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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    nekkichi is a girl? Wow, big surprise for me! I always thought nekkichi to be a guy similar to Herpes lol.
  2. sai

    To be honest his solo sounded about everything 12012 has ever done. Even the vocalist he got sounded almost exactly like Wataru. It could've been a 12012 album, and personally I would've been content with that. This is a band I expect nothing groundbreaking from, just some decent songs I like to listen once in a while, so for me it would've been enough.
  3. sai

    Couldn't agree more Also to be quite honest, I don't like any of this. The vocals are awful, the drums do nothing interesting throughout the entire song, the bass slapping is unnecessary and doesn't match the song and the guitar does next to nothing than throw in some br00tal quick riffs at top speed that try to sound cool but are totally in the wrong place here. I want SEVEN back. And Yuusuke.
  4. sai

    ^ Yuusuke's probably laughing his ass off watching this PV right now
  5. sai

    I think it's a live DVD and that a bonus DVD might have some documentary material on it. That's my guess.
  6. sai

    Where on their OHP can I watch it? Is it the movie that always starts before you go to the menu? If so I can't watch it, that video never loads properly for me. Nvm. It was on YouTube. And damn that was even more awful than the preview.
  7. sai

    ^ Multiple bands do this, and it's quite frustrating that you sometimes have to wait weeks for an official announcement :/
  8. sai

    Please send this in a tweet and read his rage for the lulz. Tickets were already available weren't they? I'm not going because I don't like BLOOD, but I feel really sorry for you Lily
  9. sai

    It's just what I think they're doing, not my opinion. I would've loved to see some more DIM on there, but with shit you have to add shit. Compared to the new DVD I agree on the part that Ruki's performing abilities have decreased, especially when you compare it to the DIM SCENE DVD.
  10. sai

    ^ They did that as well on the NLSB tour :/ I think it fits their current direction better in comparison to play DIM songs with their upbeat stuff from SONY.
  11. sai

    ^ Thank you for telling! I hadn't noticed yet ^^ I saw the spot already and USELESS SUN has already been released, but still I like all the previews released up until now.
  12. sai

  13. sai

    I'm so sorry for this in advance dude but... Don't take it too seriously though, no need to get offended. I'm always like this when it comes to SuG titles. They're just so cheesy
  14. sai

    Champ has already stated that in a nicer way. This is not the way to make friends here.
  15. sai

    ^ Wow, that's sad. I saw the small commercial on TV and I already felt like it would just be a poorly written story with lots of CGI to make it look "cool". How much I loved Disney when they released the "Pirates of the Caribbean" trilogy (no trilogy anymore, I guess) this is just a huge fail on their part. Des' review made sure I'm not going to watch this movie.
  16. sai

    If you and I are the only ones posting it's not funny anymore. I demand the attention of other MH users.
  17. sai

    ^ We should make a new one, right :/
  18. sai

    ^ LOL FOREVER. ilu right now.
  19. sai

    ^ is a big fan of blessthefall!
  20. sai

    ^ Alright, thank you! I ordered and paid for the tickets. On last.fm people are also saying to order there, so I trust the shop a little more now. Anyone else going to Cologne?
  21. sai

    I'm not going to like this album. This sample sucked as well. Also this ^
  22. sai

    ^ I agree. I like listening to this once in a while, not because it's good but just because it's really catchy.
  23. sai

  24. sai

    That's right in the Olympic Games, I believe.
  25. sai

    People being embarrased for listening to Adele? They just can't deny they love this awesome singer. I'll know where to find you.
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