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Posts posted by Replicant

  1. I have 3, but I only like to show two of them. The other is what I like to call a lesson. :lol:


    In memory of my gramma, who loved red (she had red EVERYTHING; hair, nails, clothes, makeup, etc.) and grew peonies. On my left shoulder.


    This is my own design. It symbolizes a new beginning for me, since I got it right around the time I started making big changes in my life for the better. On my left wrist.

    I have at least two more in mind. One is going to be a butterfly, the other is a symbol from a story a friend of mine and I have been working since we were teenagers. And still work on.

  2. 1G Glass plugs for my ears

    Clear iTouch case w/ screen protector and stand

    Origami paper to decorate said case

    Earring making supplies (beads, wire, various tools, padded backs so they won't fall out of my ears and hooks)

    Wood engraving/carving tools

    A purse

  3. I played, got bored after hitting level 32 (right after getting my Legacy), made another character, hit level 34, said eff it and just quit today, actually. (I also had another alt at level 20, and about four more at 10+. I basically no-lifed it for a bit... lol)

    My problem was I got bored, and it had the same problem as RIFT did for me; grindy, no real endgame except for raids, and even then... I had my fair share of raids in RIFT.

    Overall, it felt like a single-player experience. I enjoy that to a degree since I am generally very unsocial (despite playing with a guild), but it's an MMO. If I wanted a single-player experience, I would have invested in Skyrim or something.

    It was fun while it lasted. Which was about a month.

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