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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    ^Deleted your double comment, don't worry Also if you want a new model with your hair maybe you should explore the K-POP scene a bit. Many females have really nice hairstyles with mostly long hair like yours. At least that's what I'd do if I had the length of your hair xD Since you seem to be a 2NE1 fan (I saw you post in the topic) maybe that's something to check out?
  2. sai

    Sounds like a relaxing song, looking forward to it!
  3. sai

    I really like your cosplays Lily, I love how you make the entire costume yourself! You must have a lot of work doing so!
  4. sai

    Thanks for the videos Lily, don't worry about the quality I wasn't too fond (unlike most of the forum members) of their previous album, but I really liked the singles leading to it. I didn't like the singles leading to this so maybe they're turning this one around?
  5. They were just trolling us the entire time! What about the "we can't continue to be Kiryu without one of us" stuff? + one of the members starting to cry?
  6. sai

    Yes I did! Ever broke something in anger?
  7. sai

    Maiku wtf did you smoke this time?
  8. Great! Can't wait! I hope it's better than their previous one though.
  9. Secretly hoping it would be a regular album but oh well...and 1,550 yen for an album with 14 songs is really cheap!
  10. sai

    ^Is that just in general or directed at Lily? Second option: Lily is NOT fat, at all. If the first, I think that if the dressing up is good, the physique has very little to do with it.
  11. sai

    This new album is just...I don't know how awesome this is. There was only 1 song I didn't really like (Believe, a bit of a boring ballad, A Shared Dream and Orion were nice though), the rest is awesome! Great job U-KISS!
  12. sai

    _________________________________________________________ Agreed with whatever inartistic tried to flatline here. I thought PLAY DOLLs was a rather nice album from the UCP days. I don't listen it THAT frequently (not that I listen 12012 a lot, but I have moods in which I like to play their music) but for me PLAY DOLLs along with SEVEN are their best albums. FIREWALL was actually the last label I wanted them on tbqh lol. Not trying to start an argument, just my opinion.
  13. sai

    Along with Lycaon SuG review threads are the best.
  14. sai

    This is for me the KPOP version of 9GOATS BLACK OUT's [devils in bedside] (only less good). It's one of those mini's that I can't listen to on a daily basis, but when I'm tired or don't feel like upbeat music too much. No matter how much I love Daesung, I didn't really like the track that much. I liked BLUE, BAD BOY AND FANTASTIC BABY the most. BOOM SHAKA LAKA.
  15. sai

    That's why I don't have facebook
  16. sai

    And here I thought it couldn't get any trippier after Pimp My Cars.
  17. sai

    Heard from multiple people that it kind of...sucked. I'm going to try it for myself now.
  18. Anonymous advised doing it because with the new policy they would connect all the info from all your specific Google accounts (Google+, Google, YouTube etc.) and would know way more about you than they do now. I already deleted and halted mine.
  19. sai

    Probably because he pissed off all promoters in Europe (including this one while arranging the tour) so no one wants to work with him anymore?
  20. sai

    LOL @ this entire thread so far. Usually I'm in the minority when I don't like something from a band I've been into for over a year (apart from a few cases *coughEROScough*) but it's good to know that I wasn't the only one who thought this was utterfy shitty. But in all seriousness I really agree with Zess now. It's merely INSPIRATION, they're not plain copying because many bands have done it before. The thing that ticked me of was just the high operatic vocals. Anyway, let's hope the entire album won't end up like this, or it'll be worse than mar maroon.
  21. sai

    The one they played on the live? So it's only digital with two songs? I hope it'll be on US iTunes! I'm more excited for Illusion tbqh, lately I've been digging Kamijo's songs more than Hizaki's.
  22. sai

    From what I've seen Dirty GazettE. Dirty jrock I got mine published on (the trololol one) but that took about 2 weeks, so I'd give the other one a try.
  23. sai

    ^ Well I did so. You need some patience though, mine was only posted after like two weeks, so apparently they are busy? I'd say go for it. Let's try our worst and see who can think up the worst one.
  24. sai

    ^ Nope, I use acryllic paint But that's also a type of paint that uses some more water than regular paint types, so you noticed well! Thanks for the compliment <3
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