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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. There's a sample for the 2nd song on their myspace; http://www.myspace.com/tokyoheroes. It sounds pretty good, and I think this is the heaviest song masayoshi ever wrote(since he usually writes the soft songs...)
  2. Mr Bacon

    Holy fuck. I was right about them playing 1,3,4 and 5. Also what is overdose? Probably never released...
  3. Mr Bacon

    He left the band to return to Jinkaku Radio as their guitarist again...
  4. Interesting...Yu-tan is a good composer and singer so I'm looking forward to this!
  5. Mr Bacon

    I want to see that T_T
  6. Mr Bacon

    Lol not even stuff from their first 3 releases. That was when they were actually cool.
  7. Mr Bacon

    miss you seems to be a new song?
  8. Mr Bacon

    Yes finally!
  9. Mr Bacon

    Didn't the vocalist sing in tosinn's Time Alone?
  10. Mr Bacon

    Yea that's what I thought. He's really good, but I like his style better in Tokyo Heroes...
  11. Mr Bacon

    Who is their current guitarist? This guy kinda looks like Iwan/John... And upright bass, how cool is that!
  12. The preview of Sixth Sense sounded pretty damn good! And Under wasn't bad either in the second half. I might be looking forward to this.
  13. Mr Bacon

    Oh man it almost sounds like Crows is back. And the second song is a Crows cover, with a different title. It was originally called 世界の終わりとと名も無き詩。, was on the White Disc. But it sounded very different. Man I really missed his voice.
  14. Mr Bacon

    Man, I still want to hear that. Nachi/Chifu CAN sing, really would like to hear him do lead vocals.
  15. Mr Bacon

    I need help! Is there anyone currently in Japan who has access to a Japanese bank? I need to make a payment but don't have any access. If it's necessary there'll be a compensation fee for the trouble. Thanks!
  16. I like how they're kind of poppy now but still interesting. Their compositions are layered really nicely. Anyway looking forward, liked almost all of their stuff so far!
  17. Wow, now that's sad news... He was pretty cool, so was Oto-Oni. Rest in peace.
  18. Mr Bacon

    No lion king songs?
  19. Mr Bacon

    Oh man that's almost Zero-One! But still I like Hidetora but Asuto was way better, what's he up to nowadays?
  20. Mr Bacon

    Ryou and Oisuke! Now that is cool!
  21. Mr Bacon

    Damn that sounds awesome. Linda's guitar skills have improved.
  22. Mr Bacon

    Oh fuck. I need this.
  23. Mr Bacon

    Holy fuck that's awesome.
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