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Posts posted by R/O

  1. 21 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Sounds like that one girl from central America who claimed Yoshiki, Kamijo, Mana and idk who else would possess her in her dreams and perform satanic rituals on her and shit. She went on about it for so long that Yoshiki has been known as "the satanic hag" on Hispanic VK for years now.

    Yikes. She went so far that her antics actually impacted the fandom slang? Just yikes

  2. 3 hours ago, astra☆ said:

    I felt based on Deep Sanctuary, Kamijo was a really great fit for them. I think it's because I hear elements of the three original vocalists in his voice; Klaha's 'smoothness', Gackt's general tone and slight nasality, Tetsu's power and vibrato. If they ever get back together in an official sense, I'd really like to have him on the records. Though, I thought all three did well, so I wouldn't be disappointed about any of them.

    In a general sense, I find it a little strange that despite their immense popularity, there haven't been a lot of other acts that have tried to recreate a similar sound of any of their eras (at least, that I know of). They've got a sound that is uniquely Malice Mizer. On one hand, I think it's great they're still so prolific, on the other, I'm sad we haven't had more music like it.

    It’s weird, because while Kamijo is—as you said—the better fit on paper, it sounds like there was more chemistry with Hitomi.  I can’t quite describe it... but it sounded way less scripted. I wasn’t gonna put a penny on them getting properly back together until I heard “N•p•s N•g•s”. That song was just so coordinated. Now... I don’t see them back “full time” because I don’t think the guitarists would be able to balance the creative input like that (keep in mind that they’re both bandleaders now), but I wouldn’t rule out the band being revived as a side project type of thing.


    As for “no imitators”... well... 


  3. 4 hours ago, astra☆ said:

    I recall reading a story about someone (it may have been here actually) who claimed Kami was their friend irl and they played together in their dreams. They were completely obsessed with him. I wonder if people like that feel a little silly, or if they truly believe that artists contact them through the spiritual world...

    Oh f**k. I read that too—it was on Reddit iirc—and well... the toxicity of that person is superior to that of cyanide. The “I see dead people” bit was just the tip of the shitberg. Treating the OP like that... yeeesh.


    @psychonnect_rozen I believe this is a shining example of the toxicity I mentioned earlier btw.

  4. On 9/26/2014 at 5:19 AM, Peace Heavy mk II said:



    I would say "Never Forget," but unfortunately I try my best to forget every day and it isn't working.

    ...Pro tip #1 for covering a song: DO NOT copy the original’s video AND look like that. Especially not when the original band looked that distinctive. It’s just gonna look silly 99% of the time...


    as for the original band... they have many, many videos which I’m tempted to include, but something always saves them from cheesiness fsr...

  5. 2 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    How toxic are they? 


    I guess I can compare this to Kurt Cobain. I love Nirvana as much as the next guy, but Kurt stans are weird. Like, he’s one of my favourite guitarists but geez his fans are weird. I remember there was a shirt of his suicide note that was being sold one time.  


    Granted, I’ve never seen someone claming to see Kurt’s ghost or whatever but it’s still crazy nonetheless. 

    Oh, I managed to avoid direct interaction with them, but I’ve heard awful stories. People who call them out often get told to go kill themselves or worse.


    ...that’s even crazier than the ghost.

  6. 7 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:



    I’m fine if your just tributing to a long gone artist that has inspired you or what not go ahead but this is just weird.


    I mean, I’ve seen weird ass fandoms before *cough* Columbiners *cough* but just leave em alone

    And the problem is just how freakin toxic they tend to be. Just because they’re in perpetual mourning and “see” dead people doesn’t mean they can be assholes to the living... did you ever run into any of them?

  7. 13 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Ok that’s just disrespectful. Honestly, that pisses me off. 


    Like I like Hide and Taiji but holy shit that’s just extremely stupid and rude. 

    I mean, I can understand the ones that attribute significance to a dream. It goes beyond that though... and it becomes just eww... and they don’t only infest the X Japan fandom... I’ve seen them among the fans of pretty much every band that had anyone die.

  8. I may be in the minority here... I love all eras, don’t get me wrong, but Klaha era is one of the best things to ever happen to VK  to music. Bara no Seidou, especially. That album is pure beauty. I remember when I first heard it... when it ended, I was like “where TF was I for the past 51 minutes and 42 seconds?” It just transports the listener in its own world. The picture it paints is second in vividness only to Dir en grey’s Dum Spiro Spero, and far more delicate. It’s like it’s a whole album-length song, honestly. I can’t even think of listening to the songs alone (with the exception of “Kyomu no Naka de no Yuugi”). 


    Anyone here agree?


  9. Quote

    “I thought Mana was hawt, but then I looked under the skirt. D:<„

    Laughs maniacally in bisexual 



    Aside from jokes (and the nitwit I quoted), it looks like 60% of the criticisms are about fans... and yeah some fans can be class X PITAs. But really, I bet these guys listen to what they claim to hate as a guilty pleasure... more disgruntled ex-fans than anything...

  10. I dreamed that I had to take a plane to return from visiting family in another country (for context, I’m terrified of flying), and so I tried to wake myself up but found myself in a similar situation, and after a few times I was perfectly aware that I was dreaming, but still could neither control the dream nor wake myself up. Every time I tried to avoid the plane or wake up, it would repeat itself. Let’s just say I welcomed the alarm when it finally rang.

  11. Not really “one” band, to be honest. First a friend recommended Diru, which I liked, but I didn’t go and look for other bands. Then I had an internet run-in with some of those  X-Japan fangirls, and decided to see what the fuss was all about. At about the same time, the aforementioned friend recommended the first two songs on Merveilles to me, and I liked them but it all kinda fell by the wayside. And then, months later, I decided to listen to the rest of MM’s discography. Let’s just say I’m mildly obsessed with them now.

  12. ...pronounced “Ar-o”, “Ro” or “Rio”, it doesn’t really matter.


    I live in the States, I’m learning to play bass, and I’m actually still getting into the genre... I think that’s all there is to say about me right now?


    See you around!



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