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Posts posted by Replicant

  1. Shortest: Couple months. He always hit on other girls in front of me to get me riled up *eyeroll*. I asked nicely to stop, he didn't, and that was it.

    Longest: 2 years. Counting the prior friendship, 10 years. It was an online thing; really long story. Once we started dating though, things slowly went to hell. He became really possessive, verbally abusive and didn't want me to do anything to get healthier. I'm glad we never met face to face; it could have gotten FAR worse. Still sucks to see him turn like that after so long.


    Current: Single. Focused on health, not dating.

  2. If I can obtain it physically, I will always try to do so. I like having something... tangible. Plus the ability to rip in any format/bit rate is nice.


    NOW. If digital distributors actually released stuff in Lossless quality (cause I can convert it if need be...) and I couldn't find/afford it any other way, then I'd go with that. (As long as a booklet of some sort is included.)

  3. Even though his work has been posted before... ventla. He currently has 22 albums out, all of which you can snag on his tumblr.


    Samples: https://soundcloud.com/ventla


    Also Webbed Hand Records has many albums for free. They focus on electroambient and drone type music.


    Samples: http://www.youtube.com/user/webbedhand


    And archive.org has a whole section of free music distributed by netlabels. Various genres. There's a TON of stuff and if you're looking for free music, this is a good jump off point, I feel.





    If we must post specific artists, I'll edit my post with some specifics.


    EDIT: Oops! I can't believe I forgot dep.
    dep is a guy that produces experimental electronica, with elements of ambient and acoustic work. He's a self described 'bedroom producer', making most of his work at home.

    All of his albums are free on his website, and there is a radio on the site that has everything streaming. (But you can also buy them/donate as well if you really like.)


    You can sign up for a mailing list to know when new releases are out, but it's 100% optional. (Thanks to that, it's how I remembered that I forgot to mention him... he just released a new album!)

  4. If you really want, you can make your own. That way you can use your own fabric and customize it. The link leads to the PDF pattern.

    PDF file


    As for places to buy, I got one in a grab bag from the placed you linked a long time ago... really not all that great of quality. Beyond that, I don't know where they're sold.

  5. Let's see...

    constant knee pain that makes it difficult to walk, let alone stand up

    blinding migranes (or something?) that include dizziness, nausea and what feels like my brain being thrown around in my skull

    numbness in my arms and fingers thanks to my shoulders and a pinched nerve

    the car acting weird right after getting it taken into a mechanic

    and last but not least, my older cat throwing up unchewed food on her bed again.


    At least the house plumbing stayed fixed today.

  6. Avatar


    Yes, the James Cameron one. I'm probably gonna get SO much hate for this opinion, but I could not finish this movie -- and I NEVER shut off a movie I have not seen before. The movie is beautiful visually, but the story I have seen so many times before, ala Pocahontas, Fern Gully, and other movies in that same vein. I can see why it got good reviews (mostly for the visual aspect, but VFX does not a movie make), but that story... I'm so glad I didn't rent this, but borrowed it off a family member.


    Long story short: Beautiful visuals, but a bland and predictable story that's been done many times before.

  7. Wreckless Eating is a channel I've been watching for a long time. They eat, do food challenges and review all sorts of things, and there are different shows for what they review, along with the main show which is where they eat some of the weirdest stuff (at least for Americans) imaginable. They also post A LOT of content - 1 to 2 videos daily, and have a video game/LP side channel.
    If you like this channel, I suggest also checking out Cult Moo.

    CookingWithDog is a cooking show that features a dog as the host, and a Japanese lady as the cook. She makes various Japanese dishes. I actually learned about her through MH... been subbed since then.

    Continue? is basically three dudes on a couch playing retro games and having fun, even if the game is terrible. I always watch one of their episodes when I'm in a bad mood.

  8. Was playing SWTOR, now going through Pokemon: White 2 endgame... thinking about picking up a 3DS game, but not sure what. Prolly the Ocarina of Time remake or Fire Emblem (after checking it out -- never played the series but it was recommended to me...)
    Don't have the Xbox at the moment, otherwise I'd finally pick up Mass Effect and run through the series.

  9. Personally, I have a thing for simple mixed drinks. Some that I make on the rare occassion I do drink are:

    Fireball Cinnamon Whisky + (diet) soda

    Vodka (regular or whipped cream flavored) + blood orange juice/Italian soda

    Jaeger + Dr. Pepper

    Kaluha + milk

    I don't drink often, so those are pretty much the only things I make when I do drink, the first being my usual since I always have soda. Haven't found a beer or a wine I liked, which is amusing since this town has a lot of wineries, is a huge producer of hops, and has a festival celebrating that fact every year.

  10. On another note, what are the real names of the songs? So I can, ya know, change them to what they really are?

    流れ星 is Falling Star

    ゴースト・ダンス is Ghost Dance

    They just changed the English into Japanese equivalents.

    Okay, thanks.

  11. Doesn't matter. I wanna hear more from the real band (UMBERBROWN) now. Even if it's not this ZeluvA band, the music is still good, and that's the entire point for me. Not looks, but sound.

    On another note, what are the real names of the songs? So I can, ya know, change them to what they really are?

  12. Currently we have two cats and two dogs. All of them were given to us or random strays.

    The two dogs are mother and daughter, though we got them at different times.


    The grey one is the younger (~3 years), and ungodly neurotic, but sweet when she wants to be. Likes men better, which is funny cause she was owned by a woman, and lives with mostly women now. The previous owner couldn't handle her anymore, so she gave her to me, since we already had her mother. She was her mother's last puppy.


    The elder, black one is quite old (8-10 years) and was basically a breeder dog, only used to have puppies until we got her. She's missing teeth, so her tongue sticks out constantly, and she snorts when you pet her. She used to be scared of people, but a couple years with us smoothed that out... now she runs to people for petting and attention. (She's actually been trimmed since this picture.)


    The first cat we got as a kitten. Someone had dropped her off at the mall in a bag and my aunt found her and gave her to us. We've had her since... she's about 8 now. She's a bit of a bitch, but if she wants attention, she'll do anything to get it. She's also extremely smart and will jump onto shoulders when she's high up and can't get down.


    This cat is MY cat, cause no one else really likes her... even though she does irritate me at times. She was dropped off at my aunt's house and given to us since no one claimed her. She's about 10 years old, and is a Maine Coon. She weighs 20 lbs, and acts like a giant idiot but is really rather smart. She's scared of so many things, including the dogs, even though she's more than twice their size and has fallen on them once or twice. She knocks her food over so she doesn't have to stand and eat. And she knows that the best way to get me to pay attention to her is to lay where I put my feet.

    And if you don't believe me about her size:


    She lays like that constantly, pawing at my leg for attention.

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