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Everything posted by sai

  1. sai

    I find it to be quite boring, but I sort of expected this already (Zess we were actually right!). What annoys me most is the uninterested way Ruki is singing, but that's been around ever since the switch to SONY. Expectations have pretty much lowered from zero to "I really don't give a fuck anymore". If Disc 1 is going to be DIM mixed with SR, I most certainly hope they're not going to combine both styles in a single song, for that would probably not end well.
  2. sai

    We'll miss you indeed Good luck with whatever comes your way!
  3. I wonder how this'll turn out.
  4. sai

    Fun example for this thread: I was just doing some sightseeing when I ran into two Japanese guys who were taking their pictures separately, so my dad asked them if he should make a photo of them together, to which they thanked him and handed him their camera. I took a photo with them as well and then my mother felt like telling them that I like Japanese music, so I just replied with "yeah, I love some of your bands". I gave LUNA SEA and BUCK-TICK as examples, and one of the two knew the name LUNA SEA, but BUCK-TICK didn't ring any bells.
  5. Ja, zoiets. Ik denk dat 't begon met wat fanvideos van een video game die ik nogal tof vond toendertijd.
  6. sai

    ^ I was thinking of doing that. Did you pre-order it at yesasia or CDJapan?
  7. sai

    the GazettE - DIM (limited edition) Coldplay - Mylo Xyloto
  8. sai

    Holy shit. European Union rejected ACTA two weeks ago though, plus I think the Netherlands are safe: This afternoon the Dutch party D66 along with VVD have filed a protest against ACTA, claiming that internet privacy should remain and that so called “copyrighted images” should be allowed to be put on the internet. More than half of the parliament members voted for this protest, which results in the fact that ACTA will not be of use in the Netherlands, no matter if the European Parliament choses to accept it. So in the end the EU didn't accept it, but still. Here they are against the fact that people will be monitoring everything you do on the net.
  9. sai

    yes! The reality of the scary dream of MOO. Off-topic: These new smilies are slightly disturbing lol Or a spread of Kyo's spare time now that he was out of the business for a while (preferably shopping for new washing machines)
  10. sai

    They should've cut down on the lipstick though.
  11. sai

    The Avengers movie poster A book about Asgard (Germanic myths and legends, found it at some old market for 5 euros) Notebook with the British flag
  12. sai

    Super Junior - Rockstar
  13. sai

    ^ No, not specifically at you, or I would've mentioned your username. This is just in general, because what I've seen on the previous page is civil behaviour until we get around halfway. It's news, so you're free to discuss it. However, if people are going to throw insults in eachother's faces than I'd rather have you do it through PM and not in here.
  14. sai

    Can we please keep this a bit more civilized? Thank you very much.
  15. sai

    We don't pretend that we created the music though :'D Haha, burn. I think the main reason for people being upset is not the stealing of the images itself, but merely the fact that he uses these images to pretend things that never even happened. Whether this is just to get attention or for some other reason, it still is pretty sad.
  16. Sounds interesting. Nice to see NAOKI back
  17. Dear god, someone else thinks this too? I really believe Ayame's style of playing (obvious cheap string sounds that don't mask the fact that they're being played on a keyboard) is a detriment to the band. That and the fact that Sono sounds squeaky and overuses the shit out of VK-vibrato. They surprise me every once in a while though, so hopefully these releases will be more hit, less miss. Yes, but not on an initial listen. I gave Justice a spin and found it to be quite decent, but when I went to replay it I turned it off halfway because I wanted to brickstone Ayame so badly with his godawful synth. You're major, get some decent equipment. Sono I got quite used to, but on some tracks he does sound a bit...overly present. I actually think the last release of them I really liked was Abyss, so I hope they'll be making another mini as well.
  18. sai

    I think it sounds kind of catchy, but not really my cup of tea. Especially because the vocalist sounds like he has tennisball in his throat at some points.
  19. sai

    I'm excited to see what they'll come up with
  20. I'm guessing the first one will have some Justice leftovers, which I'm not overly fond of. Justice itself tried to be too "epic" and had too much Ayame. I hope they're going to tone down on the synth as well.
  21. sai

    I hope it's better than their recent major singles.
  22. sai

    Zess really needs to step it up with his profile in order to win over this.
  23. sai

    Let me just start by saying that I really didn't like Dying Message, and (as I have already stated somewhere in the minichat I believe) if I had known beforehand that D was running out of ideas I would've kicked ASAGI in the nuts at the show in May. Huang Di wasn't that good either (the title track was, but the rest of the mini fell short) and it all seemed to have the same formula. But this is not the review thread for Dying message, it just shows that I entered this single with no expectations whatsoever. Danzai no Gunner I'd like to dub as In the name of justice pt.2. I am not surprised, seeing as this is part of their "saga", but it doesn't excuse them for explicit lack of originality that they used to display so very often. Danzai no Gunner however is a typical D track all in match with the earlier mentioned formula, yet this isn't as boring as I expected it to be. The solo is lacking, but it has been for a while to be honest. For the rest I like the droning sound it has, the chorus (that I liked more than I liked it on the initial preview) that is very addicting and overall I like it a lot better than Dying Message already. I'd give it a 7.8/10, but I think this will grow on me. Luminous Flame is something I haven't seen D do before, and I was pleasantly surprised with this. The sort of power metal influence this seems to have works well, though the drumming and chugging are a bit too much at certain points. I get the feeling it's trying to be too "metal", if you catch my drift. However, they seem to make it work, so I'm actually happy they're experimenting again. 7.5/10 The third track also contains some experimentation, but it feels kind of disorganized and messy. I can hear the ideas and what they were trying to do, but the way it was executed was below their level of mastering. However, I'm giving them extra credits just for the fact that they're not clinging to their typical "Generic A-side, br00tal B-side, ballad B-side + something in between concept" and actually try to make it work. 7/10 Solitude ~最後の手紙~ is a decent ballad, but I've seen them do better ones. However, compared to most other recent ballads, this is rather good. I think this one will even grow on me more. 7.5/10
  24. Stonden die in de peilingen momenteel niet op twee zetels ofzo ? Zoiets meen ik gelezen te hebben, geweldig.
  25. sai

    Meaning An Cafe has its own level of bad? (not that I listen to them, but still this impression made me laugh) Agreeing with Panda about the pirates.
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