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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    Just confirmed the purchase of my ticket to watch The National in concert next year. I'm actually gonna see my favorite band live. I'm so freaking happy.
  2. saishuu

    It could be worse? I actually like it. lol It's good dad-rock and the chorus is catchy as hell. I still hope there's something better in the album though.
  3. marry badend or whatever is next!!!
  4. saishuu

    c'mon grandpa
  5. this thread is exhausting
  6. saishuu

    Yay for junno! I missed him. I'm excited for this now. lol
  7. saishuu

    the lack of titles in caps is bothering me lol I'm still terrified about this album
  8. they're disbanding in 2018
  9. saishuu

    hope the conflicts were people dragging her for her music to her face
  10. saishuu

    I just hope this one is the weak spot on the album like RAN (ugh) was for A WILL. Still curious if the full song will bring anything different, but so far I'm very underwhelmed.
  11. saishuu

    Back in 07~09 they were relatively big, yeah. Big in the sense of being able to play Shibuya Kokaido once or twice and performing long oneman tours, I mean.
  12. saishuu

    this is the DILFs thread tho
  13. saishuu

    heidi, was really good and popular at their peak. I don't really know exactly what happened; even in Japan their popularity seems to have stagnated (not to say decreased) for a while now. They were growing ridiculously fast back when they started and all of sudden it just stopped. I'm always surprised to see a new release by them as well lol but it's cool that they're still going, even though I don't check out their stuff anymore.
  14. I'll not allow this, please retreat yourself
  15. now this is a PR move I can get behind. conditional disbanding who? seriously wanna watch how this develops lol
  16. saishuu

    I actually understand what you mean and it makes sense to me that it feels a bit undercooked, it sorta feels like a lighter VULGAR in a way. I don't mind it tbh, but there's probably some nostalgia there as it was their first album I followed from the first singles until it came out. Also Beautiful Dirt is garbage, so I don't blame you lol
  17. saishuu

    HEY Wtd. is good, stop this ): jk, but I really like it tho. Merciless Cult, 孤独に死す、故に孤独。and Spilled Milk are some of my favorite album tracks from them. ):
  18. saishuu

    Anyone remember The FLARE? I rediscovered their album this last week and although it wasn't anything mindblowingly great and original, it was still so good and such an easy listen. It's aged pretty well too considering it came out over a decade ago. I with it had lasted longer and the vocalist (YUNA? idk) stayed around. ): Favorite song has got to be STAR LIGHT:
  19. Thank you for answering me, mr. baka_neko. Just wanted to make sure I've been doing this whole "gay thing" right!

    1. Biopanda


      Always willing to lend a helping hand :v

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      i am a Gay

  20. fuck awards for music, gimme awards for BEST USERS
  21. saishuu

    can you enlighten me as to what exactly is a gay pose?
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