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    rekzer reacted to Kiryu999 in MEJIBRAY new live DVD and 2nd Single Collection release   
    It was annonced at MEJIBRAY tour final that they will release their 5th live DVD 「-NO MOUTH SLIVERS- TOUR FINAL at Yokohama Bay Hall」at 2017.03.01 (¥5,000+tax)
    1.  Sliver
    2. アヴァロン
    3. VICTIM(ism)
    4. ACME
    6. 鳥は泳ぎ方を知らず溺れ亡骸
    7. Baby Crossing
    8. 浴槽
    9. ナナキ
    10. DECADENCE - Counting Goats … if I can’t be yours -
    11. 嘘と愚行-それもまた人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの-
    12. Negator NEGATOR
    13. 原罪の林檎
    14 .THE END
    15. 羽花
    1. Mechanical beauty
    2. D.E.INCUBUS
    3. Invisible Tower maker
    4. 枷と知能 -それってとても人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの-
    5. メサイア
    They will also release their 2nd Single Collection「SM #2」at 2017.05.03, regular edition will contain CD (¥3000+tax) and limited edition will contain CD+DVD (¥5,000+tax)
    6.SECRET No.03
    7.Agitato GRIMOIRE
    8.THE END
    6.SECRET No.03
    7.Agitato GRIMOIRE
    8.THE END
    They're also releasing the 2nd press of the 1st Single Collection「SM」at 2017.04.05 (¥3,000+tax), it will contain only CD with the same tracklist as the original + something extra
    Finally, they wil release their 2nd live limited DVD「Sliver」at 2017.05.10 at 渋谷REX, it will contain the music video for Sliver. (¥1,000)

  2. Like
    rekzer reacted to jesusphobia in HER NAME IN BLOOD Drummer loves Marijuana too much   
    yup. we suspect that was also because of drugs
  3. Like
    rekzer reacted to beni in Overwatch on PS4   
    Since we already have a thread/team for Overwatch on PC you can find right here, I thought it wouldn't hurt to gauge interest for a PS4 one since I've gotten pretty addicted to it now and noticed a few friends I have here on PS4 usually come up online recently. 
  4. Like
    rekzer reacted to toto in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    I don't know if it's the right place for it, or if it’s ok to share it here, but...
    TOUR16-17 from depression to ________ [mode of Kisou] Report from todays live
    Every word unspoken, every thought left and buried. These are the words I couldn't say. The Words You Can't Hear.
    From Depression to ________ [Mode of Kisou]
    Fukuoka International Congress Centre
    Tonight’s concert, I’d say, is one of the best performances of the band, technically, in my humble opinion. Kyo was super spot on in all songs. Low registers, high notes all perfectly executed.
    This is gonna be long. Read and be bored. 😅
    I saw all of the members from my seat since the venue has a slope like set up. It was a struggle to watch them because everyone demands for attention. So painful.
    We started with Kigan and Kyo was playful from the onset. In Zomboid, the intro was played with a spotlight on Shinya. It was divine how he played them drums! 😍 In most songs the background was the purgatory-like image. It must be some painting?
    The first 3 songs, lighting was intricately scheduled. There were no background screens. In the break between Utafumi and Undecided, Kyo sat just at the edge of Shinya’s drumset - where he normally places his bottled water and towel. Kaoru was the last to come back and they played a medley of slow songs. It’s wonderful. I have no words because it seems they arranged the setlist this way. It’s painfully heartbreaking and all perfectly played by the band.
    Kyo has embraced the lyrics of Kisou and his singing, I’d say, was much more felt than when I watched them in Kawasaki.
    Undecided was again played with a spotlight on Die during the intro. Ah Die was sitting on a high chair in 3 songs if I’m not mistaken.
    There was one part of the song when Toshiya stared at Kaoru as he played. Call me crazy but that’s how it looked to me. I really adore Kyo’s performance in Undecided because he sang it exactly as the same arrangement in the album - so perfectly in tune. The image in the background was that of burning letters or pictures?
    Rinkaku followed and DAMN THIS IS THE MOST PERFECT PERFORMANCE OF THE SONG THAT IVE SEEN LIVE! I was teary eyed by the end of the song. Shinya, Die, Kaoru, Toshiya were all lost in their instruments like never before - it was truly stunning! Kyo sang it perfectly oh my goodness… I can see them all in my head and I’m speechless. If only I could bottle that performance and keep it forever…
    Kaoru mouthed the lyrics during the last verse and it was so obvious how emotional he was in the song. Rinkaku… you’re so perfect. The band’s chaos is just so beautiful in this song. 😭
    Cause of fickleness! Kyo’s signature dance move! He literally was instructing us to move like he does aaarrghhhhh I CANNOT HANDLE THE CUTEEEE! Shinya’s songs in tonight’s live are too powerful I just cannot! Hmm… the background in this was the lyrics.
    In between Cause and Embryo, while waiting for Totchi, Die and Kaoru to come back, Kyo was kneeling down at the edge of Shinya’s drum set. Hehe. Already tired, Kyo-chan? Lol.
    Embryo. As usual Totchi had his pick in between his lips during the verses. Kyo was gyrating ever so slightly in this song. What a tease.
    Kyo sang this perfectly. No mistakes in the lyrics this time haha. I believe Die was sitting in a high chair during this song. Hmmm yeah, he was. Ah the background here is a constellation that forms an image of an unborn baby.
    I waited for Totchi to throw the pick after the song but he didn’t. The next song was Mushi. Totchi was throwing glances at Kaoru during the latter’s guitar solo towards the end. Again, I know I’m crazy. Maybe unless Totchi was looking at someone beyond Kaoru? Hmmm…
    Kyo sang this song so painfully. I thought he would just drop dead on the floor and cry. He was too lost in the song - it was heartbreaking. In the end he said “生きて” while he was slumped on the floor. 😭😭😭
    New song. The more I hear it, the more I hear Kasumi. And now I cannot unhear “Ranunculus”. It has grown in me, this song. Is it Kaoru’s? The lighting in this song was gorgeous. Purple and Blue (uhuh… uhuh… yes, i’m reading into this. So what?!). And in the final chorus it turned purple and yellow? Or brown? Ugh. Colorblind me. I believe it was after this song that Toshiya unceremoniously threw his pick - in the darkness.
    It was my first time to hear 24 Shirinda live and it was so powerful. Die was the one backing up on “Give me love, give me pain, give me…”
    Totchi’s basslines here reverberated in the whole hall oh my goodness.😍
    Background was red things-something ugh I can’t remember.
    Karasu - Totchi was on fire. My eyes were glued on him in this song. He used his mic stand as an effect to the song just like in In Situ though not as sexy. He was almost kneeling on the floor as he played this song. Soooooo intense!!!
    I LOST ALL SENSE WHEN THEY STARTED PLAYING UGLY. Ugly is like one of my most fave songs and I’ve been praying that they play this song live so I can headbang to it like there’s no tomorrow. And that I did. “DIEEEE!!!!”
    This song is super intense it should be in every live. REALLYYYY!!!! THE BASS SOLO, THE GUITAR RIFFS, THE SWEET OH SWEET DRUM BEATS AAAHHH IM TRULY IN LOVE.
    Un deux - same background as usual (tower? Church?) Totchi was particularly jumpy in this song.
    Encore. Except for Kaoru, the rest were wearing merch/con goods. Die and Shinya wearing the dolman t-shirt. Totchi and Kyo wearing long sleeved top. Toshiya wasn’t wearing neck harness this time. Only Shinya - which he later threw to the crowd (and was retrieved by a girl wearing a dress who dove to the stairs - who said you can’t dive when you wear short skimpy dress? Hmm. That girl. Respect to fangirls INCREASED!).
    Domestic fucker family - indeed the lyrics were flashed on screen. I wasn’t dreaming the last time haha.
    Umbrella - i so love umbrella. Kyo was motioning the crowd to jump and move their hands in sequence it was soooo cute (during Miss girl very fond of child).
    What else…
    - Totchi looks so genuinely happy. So giggly, so smiley. It’s like everything we do, he’d laugh and giggle like a little boy/girl!
    - Kaoru soooo pouty and only half of his mouth was drawn with black ink (does that make sense? Lol!). He was competing with Toshiya on the crab dance in many of the songs. His feet apart almost all of the time just like Totchi and damn he mouths the lyrics when he’s so into the song! He waa also very close to the crowd, he kept on stepping on the ledge to rile them up.
    - Kaoru, after the encore, agaaaiiin teased the crowd when he was throwing his picks away. He was telling the fans to put their hands together like asking for alms before he’d throw the picks. What a bully! 😂😂😂
    - Shinya wore the pink killer shirt during encore and when he drums away, the shirt falls off his shoulders. 😵 i love it. So sexy.
    - There were 3 songs in which Die and Totchi (and Kaoru at one point) were hovering on Shinya’s area. And Totchi was so giggly like there’s an inside joke or something.
    - Bass guitar trouble. Can’t remember which song but Totchi’s bass malfunctioned and his tech ran to him with a replacement guitar while gesturing NG. Totchi was shocked and looked disappointed (poor boy, ehm man) as he tried to follow on the song.
    - Kyooooo!!! He sneakily went again to Kaoru’s side and was making faces and gesturing his fingers with a poking motion! Kaoru was so deep in his guitar playing and when he heard us all laughing he looked at Kyo and Kyo just innocently walked away (since he really didn’t do anything!!! Haha!).
    - Kyo’s next victim was Die and he did his poking gestures from behind Die and once again walked away innocently when Die realized there was someone behind him.
    - Totchi was a bouncing baby boy again. Literally. He bounced from his ledge to Kyo’s ledge (oh those long legs I wish I could capture that long leeeaaaappp moment!). He was also jumping around in Un Deux’s chorus literally jumping 360 degrees, like a crab leaping lol. He was so adorable!
    - After the customary throwing of almost everything they have, Toshiya who was standing on Kyo’s ledge, stepped down and when we all thought he was gonna walk out of the stage, HE TOOK HIS SHIRT OFF. JUST LIKE THAT. I thought I wouldn’t hear the end of screaming. Even the guy beside me reacted because it was just too sudden, too unexpected? We, our precious eyes were once again graced by the washboard abs of manly Toshiya. I can never get used to it. I just can’t. I wish I can turn it off but man, he’s soooo attractive! Particularly tonight he was so unguarded, so relaxed, so… playfully calm. I soooo envy whoever he ends up with (not that I’m wishing to be the one haha! I’m on Kaoru’s side forevaaah!).
    All right, that I guess ends my almost endless ramblings. Forgive the fangirl in me. I do this and write forever because I want to commit what I experienced to something I can read in the future. I have a memory of a goldfish. Pffft.
    Setlist - hope it’s correct! I haven’t checked Twitter yet.
    01 SE
    02 Kigan
    03 Zomboid
    04 Utafumi
    05 Undecided
    06 Rinkaku
    07 Cause of fickleness
    08 Embryo
    09 Mushi
    10 New song
    11 24 Shirinda
    12 Karasu
    13 Filth
    14 Ugly
    15 Un deux
    EN01 GDS
    EN02 Mr. Newsman
    EN03 Domestic Fucker Family
    EN04 Umbrella
    EN05 Sustain the untruth
    EN 06 Jessica
  5. Like
    rekzer reacted to Biopanda in The RarezHut Megathread: the largest internationally-based Visual Kei megastore   
    Well, there's still one weekend to go, at least! Also yes, you can definitely still send in ghost bids  Valicious is working now on updating the list to show which items sold, so you may want to wait a day or so before placing them.
  6. Like
    rekzer reacted to Valicious in The RarezHut Megathread: the largest internationally-based Visual Kei megastore   
    All invoices for the 1st weekend have been sent out! Join us for our 2nd weekend: https://www.facebook.com/events/192336347841764/
  7. Like
    rekzer reacted to eiheartx in BABYMETAL DVD/Blu-ray and live album release 「LIVE AT WEMBLEY」   
    DVD/Blu-ray and Live Album
    — Live Album —
    2016.12.28 (wed) Available.
    ¥2,315+tax (¥2,500 tax incl.)

    2. あわだまフィーバー
    3. ヤバッ!
    4. GJ!
    5. ド・キ・ド・キ☆モーニング
    6. META!メタ太郎
    7. Amore - 蒼星 -
    8. メギツネ
    9. KARATE
    10. イジメ、ダメ、ゼッタイ
    11. ギミチョコ!!
    12. THE ONE - English ver. -
    13. Road of Resistance
    [13 tracks / 77min.]
    — Blu-ray/DVD —
    2016.11.23 Available.
    Bluray: ¥5,093+tax (¥5,500 tax incl.)
    DVD: ¥4,167+tax (¥4,500 tax incl.)
    01-BABYMETAL Death 
    07-Catch Me If You Can 
    10-Yon No Uta
    11-Amore - 蒼星 -
    16-THE ONE 
    17-Road Of Resistance 
  8. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    2016/11/08 【神奈川県】 CLUB CITTA' [FEMALE LIMITED] -「a knot」 & ONLINE only- (Additional Show)
    01. *New Intro
    02. 逆上堪能ケロイドミルク / Gyakujou Tannou Keroido Miruku
    03. FILTH
    04. The Domestic Fucker Family
    05. 懐春 / Kaishun
    06. *New Song
    07. 鱗 / Uroko
    08. Embryo (Album ver.)
    09. 蟲 -Mushi-
    10. Bottom Of The Death Valley
    11. Undecided (Old ver.)
    12. 鬼眼 -Kigan-
    13. ZOMBOID
    14. Un Deux
    15. Sustain The Untruth
    16. G.D.S.
    17. ピンクキラー / Pinku Kiraa
    18. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    19. Mr.NEWSMAN
    20. JESSICA
    21. umbrella
  9. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________ [mode of 鬼葬]
    2016/11/07 【神奈川県】 CLUB CITTA' [MALE LIMITED] -「a knot」 & ONLINE only- (Additional Show)
    01. *New Intro
    02. 鬼眼 -Kigan-
    03. ZOMBOID (totally new lyrics)
    04. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    05. Undecided (old ver.) (last time played in 2003)
    06. *New Song
    07. 24個シリンダー / 24 Ko Shirindaa (slightly new lyrics: all "boku" were replaced with "ore")
    08. Embryo (old ver.)
    09. 蟲 -Mushi-
    10. 輪郭 / Rinkaku
    11. 鴉 / Karasu
    12. Chain Repulsion
    13. FILTH
    14. HADES
    15. Un Deux
    16. G.D.S.
    17. ピンクキラー / Pinku Kiraa (last time played in 2007)
    18. The Domestic Fucker Family
    19. Umbrella
    20. Sustain The Untruth
    21. JESSICA
  10. Like
    rekzer got a reaction from -NOVA- in girugamesh ONEMAN TOUR 2016「鵺-period-」LIVE DVD BOX Special Limited Edition release   
    cdjapan doesn't say anything.
    I got mine from japan discoveries and they didn't say anything either.
  11. Like
    rekzer reacted to Shir0 in Halloween Contest Voting!   
    So we got 2 submissions from @The Reverendand @plastic_rainbow
    both ideas are very cool thank you for taking part
    The Voting will start from today until the 10/31
    The Reverend's Jack-o'-lantern dedicated to Prince. (RIP)
    plastic_rainbow's grim reaper look
  12. Like
  13. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    preparation and rehearsals for Kisou tour have started.
    first date in Hong Kong in five days.
  14. Like
    rekzer got a reaction from Furik in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    i hope they make like a Blitz 5 Days type dvd set with a day of each of these tours. even if it is Aknot limited 
  15. Like
    rekzer reacted to jon_jonz in YOSHIKI FES "VISUAL JAPAN SUMMIT 2016"   
    While I wait for some good soul to share the entirety of the content broadcasted during the 3 days of the event here's the complete setlist in order of appearence for all bands and all 3 days:
  16. Like
    rekzer reacted to togz in #83: lynch. - AVANTGARDE   
    | AVANT GARDE but oh so predictable
    lynch. has been around for some time when it comes to the history of modern J-rock bands. The band has released 9 albums, 15 singles, and 1 EP since their formation in 2004. The guys have managed to keep a steady and consistent sound despite some line-up changes. This sound revolves mostly around Hazuki's vocal style and melodic phrases. Though Hazuki's vocal strategy has yet to change, the groups instrumental phrasing alters a little with each release. Like any other artists, there's always a small group that doesn't approve of the musical direction. The main argument when it comes to lynch. is that they keep recycling the same formula. In most cases, opinions clash when artists change their sound completely or become a little more experimental with their sound. lynch. has stayed almost too consistent to this point, but somehow it works for them. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    AVANTGARDE is the newest addition to the bands discography and offers 12 new tracks. The title is quite vague and opens some space for creativity and exploration, but falls a little short of these expectations. "AVANT GARDE" is an interesting opening and utilizes a lot of synths and electronic aspects that work great for a stage entrance, but it does not sum up the whole album in any way. Tracks such as "EVIDENCE", "DAMNED", "PRAYER",  and "THE OUTRAGE SEXUALITY" sound a little fresher musically and offer a bit more depth in the heaviness department. Although "F.A.K.E" is catchy with the slap bass phrase, it and "PLEDGE" also sounds like they're right off one of their past releases.  "UNELMA" and "PHANTOM" show more of a solid direction change in this album. The guitar work in "UNELMA" is more adventurous and it shines best in the guitar solo while the general contrast between instrumentals and vocals in "PHANTOM" tastefully build off each other. "FAREWELL" is a beautifully slow, abstract, and smooth ballad but it sounds disjointed from the rest of the album. Because "AVANT GARDE" doesn't give a clear preview of the rest of the album, I would consider "EVIDENCE" as a better opening track. The first and last song should come full circle and translate a full summary of what the album is but these two tracks ended up being the only two completely fresh-feeling tracks on the album. 
    While the release itself is still very strong if you've never listened to lynch. before, it doesn't stray too far from their previous work. This doesn't go to say that the band is not progressing or trying new things but simply that there wasn't a significant change to really create that wow factor that avid listeners are looking for. Listening for the production quality alone you can tell they've tweaked a few minor things to make the depth of their songs a lot more prominent and they've even adopted a few new djent techniques. This album will translate well to live performances just as their past releases have which brings me to one conclusion. In the words of @Zeus, " If GALLOWS was 100% live lynch. and D.A.R.K. was blending the live side with their studio sensibilities, then to me AVANTGARDE feels 70% of the way between D.A.R.K. and GALLOWS but closer to GALLOWS."
    Support the band!
    CDJapan | iTunes (Japan)
  17. Like
    rekzer reacted to Takadanobabaalien in BatAAr new mini-album "GRAVITAS" release   
    For some reason?
    Because this is not news about a japanese artist or a band/artist signed in Japan. I can go as far as to thinking that YOHIO and his guys belong in this part of the forum because he lives in Japan and is signed there, but these guys.... nope.
    but to be on topic: it's shit. as always.
  18. Like
    rekzer reacted to nekkichi in BatAAr new mini-album "GRAVITAS" release   
    do they uhhhhh have.... liiiike.... fans?????
    edgy lyric video aside, they sound about as imaginative as whoever composed recent sadie albums
  19. Like
    rekzer reacted to togz in coldrain VAN'S WARPED TOUR live report [7/1, 7/2, 8/12 & 8/13]   
    coldrain have been putting in a lot of hard work touring America lately and I have to say how grateful I am. I was able to attend their tour late last year supporting Volumes and Northlane, but unable to see them on tour with Silverstein this past spring. So when they announced they were coming back with Vans Warped Tour in the same year I was beside myself. I've been attending Vans Warped Tour for almost 15 years now, so to start seeing bands from all over the world join in during the last few years has been a joy. And the fact that they are bands I previously supported means Kevin Lyman and his team absolutely know who their demographic is and what is coming on the horizon. The line up this year was already wonderful but the addition of coldrain made an easy choice even easier.
    Vinoy Park is one of my favorite outdoor venues in the country, and it happens to be a thirty minute drive from my house. It's waterfront, well shaded, and generally a lot more temperate than farther inland. But that doesn't mean it's immune to the horrible Florida humidity and heat. And if you aren't used to that heat it can really be a buzzkill. By 2:00pm when coldrain hit the stage, you could tell some of the band members were not quite acclimated to the temperature spike, and they had the privilege of playing at the absolute hottest time of the entire day. The thermometer may have only read 95℉, but it felt like much more packed inside of a crowd of warm bodies, that's for sure. 
    On both days I attended coldrain were slighted a bit in the schedule, they were set to play just after two southern region native bands with insanely loyal fanbases. Both were also amazing, high energy, and completely wore out their crowds. Today it was Whitechapel, deathcore favorites from Knoxville, Tennessee that dominated the Monster North stage. So moments after that on the adjacent Monster South stage when coldrain started their first song -the opening staple for the last year or so, "The Revelation"- only a handful of us were there to see it. It took a few minutes for the others in attendance to re-hydrate and make their way back, or hear them in passing and join the crowd to investigate. But by their second and third songs the crowd was starting to look lively again. It was hard not to. coldrain may not have been the heaviest band there, or the flashiest, but they play insanely catchy, hook-heavy, hard rock and everyone who even looked in their direction once they began playing had no choice but to nod along. 
    coldrain took the stage in the tried and true Warped Tour band 'uniform' clad in all black with some ripped jeans, save vocalist Masato's patched-up, sleeveless denim vest that harkened back to the tour's punk rock grassroots. Masato kept things jovial as he could between songs as he introduced them as a band all the way from Japan. "Yes, I said Japan," he teased at what I assume were a few confused looks from the crowd. They attacked their set and gave it a hundred and ten percent of their efforts. Both guitarists Y.K.C and Sugi kept up insane levels of energy, headbanging, kicking, and spinning along to a nearly flawless musical performance. RxYxO was probably the most interactive with the crowd during songs, as he yelled out for us to jump, scream, and clap along. Katsuma pounded on his drums in near mechanically precise meter. coldrain are a well oiled machine and anyone who sees them live can testify to it.
    But, even despite their almost ten years of experience playing concerts, effects from the heat are still unpredictable and can sneak up on you at any moment. The set list was designed to keep bumping up the energy with every song, and it did exactly as intended, but that also seemed to take a toll on Masato as nearing the end of "The Words of the Youth" when his face became so pale that everyone in the front row looked at each other in concern. The others seemed sweaty and tired, but Masato alone looked as if he'd faint at any moment. Though, that didn't stop him from screaming with everything he had. Maybe it looked worse than it felt to him at the time, but he did make a comment about the heat being ridiculous in the quiet moments before "The War is On" started up. That small break seemed to be just enough to give him whatever he needed to fight through the rest of the set and by the time they wrapped up the final song "Gone" it was almost all but forgotten. 
    That was until the meet and greet half an hour afterwards at their merch tent. coldrain were patient and kind to their fans, as they usually are. We did have a small exchange about the heat and there were a few curse words strewn along to describe it jokingly on both sides. They smiled for every picture and were happy to sign as many items as anyone asked for. Their level of professionalism isn't left on stage and they make an effort to make every fan feel appreciated. Their merch salesperson had a tip jar offering to teach how to "curse in Japanese", and we spoke with her a while as we purchased our coldrain swag (t-shirts, bandanas, and extra copies of VENA and The Revelation to get autographed). Needless to say we helped teach her a few more curse words that day as well. She also deserves a small shout out for being equally awesome and helpful.
    As the main problem for the Vinoy Park show had only been the heat, the problems for Tinker Field were just about everything else. coldainposted their set time was 7:00pm, with a 3:00pm meet and greet/autograph session. Our travel time to Orlando was only just over an hour, but there was no way we would agree to wait in the heat all day and have any kind of energy to dedicate to coldrain's set. Maybe I'm just getting old. But in any case, we decided to forego the meet and greet and enter the venue around 5:00pm. This was also compounded by the onslaught of rain that began right around 3:30. And by some miracle, we marched our way up to the entrance in the downpour only to have it stop just as they scanned our tickets. The J-Rock gods had blessed us and changed our luck. We were not going to take it for granted!
    As previously mentioned the schedule was none-too-kind, the band slotted just before coldrain were actual Florida boys this time, Wage War. And if you add to that the fact that it's been a while since they last played in their home state then you end up with a ton of concert-goers who followed Wage War directly to their merch tent the minute their set was over. The rest of us left were mostly soaked, sunburned, hungry, thirsty, and exhausted. Well, except my group, of course. But if we hadn't been lucky enough to attend two days in a row, that would have certainly been us right along side of everyone else. 
    As we hit early evening, the sun began to skim the horizon and coldrain took to the stage. They had opted to play the same set list for a second day in a row --not that anyone was complaining. The later set time and cool breeze after the rain had the band energized and ready to kick some ass, at least. Masato apologized for having "the most annoying band name of the day" but everyone did their best to keep the mood up. Masato smiled at everyone between songs, while Sugi sent out plenty of smiles and winks to anyone who watched him long enough as well. The rest of the band were totally into it and in their element as they played through the set. The crowd got hyped enough to keep the muddied mosh pit going through most of "Runaway" and "Words of the Youth". It was actually kind of amazing if you could see how dead everyone seemed between bands to how much energy coldrain managed to pull from the crowd. Hearing "Gone" at the end of the set was even more bittersweet since it may be a while before I get to see them again. But Masato's soaring vocals and the absolutely monstrous, anthemic drumming from Katsuma in this song just took it to another emotional level live that you can't find on the recording. Although, I highly recommend you get your hands on their most recent album VENA because it is still worth every penny. 
    Both days I was able to attend ended up being quite exciting and I'm happy to learn as the tour progressed coldrain's crowd grew day by day. I did get to enjoy a few other bands during the two days, namely some pop-punk favorites in New Found Glory and Sum 41 (who brought on all of the school yard nostalgia), and my emo not-so-guilty pleasures Emarosa and Too Close To Touch. Also worth mentioning is Volumes, who toured with coldrain previously and put on an equally intense show. It was a great year for fans of the tour and I hope they continue to bring in more foreign acts from Japan and other countries to broaden the musical palette of the predominantly young audience. 'Best day ever'? Pretty damn close.
    The Revelation
    The Words of the Youth
    The War Is On
    Auburn, WA + Portland, OR
    8/12 - 8/13
     I had the pleasure of experiencing coldrain live for the first time this past March. Prior to this show I hadn't really listened to them much. Their energy completely turned me around as they were arguably one of the best bands I have seen live, and if you're not already familiar with them you're definitely missing out. I remember asking Masato if they'd be back and all he mentioned was possibly summer. Immediately I thought of Vans Warped Tour since they're known for bringing bands like Crossfaith and One ok rock. A month or two later it was announced that they'd be joining the line-up for  all dates. I planned to attend two different dates of Warped Tour once I realized how many bands I wanted to see. 
    Because of morning traffic we arrived at the Whiteriver Amphitheater at 10:00am. We must have beat the rush because parking was a blessing and we got settled fairly quickly. Thanks to twitter, we already knew what time coldrain would be playing and what stage so we decided to hang out in the car until 11:30am getting a pre-buzz. (Don't do drugs stay in school.) After downing some drinks and eating some snacks, we headed in and secured a spot at the front of the stage. At this time it wasn't too hot just yet and the sun was still low so the stage actually provided us a nice shaded area. 
    We patiently waited at Monster Stage South was the stage and yet 12:30 felt so far away. We managed to warm up to the band that played before coldrain, which I can't quite recall what band it was but they were pretty rad. After they finished their set, the Monster Energy North stage blasted as coldrain began to set up their equipment.  It was in that moment that I realized the band playing next to them was a band I wanted to see for some time, The Word Alive.  I decided to watch them from afar since I didn't want to give up my spot so close to the stage. As soon as the other act was finished, coldrain's entrance music began. Soon enough, the members came out one by one to the stage and the fans shouted their names.  "The Revelation" was their opening track which was a great burst of energy to get the crowd moving. Despite it's heavier guitar work and really intense screaming, when the chorus hit the crowd was chanting it loudly as a whole.  The shouting and chanting of lyrics didn't end there. The guys continued to spew out their most popular pieces such as "WRONG", "No Escape", and "Runaway". 
    During their set, Masato gave a short MC to really encourage the crowd to get involved. Some people may have known this already, but Masato has family in Seattle. As he spoke the the crowd, we all learned that his niece and nephew were watching him perform for the very first time. He asked all of us for our help to sing the title that they'd play next to help him look like the "Coolest uncle he should be." Naturally all the fans yelled and shouted in agreement to help him in such a task. After that, "The War is On" began. I personally thought that was cute request and I'm sure the fans efforts really showed his niece and nephew just how cool he really was.
    "Gone" was the last track and before it even started, fans were already clapping to the beat of the intro. This song is upbeat and has a great bass and percussion flow to it, but people were more focused on singing their hearts out to this song to really go wild. It was amazing hearing so many people sing the words to this song. And here I thought not too many people knew about them when crowding the stage. I'd be surprised if the band wasn't impressed by the vocal efforts of the crowd. As their set ended, they thanked us and threw out a few picks and drumsticks and then fans scurried off to the merch booth for the signing/meet and greet that was scheduled shortly after. 
    I decided to buy all the merch that I wanted on this day so I wouldn't have to carry so much around the next day. I ended up buying the white tank top and the black and white marble tie-dye shirt. But of course I had to get something signed, and I wanted to be able to wash my shirts so that was out of the question. I bought VENA and The Revelation for $15 combined which was really a great deal. The only problem is now I have 3 copies of VENA!! All the more to share with friends. Anyway, with each purchase you got a pair of chopsticks with a little paper holder that had the bands logo. The booths tip box also had the phrase, "Leave a tip and I'll teach you some dirty words in Japanese." I felt disappointed because when I left a tip all I got was, "Arigatou!" I would have tipped anyway. It was cute and laughable but it was clear the band was very prideful and made it known where their home was. 
    The wait wasn't too long and off in the distance you could see the bands' heads over the line of people as they made their way over. The signing and meet and greet wasn't rushed in any way and everyone got to spend a reasonable amount of time with them. A few fans took quite a few pictures and even brought gifts. I myself asked for a selfie with each of them because I'm a selfish bastard. It worked out great because I took pictures while waiting for them to sign my CD anyway. That day i had worn a Her Name in Blood shirt and immediately their drummer Katsuma pointed it out (just as he did when I saw them the first time) with enthusiasm that he knew what I was wearing. The only difference from the first time I met them was the rest of the band noticed too. I was also surprised by how friendly they were and instead of offering a handshake or a fist bump, they welcomed me with open arms and smiles. After the hugs, autographs, chopsticks, and photos, I told them I'd see them the next day and Y.K.C. excitedly replied with, "YEAH?! You know it's last show!" I replied with, "It's gonna be so crazy!" and bid my farewells and continued the rest of the day. 
    The rest of the day was extremely hot and we spent most of our time standing under the water stations they had to drench people in. We did however manage to see a few other acts like Cane Hill, Veil of Maya, Wage War, and Issues. There were other acts I stopped for but they didn't exactly stick. We left around 6:30pm so we could get enough rest to make the 3 hour drive to Portland the next day.
    Man, oh man. Portland Expo Center is a nightmare. I swear I was tired before I even got through the gates. Even though we left at 6:30am, we were not parked and in to the venue until 12:30pm. That's 6 hours! Personally, I have been to this location for the same tour before and I remember it being the exact same nightmare. The space allowed for parking was so small near the actual site and even though we waited nearly 40 minutes in a huge line of cars we still ended up being redirected 10-15 minutes away.  Of course from this location they offered shuttles... in school buses. Nothing better than being surrounded by a bunch of teenagers on a school bus making your way over to Warped Tour. We decided to walk and got there before the shuttle did. 
    Getting to the venue after doors opened wasn't useful at all. The lines were still long and having the show the day before to compare to, I wasn't pleased. FINALLY! We got in and I didn't even bother looking at the schedule and I stormed past people to the Monster Energy South stage. It was slam packed as Veil of Maya was in the middle of their set. Thankfully, Veil of Maya is one of my favorites so I pushed my way past the pit and by the end of their set I was one person/row back. This made it easier for me to grab the railing as the Veil of Maya fans scurried off to their next band of choice. 
    You know, for not moving around much, my face was already drenched in sweat. Since it was later in the day the stage didn't provide any shade, and I could feel my skin frying. With the heat the wait just seemed so long, but I was able to converse with other coldrain fans who came specifically to see them. Two girls had driven all the way up from California and told me they'd seen them during earlier dates of the tour. This tour surprised me with how many people came just for coldrain, but it was clear a lot of people had just discovered them that day. 
    The set was pretty much the same only the crowd was way more energetic about each song than the previous show. It was the last day after all. This show had crowd surfers, moshing, and water bottles flying everywhere. Even the security guards got involved and threw water on to the crowd. After the set was over, they bid their farewells and thanked the crowd. Katsuma came by and threw some drumsticks. I couldn't jump high enough to catch them, but I still managed to get my hands on one, thanks to my friend who received it from a staff member that handed out the remainder laying around. Due to the heat and how crazy the crowd was that day, I literally felt like I was going to pass out. We found a nice shaded area near the band's booth while we waited. 
    This meet and greet was even more personal than Washington was and I was able to pass by and say hello to the guys several times even after the signing session had ended. I received a hug from each member and told them how great they did and that they should be proud. Masato was extremely genuine and I got the chance to really just chat with the guy.
    Overall, coldrain was fantastic and I'm definitely looking forward to their return whenever that may be. The stage set up and sound quality were the same for both venues, but I still prefer Auburn over Portland simply due to the heat and the poor staffing at the Portland Expo Center. In order to make both of these days just one flawless show, I would have it at the White River Amphitheater with the crowd from the Portland Expo Center.
    The Revelation
    The War is on
    No Escape
  20. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    2016/10/02 【大阪府】 なんばHatch
    01. 狂骨の鳴り / Kyoukotsu No Nari
    02. THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB (Symphonic Ver.)
    04. LOTUS (Symphonic Ver.)
    05. Midwife
    06. 滴る朦朧 / Shitataru Mourou
    07. 蜜と唾 (Piano Ver.) / Tsumi To Batsu
    08. DIABOLOS
    09. 流転の塔 / Ruten No Tou
    10. 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨
    11. Unraveling
    12. Cause Of Fickleness
    14. VANITAS
    15. Un Deux
    16. *New Song
    17. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    18. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa...
  21. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    2016/09/23 【長野県】 ホクト文化ホール
    01. 狂骨の鳴り / Kyoukotsu No Nari
    02. THE BLOSSOMING BEELZEBUB (Symphonic Ver.)
    04. LOTUS (Symphonic Ver.)
    05. Phenomenon
    06. Midwife
    07. 蜜と唾 (Piano Ver.) / Tsumi To Batsu
    08. DIABOLOS
    09. 流転の塔 / Ruten No Tou
    10. 「欲巣にDREAMBOX」あるいは成熟の理念と冷たい雨
    11. DECAYED CROW (Symphonic Ver.)
    12. 獣慾 / Juuyoku
    13. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    14. VANITAS
    15. Unraveling
    16. *New Song
    17. Sustain The Untruth
    18. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa...
  22. Like
    rekzer reacted to Shir0 in Monochrome Heaven Halloween Contest: Submissions   
    I'm happy to announce MH's very first Halloween Contest!
    The rules are simple to get this community into Halloween mood we want you to show us - for example your super scary costumes, creepy make-up or something else you prepared for this day like some freaking awesome decoration? you're free to chose whatever you want to do just be creative! Of course the winner will get a prize too  He/She will be decided via voting
    Deadline for the submissions will be the 10/24. Deadline for the voting will be the 10/31 
    I hope to see many of you taking part in this Contest, enjoy~ & good luck!

  23. Like
    rekzer reacted to Wicked Teletubby in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    2016/09/17 【京都府】 KBSホール
    01. *New Intro
    02. LOTUS (Symphonic Ver.)
    04. AMON (Symphonic Ver.)
    05. Cause Of Fickleness
    06. Phenomenon
    07. 滴る朦朧 / Shitataru Mourou
    08. 蜜と唾 (Piano Ver.) / Tsumi To Batsu
    09. DIABOLOS
    11. Unraveling
    12. 流転の塔 / Ruten No Tou
    13. 暁 / Akatsuki
    14. VANITAS
    15. *New Song
    16. 詩踏み / Utafumi
    17. Sustain The Untruth
    18. 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 / Hageshisa...
    new song has been described as fast, violent and heavier than Utafumi.
  24. Like
    rekzer reacted to ghost in BABYMETAL - Re-issue of "BABYMETAL" and "METAL RESISTANCE" limited edition albums   
    Here's a little sneak peak of the BABYMETAL paper sleeve release:

    Hard to tell but it looks pretty thin and it looks like it's only 4-panels. I was hoping it would be 6-paneled for a more deluxe look. "What do you expect, it's a a re-issue", right?!
    Also, content of the "BABYMETAL" DVD will be:
    1. Gimme Chocolate!! - World Tour 2015 Edition -
  25. Like
    rekzer reacted to Ro plz in lynch. new album "AVANTGARDE" release   
    Its the second one.
    You know how almost every great band has like one really terrible album?
    IBIM is that for me 
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