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Mr Bacon

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Everything posted by Mr Bacon

  1. Mr Bacon

    Sucks, even though their last releases weren't all that, I still think they were better than most of the other relatively big bands out there. Now for a new band with Tsukasa on vocals...
  2. Mr Bacon

    Lol that would be a pretty good move.
  3. ...Lame. Now how will they keep the cool logo
  4. Mr Bacon

    Didn't they release a song aaaaages ago with that name, as MaveRick?
  5. Mr Bacon

    Figures, hopefully Galapagoss will stay around longer.
  6. Mr Bacon

    I'm on the right of course.
  7. Mr Bacon

    Want this.
  8. Mr Bacon

    Oh wow that's the worst I've heard in a while. Crazy shampoo was actually decent but this...lol.
  9. Mr Bacon

    Ling Tosite and The Unique Star, I love em both. TUS is a bit easier to get into, more pop-like, but I like em both. amazarashi is amazing. Everything they do is golden.
  10. Mr Bacon

    Lol MH. I remember cocklobin being praised because their music was cool before, now all I read is Nigu is fat. And he's nowhere near fat. It gets old after a few posts you know. ANYWAY, PV preview is boring but song is decent. Nigu still has a good voice.
  11. The Heroes need to find a new guitarist and come back already.
  12. Mr Bacon

    Current gear Guitar 90s Fender Strat Mex, candy apple red. It's dying so I need a new one. Amp An Orange Crush Pix 12L. Really small one, just for at home so the neighbours won't complain. Bugera V22 valve combo. Lovely sound for a cheap price. The clean channel is just wow. Pedals (in order) This1sMyne Mini Solo Booster Digitech Bad Monkey Devi Ever Torn's Peaker Malekko Ekko 616 EHX LPB-1 ISP Decimator I'll add my dream gear later.
  13. Mr Bacon

  14. Mr Bacon

    The döner is a lie?
  15. This is a cool new band formed in 2010, and they just released their first demo! 6tEk9FVBy_w
  16. Mr Bacon

    Cool. Their previous album didn't do much for me but I loved all of their other stuff.
  17. Mr Bacon

    So much better than Floppy! And yea Gokimi is awesome.
  18. Mr Bacon

    Too obvious, bio.
  19. The moment I read Aoi I thought "Aha april fool's".
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