're shitty because of that (they're not bad)... if only they knew some of the bands in this thread.)


    @freundin's link - One of them is pretty much a cosplay of Toshiya [link] from Dir en grey from way back when... HOW THE FUCK DO I KNOW THIS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.


    Also, vocalist sounds like he screamed until his throat became raw... only to start singing like that.


    To keep on topic:

    This is all I could find. I dunno if it fits, but most of the stuff here is worse...? I dunno, you be the judge.

    Side note: The one I WANTED to post I can't find since the files no longer exist anywhere on the internet nor does any information on the guy other than his last.fm page. Granted I found this stuff nearly a decade ago, so it's not a shock that everything is dead and that my memory is possibly really awful in regards to how it sounds. All I remember is 'this is fucking weird, why do I have this?' sort of feel about it.

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