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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. Mr Bacon

    Wow now I am looking forward to this. This could be their best work yet! And even if not, it'll be the first worthwile stuff they've put out since 2006. And I think Wataru took singing lessons(thank God), he actually sounds good now! And he can finally do his harmony vocals in tune haha.
  2. Mr Bacon

    This, pretty much.
  3. This was the first CD I bought from my own money, still own it. And this was the first one I bought by myself.
  4. Mr Bacon

    Alright, time for an update. This is my band, Skinny as a Whale. We're a rock band with grunge, stoner, punk and alternative influences(and a lot more) from The Netherlands. The band originally started as a 3-piece band in 2011, I joined the band in 2012 as vocalist/rhythm guitarist. By now we have a new guitarist and bassist, the drummer is the only original member left. Here's a live clip of us: Here you can listen to our demo: http://soundcloud.com/skinnyasawhale If you like what we do, check us out and like us at http://facebook.com/skinnyasawhale I'll post important updates in this topic, thanks for checking out my band!
  5. Savatage best album because it had a second disc with rare bonus tracks. I was like 8 and wanted rarez already.
  6. Mr Bacon

    I should have that version of over again somewhere, if I find it I'll send you a PM!
  7. Mr Bacon

    Yea Thirsty is probably my favourite too. But Ringing and RAT are great too. Such a shame they never did anything with those songs.
  8. Mr Bacon

    No chance(if you mean Decay, And to the End, Scene in the Misereal). Ever since 2007/2008 they've denied the existance of those(even though they're still their best work to this day).
  9. Mr Bacon

    The only demo I own by them is 思考回路と遮断神経, and other than that I only have CONP and NeoCrimes. I used to have scans on my old laptop but it died some time ago, and now I have no scanner...sorry!
  10. Radwimps influence much lol. Musically definitely not bad, but his voice... Not sure what to think of it yet.
  11. Mr Bacon

    Mine: http://soundcloud.com/bryanvdst
  12. Mr Bacon

    Most recent pic of me.
  13. Mr Bacon

    Went on a VK shopping spree for the first time in a year or so. TOKYO HEROES - 英雄中毒 √eight - 宣戦布告 (VHS) クロウズ - 2006年12月30日限定無料配布LIVE音源 クロウズ - サヨナラ行進曲 國立少年 - ki.se.tu (2nd) 國立少年 - K.Y.O.T.O 12012 - Knight mare (first press) 12012 - ベルサレム (first press)
  14. Mr Bacon

    K from Pay Money To My Pain's English was pretty good too. And Haneto's vocalist's English is decent.
  15. Mr Bacon

    Awoi in Netherlands. And for the love of god, bring Tokyo Heroes to Europe. Anywhere.
  16. REALLY interested in this but also very scared they'll fuck the songs up completely. Bottom of the Death Valley and Karasu are both great songs (most of them are actually) and I'd like to see how they've reworked them, but afraid it's gonna be a letdown.
  17. Mr Bacon

    Wow noway, that is so unexpected. I loved him in Gun Dog, and PMTMP was also a good band. RIP, very saddening.
  18. Mr Bacon

    Wow really cool Shaka still does stuff with Pool and Acmahead songs!
  19. Good work, like it! Hadn't commented on the band cover yet but it sounds really good! What kind of mic do you use to record the vocals?
  20. Mr Bacon

    Dude stay in a band for once... hope Akito won't disappear.
  21. Mr Bacon

    No news on Kouta. Kyotaro changed his name to Kyo and is now the singer of Cockroach, non-visual band.
  22. Mr Bacon

    Holy fuck I need this.
  23. Wow Radwimps-inspired look much. Music is decent.
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