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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    wasn't @DarkWatersupposed to be in lurker mode after some drama that happened a while ago? what happened, bro? back so soon for another one? in all seriousness though, people only cared for all the irrelevant news because there was someone willing to post them. once they start to die down, people won't even notice. not to mention there's a big chance most people will also grow out of all of this and think back at this whole thing and 1) laugh 2) be embarassed they were once mad at this.
  2. saishuu

    lol já sabia seu twitter pelos RTs do @emmny(marcando ele aqui só pra ele ficar na dúvida do que a gente tá falando hue)
  3. saishuu

    ^ vou dar follow no twitter! eu também acho que o fórum tá muuuuito melhor hoje em dia, e eu digo isso estando aqui desde sei lá, 2007? antigamente tinha um pessoal bem legal até, mas as discussões sempre eram bem rasas e o fórum era mais "mecânico". fora que, embora algumas pessoas tenham deixado, o povo vai se substituindo naturalmente, o que é uma característica boa de fórum desse tipo. por mais que as pessoas não gostem de admitir, com o tempo o gosto musical vai mudando e não valia mais a pena ter o MH como um local exclusivo pra VK. quando ficou mais aberto pra indie e coisa do tipo, o fórum ficou bem mais dinâmico e, sinceramente, dá pra descobrir muita coisa boa e desconhecida que passaria despercebida se não fosse a diversidade dos membros. pra mim, nem as notícias e nem os downloads são os atrativos principais do MH. se você tiver mesmo interessado, dá pra discutir de tudo por aqui, só ver o random thoughts thread dia desses com o povo discutindo a questão dos homicídios da população negra nos EUA e fazendo o assunto render pra caramba. se cê for parar pra pensar, isso aqui é uma comunidade incrível.
  4. saishuu

    enquanto o MH tiver os downloads, o fórum não morre. e pra ser bem sincero, tava de saco cheio do Trombe. ele fazia um trabalho massa? sim. mas quando você começa a monopolizar algo banal como notícias de inúmeras formas, fica difícil te apoiar. ele mudava a data de notícias pra ser o primeiro a ter postado, reclamava se outras pessoas postavam antes e ainda reclamava quando postava algo completamente irrelevante e não tinha nenhuma resposta, o que é um absurdo. e vamo ser bem sincero, o fórum de notícias muitas vezes é basicamente uma caixa de spam de tanta notícia de banda/session band com 1 fã japonês que ninguém liga. sabe o pior? ele de vez em quando me mandava PMs praticamente me jogando uma guilt trip por eu não ter postado em algo ou pra reclamar que eu tinha comentado numa notícia que ele não tinha postado (e que tinha postado antes ou whatever). de boa? tchau.
  5. saishuu

    holy shit, super glad you'll be able to go! wonder if any other bands will join them. D'ERLANGER and DEAD END are a must.
  6. saishuu

    Can't see anything bad about this tbh.
  7. saishuu

    inb4 a S.K.I.N revival
  8. Yeeeah I go through the same thing. I'm not even sure how to explain this, but sometimes I feel I enjoy a song/album more if it evokes colors and/or imagery in my head quicker. There are also the times where a cover art will create live as I listen to an album, making it a more unique experience of some sort. I don't know. In regards to actual synaesthesia, I think I do experience it, but to a lesser extent. I feel like I do, but I can't really remember off the top of my head any examples I could give. I'm making no sense whatsoever in this message geez
  9. saishuu

    so guys, what's your favorite LUNA SEA album
  10. saishuu

    serious contender for pop song of the year:
  11. saishuu

    goddammit, Tatsurou is a monster.
  12. saishuu

    Houyoku is actually a really cool album. It did throw me off a lot when it came out, especially given how heavy Kuchiki no Tou was, but it has some great tracks in it. "Kagayaku sekai" is still one of their best songs to this day for me. I discovered MUCC with some random songs off of Zekuu and Houmura Uta, but Kuchiki no Tou was when I first listened to one of their albums and I still hold it as my favorite. I overplayed it so much back in 2004 it was ridiculous. That performance of "Kuchiki no Tou" (the song) in their first Budokan live still gives me chills everytime I watch it. Houyoku, Houmura Uta and Zekuu are probably the other ones I really like, with Shion coming right behind. Aside from T.R.E.N.D.Y., I haven't really enjoyed any of their albums since Shion - and I tried to enjoy Kyuutai countless times, but it feels so lifeless that I honestly don't remember a single thing about it.
  13. Sure some of the guys have been in the scene for a while, but charging 3,800 yen for their first one-man? Geez.
  14. saishuu

    I hope whoever thought this was a good idea gets fired.
  15. saishuu

    The hell, seems like we're friends with the same people since I know/follow http://youwillhaveaboytonight.tumblr.com/ too. lol Are you around Tumblr too by any chance? Thanks for the links btw, the performance sounds lovely <3
  16. saishuu

    Indeed! I've been playing since I was 11 and I'm 25 now, with a college degree and everything. I'm just as hyped for the new games (and Pokémon GO) as I have ever been and you know what, it still feels damn great. Much better to focus on how good things make you feel than worry if you're within their original consumer age range, heh.
  17. saishuu

    ^ lol kinda funny to see your post and then @Hakoniwa's signature right above it, heh. Song is a little too... soft for me at first listen? idk. will keep an eye on them though.
  18. saishuu

    you're literally in a forum primarily dedicated to visual kei
  19. saishuu

    I cannot stop listening to this aaahhhhhh
  20. saishuu

    Veado Ongaku >>>>>>>>>>>>>
  21. that's gotta be one of the most annoying choruses I've heard in a while. those jangly guitar riffs though, yaaaas
  22. Cautiously excited for this. please be good please be good
  23. saishuu

    I wish I had the means to contribute and buy some stuff, but hey, good luck with it!
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