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Status Replies posted by Senedjem

  1. I wasn't on MH for about 2 days and it felt like 20 years. Reminds me of how much I love this forum.

  2. Peace Tokage Mk II

  3. "CAT5 added you as a friend." Remember when you hated me

  4. so I got married. I don't feel the difference between before and now. is that normal?

  5. Just deleted all my shared files. I won't be posting (my own) downloads for the next 11 months or so, at least.

  6. Last paperwork going to be sent in to the japanese embassy tommorow. 16 days till we're leaving. @o@

  7. Hello this is Lena reporting live from last.fm and *insert creative curses and loud yelling here*.

  8. If I was a country this would be my national anthem
  9. If I was a country this would be my national anthem
  10. I sold drugs and wanted to rap Now niggaz rap and wanna sell drugs Dem celebreties wanna be thugs But when them slugs start flyin' And the beef comes they start crying

  11. I got a haircut yesterday, kinda self conscious :C I wanted side swipe bangs, not a Lady Gaga haircut :CCCC

  12. post-leg-day butt hurt.

  13. http://www.niicmusic.com/ this is fuckign horrifying kill it kill it
  14. post-leg-day butt hurt.

  15. listening to touhou metal. #wow

  16. fuck reddit

  17. I never thought a Jonas brother would look like he could whoop my ass! o.o http://31.media.tumblr.com/95b77856ecada42914d591696d187534/tumblr_mqrjrdGYEm1sw9sclo1_500.jpg

  18. http://youtu.be/FPI4qUxhYjs the boiling liquid flesh that was my eyes is dripping down my face and burning my skin
  19. I kinda like D.I.D with their bad vocals and dub step techno beebop breakdowns.

  20. i need 2 get into merry sum1 please give me decent rips of everything theyve done worth trying

  21. A venture into reformatting old computers of mine turned into compiling all my music onto my external once I realized they had stuff on there I never removed. Some of my computers were the splitting image of Byouto's blog back when the links worked. I now have a shitton of music I thought I'd never have again, transcodes and all. Also I was a gigantic douchebag and weeb 3 years ago. My my, how I have changed so much.

  22. First day of work went well. Can't wait for the phone conference at 7 AM tomorrow... D;

  23. First day of work went well. Can't wait for the phone conference at 7 AM tomorrow... D;

  24. I only listen to music at night because headphones ruin my hair :(

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