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Everything posted by saishuu

  1. saishuu

    San is my favorite for sure. Core and Hyakki Kenran are my least favorites and the others I like pretty much equally depending on my mood. Also @Kirito here's San in FLAC if you still need it: https://mega.nz/file/XYgjgSoa#YBjPfmYCmEXpKKhtd87jVqLx9NWZ_-wzKQ7s0IgVRdg
  2. Updated: SLOTHREAT is gonna release their first full-length album, called "THEMIS", this September. Thanks to @sleepy coffee for the info!
  3. saishuu

    yesssssss this is so so good!
  4. saishuu

    it was enjoyable. I actually don't mind going back to it, which is a nice change
  5. saishuu

    the synths really do add nothing, but I don't mind them on this one? the song is tastyyy
  6. きょうのすけ is an icon 15.2 is stellar
  7. saishuu

    La'cryma Christi. I used to like a couple of songs here and there, but I only gave "Dwellers of a Sandcastle" and "Sculpture of Time" a real listen over a year ago and they were top-notch.
  8. saishuu

    VK only: LUNA SEA - SEARCH FOR REASON Kagrra, - 夢イズル地 NoGoD - 彩白 deadman - additional cause for sorrow D'espairsRay - Kaleidoscope
  9. so what's everyone's explanation as to why "allure idea" is arguably the greatest vk band name in history? there's gotta be SOMETHING that explains why it's so pleasing to the eyes

  10. B'z has uploaded all of their live DVDs to YouTube for free. if anyone feels like discovering some of their stuff, here's a good chance to do so:



    1. saiko


      I know I should feel ashamed of myself but, although I did tried them a lot, what @Peace Heavy mk II says is literally what keeps me liking-but-not-so-much their stuff tbh

    2. Jigsaw9




      This is the one making me nostalgic (timestamped for maximum badassery)



    3. saishuu


      love love love the MONSTER tour and this performance in particular! 2006 was a good year to like and follow B'z

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  11. saishuu

    yeah, it bothers me too lol but at this point it's probably pointless to expect him to change that
  12. saishuu

    I agree. Morrie is strained as hell though, Ryuichi seems to have better control. It's pretty clear he had to adapt his singing style after being careless for much of LUNA SEA's early career, but now it seems he's taking even further. As for CROSS and the other post-reunion albums, I don't even disagree with people who say they sound bad. I just have an easier time enjoying them, that's all. LUNA SEA is comfort music to me regardless of which album I listen to.
  13. saishuu

    Ryuichi's voice was wrecked in some of the tracks in CROSS, probably due to his cancer/surgery? some of the early tracks have some obvious work on them in order to make him sound better (too bad it didn't). I actually really like A WILL, but CROSS just works better as an album to me. I just learned to enjoy their washed out sound I guess, it feels comfortable to me. I can always go enjoy their older albums anyway.
  14. those hots

    1. Jigsaw9


      I think nots!

    2. Tokage


      thinking about thos

  15. saishuu

    finally! it's been a while
  16. saishuu

    literally the only thing that matters right now in the world
  17. saishuu

    e tem gente por aqui (ninguém que tenha visto aqui nesse tópico) que acha importante e uma atitude louvável deixar de comer e de gastar dinheiro com coisas essenciais do dia-a-dia pra comprar CDs com preços absurdos lol é fácil falar em apoiar a cena quando você mora na europa e ganha em euro. comprar CDs aqui do Brasil, pelo menos de forma constante, só funciona de você for rico e tiver dinheiro de sobra todo mês. comprei horrores e enchi uma prateleira enquanto podia, quando o dólar tava abaixo ou próximo dos R$2. agora? nope, sem remorso algum
  18. saishuu

    just like their name huh
  19. saishuu

    you just want to compare very sensitive financial information with others in a forum about Japanese music, in a very unstable situation worldwide no less suuure. from discussing politics with very questionable views months ago to then vanishing from the forums after new rules were set and then returning all of sudden creating a discusstion about credit scores? there's nothing shady about you at all!
  20. saishuu

    so no one is gonna question why some random guy in a weeb forum is asking people about their credit cards and their credit scores and limits like that's normal? no one? okay
  21. saishuu

    oh boy this sounds tastyyyyy. whoever was responsible for making them change their sound, thank you. this is so much better than all their previous garbage (which I also loved tbh)
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