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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. Mr Bacon

    Here I'll post whatever musical stuff I do from time to time. I did a little cover of The Script's "Nothing" yesterday, listen to it here. -gone- It's not perfect but decent enough.
  2. Mr Bacon

    The samples don't make me happy. Aika and Hiyoka can do way better.
  3. Hahaha wow @ that title. But the title track doesn't sound bad, pretty decent actually.
  4. Mr Bacon

    When I'm with my band we practice at some place that rents practice locations lol. Sound isolation, speakers, amps, drumkit, mixpanel. At home I just run my guitar through a mini-amp, Orange Crush Pix 12watt. Sound's decent enough for at home.
  5. Mr Bacon

    So I've been cheated on for the first time. My gf broke up with me last saturday. Thursday she told me "I don't feel the same way about you anymore" and we had lots of talks and saturday she decided to end it. That night we had a long conversation and she admitted she still loved me but just was having a hard time emotionally. We'd be broken up but she'd come back to me in a while because she felt we belonged together. We also decided we wouldn't go out with anyone else in the meantime. So, I was sad but happy at the same time because it would all turn out okay in the end. Yesterday I got signs that she and this Paul person were dating. She told me it wasn't like that but people only thought they were dating. Alright, I believe that. And today I find out she is actually dating this Paul guy. I text her "I know about you and Paul, don't lie to me anymore" "what?" "I read it, the truth. now" "alright I dated him but it's over already" "then why does your status this morning say "Off to school and loving Paul"?" "alright he's my bf but I'll break up with him for you, for us!" I love her. But this is just wow. Lying and lying and lying. I don't know anymore.
  6. Mr Bacon

    My gf is breaking up with me. Can't get any better.
  7. Mr Bacon

    Damn. Didn't expect Yuuki to leave since it's really his band, he writes all the music and stuff. But yea his voice again... I haven't really listened to the last 3 singles but I used to like the band so yea that's sad.
  8. I know that, but thank you. I was thinking about their demo tapes and possible(?) VHS Do they have VHSes? I didn't know! And yea their demotapes are really hard to get, I've seen WALK up for auction one time the last 2 years and it went for about 12000yen.
  9. Pool's mini-album is pretty easy to buy I think. HERE actually.
  10. So want to see that, Linda + Masashi = epic.
  11. Mr Bacon

    Ohh pretty cool, they weren't bad.
  12. Mr Bacon

    Yea it sounds really good, shame of the autotune but ah well, it's not annoying here. Love the main riff.
  13. Mr Bacon

    Pushing me Away, Papercut, Forgotten, those are tracks that'll stay with me for a long time. Not because of the meaning but because of the memories.
  14. Mr Bacon

    WHAT THE FUCK One of the last few cool visual kei bands
  15. Mr Bacon

    Hoping for that too. They're totally able to make one. And yea Zetsubou Kinenbi is great. Iwan's solo is amazing and I love the vocals, even Gokimi's part in the chorus.
  16. Sucks, I liked his voice :/
  17. Mr Bacon

    You don't like me?
  18. Holy fuck I need this. Especially the 2nd one.
  19. Mr Bacon

    Nachi is one of the better backing vocalists out there, I really liked his harmonies with kyotaro.
  20. Mr Bacon

    I see em, why'd you cut the fro off man?
  21. Mr Bacon

    Wow limited 30 lol, that's...underground. But yea the difference is that they won't be playing eight songs now. Still hoping for Werkmare covers like they did in eight.
  22. Mr Bacon

    Wasn't this announced already like a year ago? I've known the name for ages at least. And yea, the vocalist is female.
  23. Mr Bacon

    Ohhhyea this gets better n better.
  24. Mr Bacon

    Oh yea. Gokimi never disappoints!
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