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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    Auntie Ann's?
  2. sai

    D'espairsRay - REDEEMER
  3. sai

    ^ Personally I think all three of them went from average to incredibly crappy this year.
  4. Do they have to be American or does European count as well? Only American bands I still listen too is Kamelot, and also a bit of Paramore.
  5. sai

    I wouldn't count too much on it. As long as FF Versus XIII isn't finished yet (and that one is for PS3) they won't release it just yet.
  6. sai

    Burnin' X'mas... That'd better be another awesome TMR cover loooool
  7. sai

    Reading gave me a Herpes vibe, but knowing Herpes he would've trolled differently, still amazing though
  8. sai

    @Mister Svperstar, that looks yummy <3 @Zesshoku, Zesshoku sandwich?
  9. sai

    Nice The album will most probably follow afterwards, at least, if it is like they told us.
  10. sai

    Well that's one way to put it.
  11. sai

    Ask our MH member Ryu. She's an acquantice of Steff, so you might be able to get in contact through her.
  12. sai

    I can't tell you any places where they have merchandise, but HMV sells manga and European editions of Japanese CD's. That's as far as I can help you with that. A few spots you should visit in London include the regular spots: Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace etc. Buckingham Palace has "Changing of the Guards" at a certain time, and that's kind of nice to watch as well. Traveling by subway is also really nice, it's a great way to get around and the London underground is incredibly safe. I also recommend a walk through Hyde park, you can find some nice memorials there as well. When it comes to dinner I suggest you have dinner at Sticky Fingers at least once. Sticky Fingers is the restaurant of ex-Rolling Stones member Bill Wyman. The entire restaurant is decorated with Rolling Stones records, bass guitars and electric guitars. There are some nice posters in there as well and you can even buy the official shirts the staff wears (I did ) Most of the staff are more alternative types with tattoos and piercings (they don't mind people wearing them) and the prices are acceptable for a London restaurant. Try their burgers, they're amazing. If you're not full after, try their desserts, those are also amazing! And most importantly, have fun !
  13. sai

  14. sai

    Lol what did you do this time?
  15. Maybe one of the members is ill? I mean, disbandment at the start of a tour still sounds kind of strange to me.
  16. sai

    I've been having troubles now as well. Somehow the tracks I play will be scrobbled on the device but when I check my last.fm profile online it won't show anything :/ Still worked fine yesterday.
  17. That's how I like my D=OUT. Fun, upbeat and some crazy stuff.
  18. sai

    The parents of my friends are also willing to drive if my parents won't do it, so I might be able to go, not jumping to any conclusions though.
  19. sai

    ^Southern Netherlands. The last train in Holland arrives at around midnight, which means I wouldn't be able to get back. They ARE considering it though, taking me to Belgium and back.
  20. sai

    Not exactly in the anime situation, but Orochimaru from Naruto taught me how to park a car backwards into an open space once xD He wasn't that good at it either and hit the car behind us, bumping his head on the steering wheel as a very angry owner approached us. Ever had a really weird dream?
  21. sai

    LOL those first week sales for XIII-2 are just sad. Still planning on buying it though.
  22. ^Don't forget to post your thoughts on it as well, if you'd like Yeah, that album was the reason I got into them in the first place, never thought they were anything special until they released this ilttle gem. I'm still waiting for my copy, it was shipped 13 days ago, but since our post office is lazy you can't count in the Sundays and Mondays xD I hope it arrives soon though!
  23. sai

    Yes, because of a brain test at the hospital (had to stay up for at least 24 hours). Man was I baked after that. Ever got so wasted you forgot a whole evening?
  24. sai

    K-pop! (my avatar already betrayed that answer) J-Rock or K-Rock?
  25. ^ Depends. The Boys didn't have that much, but Oh! and the first one did. If you're looking for an all dance album by them you should try their first full Japanese album. It has no ballads, only up tempo songs It's in my best of 2011 album list as well, so that's really high for SNSD in my book. Their Japanese is pretty good as well. MV for said album here: 9gQs7damTIE Hyoyeon always has me lol'ing at the end (she's the one on the utter left at the end part when they're walking away). damn bitches gonna hate. I high recommend it! All songs are equally good.
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