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Everything posted by ShanethVarosa

  1. ShanethVarosa

    I think the last one I saw was Godzilla (2014) in theaters. I tend to go every week, but didn't go last week. Thought the new Godzilla was really good, well made, definitely entertaining and of course a little cheesy. This week I'm going to see Maleficent. And that I'm REALLY excited for!
  2. ShanethVarosa

    My friend let me borrow a whole bunch of her video games, so I felt the need to play them before I play my own (even though I'm SO excited to play Thief). I played the Portal games in reverse. I played Paortal 2 first and finished that a few weeks ago. Then I started Portal and beat it in like a day, so now I'm playing LA Noire. I've had it from her for over a year because I forgot I had it... I'm about half way through that now and then I'm going to move on to Bioshock probably.
  3. ShanethVarosa

    NICE I am just hoping for something memorable. Their Shinzui singles were really good, Hoping for some more awesome songs.
  4. ShanethVarosa

    Nice long album! Very exciting!!
  5. ShanethVarosa

    New preview is excellent! So excited.
  6. ShanethVarosa

    Gonna have to download this for Lin, Royz, and Fest Vainqueur. They're the only ones I'm interested in and they sound pretty great.
  7. ShanethVarosa

    @CaRaN that's how I was with Attack on Titan! For this one I don't have as much time as I did then. So I'm sort of... Watching it case file by case file. It started off slow, but I'm really into it now. Can't wait for the last two case files people are saying they're INSANE
  8. ShanethVarosa

    I'm currently watching Ghost Hunt and loving it!
  9. So excited for MUCC's new single this week! Never thought I'd say that...

    1. nekkichi


      more excited for freya descending to record stores to slay lesser visual kei releases of first half of year.

    2. ShanethVarosa


      ^Love that comment.

      I'm excited for that single too, I'm a total bitch for Kaya

    3. ShanethVarosa


      ^Love that comment.

      I'm excited for that single too, I'm a total bitch for Kaya

  10. ShanethVarosa

    Definitely sounds good. They're one of those bands that, to me, constantly make listenable music but none of it is ever really remarkable and I end up listening to it once and forgetting about it.
  11. ShanethVarosa

    @Flash-Fab-Supernova Pennsylvania? That's where I'm from and we just got it legalized which is super cool. For those of you on the forum who don't know me, I'm a gay dude so pretty much obviously I'm in love with this. I don't want to get married, personally, but want the option to be available to everyone and I think it's a horrible thing that people want to take this right and experience away from other people.
  12. How do you politely tell someone you don't give a fuck about their problems?

    1. ShanethVarosa


      Wow Tetora that's actually a super great response! And madygrain, she's been my friend for like 5 years and such but she always comes to me with the same problems and never takes my advice. So she'll waste hours of my time talking about it and then nothing will ever change.

    2. whitegrey


      one last try won't hurt tho? But you have to make sure to figure your previous advices out to her and how she has not tried them out (yet) ant that nothing will ever change if she doesn't do anything herself and if she keeps complaining but doesn't take an actual advice... Other then that: Tetora is pretty close I guess :)

    3. ShanethVarosa


      I pretty much did what you said, whitegrey. Let's see if this bitch actually does something good with her life. Lol.

    4. Show next comments  102 more
  13. ShanethVarosa

    I pretty much figured the song would be jazz/swing inspired to promote a sense of sexuality to the song, so I'm glad I was right but like... This sound isn't quite good enough for me to consider it his best. I'm just glad he's taking a different approach to his solo music. The last couple releases were amazing, but I'm glad to see "Kamijo" as a solo artist try something different. But I'm hoping the b-sides and the single in July will just sound better even if they're the same style of music.
  14. ShanethVarosa

    Oh my gosh, that is heartbreaking news. I've always loved K, thought he was so different and unique. And very talented. May he find peace in the afterlife and the members of Moi dix Mois find solace in each other.
  15. ShanethVarosa

    I fail to see how looking similar to Madonna is a bad thing. EDIT This was supposed to have a picture of Madonna's new magazine spread in L'Uomo, but my computer/this website is fucking up and not letting me post it so. Suffice it to say Madonna looks amazing at 56 and everyone else is just jealous.
  16. They actually do sound pretty good. Nothing really, really remarkable. But they have a lot of potential to be great.
  17. ShanethVarosa

    I love this look on him, it's already so different from the Noble theme, which I love but think he needs to try something different. I am really excited about this, it's gonna be amazing.
  18. ShanethVarosa

    Already digging the track titles, can't wait to hear it. If it is anything like Taiyou no Shinishite it's going to be freaking kick-ass.
  19. ShanethVarosa

    I was reading and then got lost because I literally don't see how Sid or Kameleo are of any relevance to Div. All I know is that this is 100% a matter of opinion and arguing isn't going to make them slow down or stop at all. My very honest opinion on Div is that they seem to be progressing rather nicely. Their music is getting better, more interesting with each release even if not EVERY song is perfect (Golden Kinema Gekijou being my least favorite song to date) and I feel their popularity level reflects appropriately to their label and general place in the music industry. I think everything is going up for them and it's great. Now if you want my opinion on people who think musicians get WORSE with popularity well.... I think those people are the worst music elitists out there and are being contradictory for contradictory's sake and to make people think they're superior for not liking something that's popular.
  20. ShanethVarosa

    The more they produce music, the more likely it is that I will like something they do, lol. This song isn't bad, I jut don't find it particularly great. To Be or Not To Be was a great album, but this is just sort of lackluster.
  21. ShanethVarosa

    Awesome!! I'm always so glad I never have to wait long for them to have new stuff out.
  22. ShanethVarosa

    Really really interesting song, definitely innovative. I don't think it's one of my top 10 favorites of them, but it is certainly a cool song.
  23. ShanethVarosa

    This is incredibly exciting, Hoenn was such a neat region and getting it in 3D is going to make it even cooler. I can't wait to have my very first legitimate Kyogre lmao. (I have a legitimate Shiny one, but I like Blue more than pink) Anyway, do I think it's soon? Mmmm... No. It would be soon if they were releasing another version like X/Y, but since it's just a remake (and one everyone has been asking for forever) it's definitely right on time. I cannot wait to see what they do with this new gameplay. And apparently not only are Groudon and Kyogre getting mega evolutions, but so are Sceptile and Swampert to go along with Blaziken.
  24. ShanethVarosa

    Looks Like I have to book a flight to Paris.
  25. ShanethVarosa

    Awesome!! Thanks. Can't wait!
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